WWE NXT 2.0 Results (7/12/2022): NXT Women's Title Match, Vinci vs Crews, Solo Sikoa vs Von Wagner + More

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 7/12/2022 edition of WWE NXT 2.0, live on USA Network. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

- There was a video package highlighting The Great American Bash 2022, which included Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez winning the NXT Women's Tag Team Championships and JD McDonagh making his NXT return attacking NXT Champion Bron Breakker.

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- After showing video footage of Roxanne Perez being laid out in the NXT 2.0 Parking Lot. Wade Barrett and Vic Joseph welcomed the audience to the broadcast, transitioning to the opening match.

Giovanni Vinci vs. Apollo Crews.

The match began with Vinci and Crews locking up, with Vinci transitioning into a guillotine choke. Vinci turned the guillotine into a side headlock, which Crews reversed with a headlock takedown. The two collided in an attempt at two-shoulder tackles. Vinci hit a chop on Crews before hitting him with a lariat. Vinci and Crews exchanged chops before Crews hit a dropkick on Vinci. Crews chopped Vinci in the corner. Crews hit a middle rope neck breaker on Vinci for a near fall. Vinci hit a German Suplex on Crews, sending him outside of the ring. Vinci launched Crews into the barricade. Back in the ring, Vinci choked Crews with the middle rope before a rope break. Vinci hit a spinning neck breaker on Crews for a near fall. Vinci launched Crews with an Irish Whip into the turnbuckle. crews launched forearm strikes on Vinci, but Vinci launched Crews into the top rope before getting a near fall. Vinci got Crews in a guillotine choke, but Crews broke the hold by punching Vinci's midsection. Vinci hit a running back elbow on Crews. Vinci hit an elbow strike on Crews' neck before going for another guillotine choke. Vinci held the hold for a long while before Crews launched him into the mat with a facebuster. Crews and Vinci exchanged strikes. Vinci went for a spring rope forearm, but Crews caught him with a dropkick in mid-air. Crews hit an enziguri kick from behind, a lariat, and three German Suplexes on Vinci for a near fall. Crews went for a pump kick, but Vinci caught the kick and hit a stiff lariat. Vinci hit a standing brainbuster on Crews for a near fall. Vinci got Crews in a roll-up for a near fall, but Crews reversed it with an enziguri kick. Crews hit a powerbomb on Vinci, but Vinci rolled out of the ring. Xyon Quinn hit a forearm strike on Crews and brought him back in the ring. Vinci hit the Last Ride Bomb on Crews for the pinfall win.

Winner: Giovanni Vinci.

- NXT Women's Tag Team Champion Cora Jade was interviewed by McKenzie Mitchell, saying that Perez's attack had Toxic Attraction written all over it. Jade hoped Perez would pull through for the night, but said that if she did not, the "three bitches", as Jade referred to Toxic Attraction, would have hell to pay.

- There was a vignette showing Tiffany Stratton getting a manicure, saying that her nails still have dirt on them after her match against Wendy Choo. Stratton said that she wanted to see who was going to win the match for the NXT Women's Championship in the Main Event.

- Cameron Grimes came to the ring to cut an in-ring promo. Grimes said that he wanted to come up with an excuse for not being NXT Championship, but he could not. He nearly said that he lost the NXT North American Championship, but said the mistake was nearly made because he still had the title in his mind. JD McDonagh interrupted Grimes saying that Grimes showed a ton of heart, but stated that Grimes should do his crying in the back. McDonagh told Grimes that he became old news 60 seconds after he came in. McDonagh. Grimes accurately pointed out that McDonagh was not the Irish Ace, but rather the Irish Asshole. Grimes and McDonagh brawled in the ring before McDonagh rolled out of the ring.

- NXT Tag Team Champions Brutus Creed & Julius Creed were watching a video tape of their match with Damon Kemp. Roderick Strong slandered Kemp for telling The Creed Brothers that he would love to run it back, which he followed by challenging him in a match for the 7/19/2022 edition of NXT.

- McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Grayson Waller, with Waller hooting and hollering for losing the NXT North American Championship match against Carmelo Hayes due to Wes Lee interfering.

Kayden Carter (w/ Katana Chance) vs. Tatum Paxley (w/ Ivy Nile).

Carter and Paxley locked up before Carter did a leg takedown on Paxley. Paxley got Carter in a Fujiwara Arm Bar before transitioning into a pin attempt for a near fall. Paxley did a leapfrog, but Carter stomped Paxley's neck. Carter got Paxley in an inverted figure four, but Paxley broke the hold with a rope break. Paxley got Carter in a spring rope small package for the pinfall win.

Winner: Tatum Paxley (w/ Ivy Nile).

- Joe Gacy and The Diad, now known as a trio Schism, revealed that The Diad will reveal their identities on the 7/19/2022 edition of NXT 2.0.

- Sanga, Yulisa Leon, and Valentina Feroz were watching a video of Sanga doing a cannonball on top of Duke Hudson into a pool. Hudson interrupted them by challenging Sanga to a match.

- There was a vignette of Fallon Henley and NXT UK Tag Team Champions Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen in a bar. Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) walked into the bar. Pretty Deadly nearly threw hands-on Briggs & Jensen, but Henley stopped proceedings before challenging Pretty Deadly for a match.

Sanga vs. Duke Hudson.

Hudson was pushed by Sanga. Hudson hit corner spears on Sanga. Sanga hit a short-corner splash on Hudson before tossing Hudson into the turnbuckle. Sanga hit a shoulder tackle on Hudson. Hudson pulled Sanga from the mustache before hitting a DDT for a 1-count kick out. Hudson hit two cross-face strikes before pulling Sanga's hair off the chest. Sanga threw right arm strikes before hitting a corner splash and a side slam, followed by an elbow drop on Hudson. Hudson hit a back elbow and a big boot on Sanga, but Sanga caught Hudson with a chokeslam for the pinfall win.

Winner: Sanga.

- Mr. Stone told Solo Sikoa that he was a dumb fighter for challenging Von Wagner. Wagner told Mr. Stone to shut up before saying that it was not baseball or football, this was a fight. Sikoa cut a promo backstage and said that it was go-time for him.

- When interviewed by McKenzie Mitchell backstage, NXT Women's Champion Mandy Rose said that she and Toxic Attraction (Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne) did not attack Roxanne Perez.

Solo Sikoa vs. Von Wagner (w/ Mr. Stone & Sofia Cromwell).

Wagner and Sikoa locked up before pushing each other. Sikoa and Wagner locked up again before Wagner got Sikoa in a side headlock. Wagner hit a shoulder tackle on Sikoa. Sikoa got Wagner in another side headlock before hitting him with two shoulder tackles, a body slam, and a running headbutt on Wagner for a near fall. Sikoa hit a leaping senton on Wagner before Wagner rolled out of the ring. Back from the commercial break, Wagner got Sikoa with another side headlock, but Sikoa broke the hold with two elbow strikes. Wagner hit a big boot on Sikoa for a near fall. Wagner hit Sikoa with a corner splash. Wagner went for a second corner splash, but Sikoa evaded and hit a back suplex on Wagner. Sikoa hit three punches, an uppercut, a back elbow, a Samoan Drop, a corner splash, and a hip attack on Wagner before Wagner rolled out of the ring. Wagner slammed Sikoa's head on the broadest table, but Sikoa was unphased and continued to launch strikes on each other. The two exchanged strikes outside of the ring before the match ended in a no-contest.

Result: No Contest (via count-out).

- NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams celebrated their victories on The Great American Bash with four women in a penthouse. They got in the jacuzzi.

- Lash Legend bounced a basketball and said that Indi Hartwell was not as athletic as her. She left the basketball, which was caught by someone with a bat.

- Andre Chase, Bohdi Hayward and Thea Hail traveled to England on a field trip. Chase revealed that they were building a Chase University extension on England. In the ad, Chase fired one of his writers.

Indi Hartwell vs. Lash Legend.

The match began with Legend and Hartwell locking up before Legend hit a lariat to the back of Hartwell. Hartwell went for a Suplex, but instead hit a forearm strike on Legend. Legend ran Hartwell on the apron. Legend slammed Hartwell's head on the mat before slamming Hartwell on the top rope for a one-count kick-out. Legend got Hartwell in a mid-way rack attack, but Hartwell reversed it with a sunset. Hartwell got Legend in a roll-up for a near fall, followed by a side slam on Legend for a near fall. Legend slammed Hartwell in the corner before Alba Fyre made her return to NXT 2.0. Hartwell hit a sunset bomb on Lgend. Hartwell went for a top rope elbow drop, but she tripped on the top rope. Hartwell got Legend in a small package for the pinfall win.

Winner: Indi Hartwell.

- Fyre tried to hit Legend with the bat after the match before Legend walked away from the ramp.

- Yulisa Leon, Valentina Feroz, Sloane Jacobs, Amari Miller, and Arianna Grace discussed who attacked Perez but they were interrupted by Sikoa and Wagner continuing their brawl backstage.

- Tony D'Angelo revealed that he did not order Elektra Lopez to orchestrate the hit on Perez in an interview with McKenzie Mitchell.

- Sikoa and Wagner in the NXT Parking Lot before Sikoa slammed Wagner into the fence. Sofia Cromwell stopped Wagner. Mr. Stone called Sikoa stupid, but Sikoa tossed Stone into the trash.

Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo & Tony D'Angelo (w/ Joaquin Wilde & Cruz Del Toro) vs. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade.

Enofe and Stacks locked up before Enofe hit a dropkick and an arm drag on Stacks. Enofe and Blade hit a low-drop kick/ rolling elbow on Stacks for a near fall. Stacks kicked Enofe in the abdomen. D'Angelo stomped down Enofe before hitting him with a lariat. Stacks tagged back in and laid in strikes on Enofe. D'Angelo and STacks laid strikes on Enofe before D'Angelo hit an under hook suplex on Enofe. Stacks hit a snap-mare kick on Enofe. Enofe hit a sunset bomb on Stacks for a near fall before Stacks hit an uppercut for a near fall. Stacks got Enofe in a sitting abdominal stretch on Enofe before Enofe rolled under Stacks to tag in Blade. Blade hit two lariats, a forearm strike, a leg drop, and a spine buster on Stacks for a near fall. D'Angelo tossed Enofe onto the stairs. Stacks dropped Blade onto the top turn buckle. D'Angelo tagged in and hit Blade with the spinning Fisherman's Suplex for the pinfall win.

Winners: Tony D'Angelo & Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo.

- Joaquin Wilde & Cruz Del Toro hit the Total Elimination on Malik Blade after the match.

- Nikkita Lyons was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell, saying that she did not attack Roxanne Perez. Lyons did say that if Rose is needing a challenger, she would put on her gear and face Rose.

- There was a vignette showing Axiom taking inspiration of being a superhero, wearing a terrible lucha mask.

- NXT Women's Champion Mandy Rose cut a promo in the ring saying Roxanne Perez was not woman enough to face her in the main event, saying that no one can beat her. Rose said no one could challenge her for that title and that nothing was going to change. NXT Women's Tag Team Champion Cora Jade came to the ring and said that the fans were promised a match for the title. Perez ran her way to the ring to get the match.

NXT Women's Championship Match.

Mandy Rose (c) (w/ Gigo Dolin & Jacy Jayne) vs Roxanne Perez (w/ Cora Jade).

Perez got Rose with a Thesz Press but Rose dropped her to the mat. Perez got Rose in a roll-up for a near fall. Rose got Perez in a fall-away slam. Rose hit a knee strike to Perez's ribs, but Perez hit a back-elbow and a low dropkick. Rose catapulted Rose into the top rope. Rose slammed Perez into the apron twice. Back in the ring, Rose got a near fall. Rose hit Perez with a body slam for a near fall. Rose stomped down Perez's ribs, but Perez got Rose in a small package for a near fall. Rose hit a lariat on Perez for a near fall. Rose ripped the tape Perez had in her injured abdomen before continuing to stomp down her midsection. Rose got Perez in an abdominal stretch, but Perez reversed it with an arm drag. Rose hit a spine buster on Perez for a near fall. Rose got Perez in the body scissors, squeezing the ribs of Perez. Rose slammed Perez into the corner. Perez got a small package on Rose for a near fall. Perez hit a knee strike on Rose before hitting a cross body. Perez hit two lariats, two running uppercuts, and a La Mistica-Leg Sweep on Rose for a near fall. Perez went for Pop Rox, but Rose evaded. Rose went for a corner splash but hit the ring post instead. Perez hit a Tope Suicida on Rose. Perez slammed Jayne and Dolin into the ring posts. Perez hit Pop Rox on the outside. From out of nowhere, Jade betrayed Perez by hitting Perez with the NXT Women's Tag Team Championship belt, leading to Rose hitting the V-Trigger for the pinfall win and title retention.

Winner & Still NXT Women's Champion: Mandy Rose (w/ Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne).

- After the match, Jade attacked Perez with the small skateboard. Cora Jade stood tall to end the show.

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