WWE NXT (2/14/2023) Results: Tyler Bate vs Grayson Waller, Wes Lee Hosts Open Challenge, & More

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 2/14/2023 edition of WWE NXT on the USA Network.

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Here's what is set for the show.


WWE NXT (2/14/2023).

- Jacy Jayne Speaks.

- Tyler Bate vs Grayson Waller.

- Bron Breakker Speaks.

- Roxanne Perez & Meiko Satomura vs Kayden Carter & Katana Chance.

- Wes Lee Hosts NXT North American Championship Open Challenge.

- Damon Kemp vs Axiom.

- Tiffany Stratton vs. Thea Hail (w/ Andre Chase & Duke Hudson of Chase University).

- Charlie Dempsey vs. Hank Walker (w/ Drew Gulak).

Refresh the site as the show happens for the latest updates.

Live Coverage.

- Vic Joseph & Booker T welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening match.

Tyler Bate vs Grayson Waller.

The two locked up before Waller hit a slap on Bate into the corner. Bate & Waller exchanged body shots before Waller attacked Bate's back before he hit a series of forearm strikes to Bate's face. Waller did the "Suck It" taunt, to which Bate responded by hitting three punches, an uppercut, and a leaping dropkick on Waller for a near fall. Bate got a headlock on Waller, but Waller dropped Bate for a near fall. Waller got a Cravat on Bate before hitting a series of knee strikes on Bate's face for a near fall. Waller hit a back elbow on Bate, but Bate responded with a hip toss, a dropkick, a T-Bone Suplex & a Standing Shooting Star Press on Waller. Waller tossed Bate to the outside, but Bate pulled Waller to the outside and attacked him. Waller kicked Bate into the broadcast table before getting back in the ring and hitting a sliding lariat on Bate on the outside.

During the picture-in-picture break, Waller got Bate back in the ring before hitting a series of knee drops & stomps on Bate's legs & ribs. Bate ran the ropes before attempting a sunset flip, but Waller evaded and hit an elbow drop to Bate's back twice. Waller continued to attack Bate's neck & back before attempting a suplex, but Bate dropped his weight before connecting a suplex on Waller. The two exchanged jabs before Bate hit a series of chops and ran the ropes again, but Waller caught him and hit a backbreaker on Bate before arching his back.

Back from the break, Bate hit a series of jabs to break the hold before hitting a Rebound Boing Lariat on Waller. Bate hit a knee lift into a diving uppercut & a Saito Suplex on Waller for a near fall. Bate got Waller in a Fireman's Carry & spun him around before slamming him with a Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Bate went for a dive, but Waller caught him with a leg scissor before hitting a Flipping Killswitch on Bate for another near fall. Waller got in the corner and started Tuning Up the Band and attempted a Thrust kick, but Bate. caught him with two Bop & Bang combos before connecting a Thrust Kick on Waller, but Waller got a rope break. Waller got a Schoolboy on Bate, but Bate evaded before he went for a Sunset Flip, but Waller sat down and grabbed the ropes to get a pin, but the referee caught Waller before Bate reversed it with a Sit-Down pin for the pinfall win.

Winner: Tyler Bate.

- Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen were backstage preparing Jensen for getting on "First Base" ahead of Jensen's date with Kiana James. 1/2 of the NXT Women's Tag Team Champions Fallon Henley was bamboozled by their antics before telling Jensen that if James shakes her keys, to go for a kiss.

- Grayson Waller & NXT Booker Shawn Michaels argued backstage before NXT Coach Prince Albert pulled Waller out of the shot. Michaels demanded production to cut to the commercial break effective immediately.

- Apollo Crews was writing in his journal before he slammed it into the floor & called out Dabba-Kato. Crews were bamboozled by Kato's reasoning to attack him on NXT Vengeance Day, saying he is now focused on revenge.

- Jacy Jayne came to the ring to cut a promo. Jayne stated that NXT was not all about her before calling herself the talk of the town in NXT. Jayne said that she regretted not pulling the trigger on betraying Gigi Dolin sooner before calling her "Chucky" because of her orange hair. Jayne told the crowd to screw them for always believing she was the odd one out before bragging that she was the last woman standing from the faction.

- There was a video from the Twitter account "NXT Anonymous" showing NXT Women's Champion Roxanne Perez picking up former NXT UK Women's Champion Meiko Satomura from the airport.

- Duke Hudson & Andre Chase comforted Thea Hail after she was kidnaped by Ava Raine last week, but Hail said that she would talk about it later & give fear an Andre Chase University Ass-Whooping.

- There was a vignette of Sol Ruca detailing her childhood and her motivation to become a wrestler. Ruca called out Zoey Stark for a rematch at a later time.

Tiffany Stratton vs. Thea Hail (w/ Andre Chase & Duke Hudson of Chase University).

Stratton & Hail began the match locking up before Stratton got a wrist lock on Hail, but Hail responded with an arm drag, a wheelbarrow arm drag, an overhead arm drag & a dropkick on Stratton. Hail talked strategy with Chase & Hudson, but Jagger Reid & Rip Fowler distracted the three from the crowd. Hail regained some offense, but was distracted by Joe Gacy staring daggers at Hail from the Raven's Nest, which terrified Hail. Stratton attacked Hail before slamming Hail onto the rope and hitting a Springboard Senton on Hail for a near fall. Hail hit three lariats on Stratton before connecting a Tope Suicida on Stratton to the outside. Hail got Stratton back in the ring, but got back in the ring immediately after Ava Raine appeared in the crowd. Stratton saw the distraction and hit a seated senton on Hail before hitting a Green Bay Slam into Christopher Daniels's "BEST MOONSAULT EVER" for the pinfall win.

Winner: Tiffany Stratton.

- Tatum Paxley & Ivy Nile were interrupted by Javier Bernal trying to get them to become his Valentines, but Nile got Bernal in a Dragon Sleep. Isla Dawn spoke from a random part of the room before the two walked out of shot, while Bernal was crawling from the effect of the Dragon Sleeper.

Axiom vs. Damon Kemp.

Axiom caught Kemp with a dropkick to start the match before hitting a Shibata corner dropkick on Kemp. Axiom hit a PK Kick on Kemp to send him to the outside, to which Axiom responded by hitting a Tope Suicida on Kemp to the outside. Axiom went for the Cazadora, but Kemp reversed it with a Wheelbarrow German Suplex before hitting three more German Suplexes on Axiom. Kemp hit a lariat on Axiom on the outside before the two got back in the ring. Axiom & Kemp exchanged strikes before Axiom hit a leaping dropkick & a corner enziguri kick on Kemp. Axiom went for a cross-body, but Kemp rolled over into a pin before hitting a Discus Lariat on Axiom before hitting an Electric Chair German Suplex on Axiom for a near fall. Kemp went for another German Suplex, but Axiom landed on his feet and hit a pimp slap before hitting a PK Kick & the Golden Ratio (Leaping Thrust Kick) on Kemp for the pinfall win.

Winner: Axiom.

- Fallon Henley & Josh Briggs were backstage watching the Television before Henley stormed out of the locker room and told Briggs she needed to tell Briggs.

- There was a video of Grayson Waller hooting & hollering at Shawn Michaels after being kicked out of the Capitol Wrestling Center.

- NXT Champion Bron Breakker made his NXT return to cut a promo but was immediately interrupted by Jinder Mahal & Indus Sher (Veer Mahan & Sanga). Mahal praised Breaker for his run as NXT Champion & said that he sympathized with Breakker's run because of his experience as WWE Champion. Mahal told Breakker that either you die a hero or you become a villain, but Breakker did not care about Mahal's comments. Mahal challenged Breakker to a match for the NXT Championship, to which Breakker accepted & called Veer, Sanga & Mahal the "New 3-Man Band".

- NXT Women's Champion Roxanne Perez & Meiko Satomura prepared for the tag match before Kayden Carter & Katana Chance apologized to Perez for their previous comments. Perez thanked Satomura for being her teammate tonight, but Satomura responded by saying that she had her reasons.

- Indi Hartwell was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell backstage before running down on Jacy Jayne for her statements later in the night. Hartwell said that Jayne would stand behind her.

- NXT North American Champion Wes Lee came to the ring to host an Open Challenge for his title. Tony D'Angelo came to the ramp with Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo but they were restrained backstage after Dijak attacked the two on the ramp. Wagner attacked Lee,

NXT North American Championship Match.

Wes Lee (c) vs. Von Wagner (w/ Mr. Stone).

Lee gained some offense on Wagner to begin the match, but Wagner immediately regained his footing & dominated the match. Lee hit corner jabs at Wagner before going for a kick, but Wagner caught him and tossed him to the outside of the ring. Wagner slammed Lee onto the apron before slamming Lee's head onto the broadcast table repeatedly. Back in the ring, Wagner hit a lariat on Lee for a near fall. Wagner went for a powerbomb on Lee, but Lee evaded and hit a gut kick, a series of punches, a front leg sweep, a double-stomp, a standing Moonsault press, a basement dropkick, a corner uppercut, a corner enziguri kick & went for a Tornado DDT before Wagner caught him and hit a faceslam into a Big Boot on Lee for a near fall. Wanger tried to yeet Lee onto the outside, but Lee evaded and hit a series of thrust kicks before connecting a V-Trigger and hitting a backflip Pele Kick on Wagner for the pinfall win.

Winner: Wes Lee (AND STILL NXT North American Champion).

- Drew Gulak gifted Hank Walker a pair of boots ahead of his match against Charlie Dempsey after the commercial break.

Charlie Dempsey vs. Hank Walker (w/ Drew Gulak).

The two locked up before Dempsey got a hammerlock on Walker into a headlock, but Walker hit a shoulder tackle on Dempsey before the two furiously exchanged strikes. The two hit boot kicks onto one another before standing back up with Walker locking in a Fujiwara arm-bar on Dempsey, but Dempsey rolled over and took down Walker before locking in the Regal Stretch on Walker for the quick but decisive submission win.

Winner: Charlie Dempsey.

- Dempsey locked in the Regal Stretch on Walker before the referees restrained him. Gulak & Dempsey locked eyes before the two walked together backstage. Catch Point lives.

- Mr. Stone & Von Wagner backstage after Wagner's loss before Mr. Stone told him that he did not want to work with the meme of "COME TUESDAY".

- NXT Tag Team Champions Gallus (Wolfgang & Mark Coffey) were in an Irish Pub before Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) joined their former foes & played pool. The two teams agreed. to a game were if Pretty Deadly won, they would get a tag title match. After multiple rounds, Gallus told them to save the embarrassment before accepting their title match.

- Ilja Dragunov was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell before Trick Williams called out Dragunov to the ring after he attacked him. Williams continued to talk trash to Dragunov while he made his way to the ramp. Dragunov walked down the ramp and confronted Williams before telling him that the life of the party, but said that he was not here to have fun but to finish his mission. Dragunov hit a leaping enziguri kick on Williams before JD McDonagh came to the ramp with an eye patch. McDonagh told Dragunov that he would beat up Dragunov so badly he would not be able to grab his son. Williams attacked Dragunov from behind before kicking him in the gut. As Williams walked out of the ramp, JD McDonagh came to the ring to confront Dragunov, but McDonagh immediately stepped away.

- Trick Williams interrupted Carmelo Hayes scrolling through Twitter saying that he was afraid of facing Ilja Dragunov, promising to take him down.

- Kiana James & Brooks Jensen were outside a house before they looked at the stars in the sky. Fallon Henley interrupted Kiana James & Brooks Jensen to tell Jensen that James was cheating on him, but James revealed that she was talking to her brother. Everyone was bamboozled while Jensen was disappointed he did get his first kiss.

Roxanne Perez & Meiko Satomura vs Kayden Carter & Katana Chance.

Perez & Carter began the match locking up before Carter hit a shoulder tackle & a stomp on Perez. Carter & Chance hit a slide into a cannonball combo on Perez for a near fall. Chance got a wrist lock on Perez before going for the Tijeras on Perez, but Perez landed on her feet. Carter got a schoolboy on Perez for a near fall before locking in a wrist lock on Perez, but Perez got a wrist lock of her own before Satomura tagged in. Satomura got greeted with a slap from Carter but Carter hit vicious kicks and an uppercut on Carter before Perez & Satomura hit stereo uppercuts on Carter & Chance. Perez hit a Tope Suicida on Chance before Satomura hit a dive off the apron to Carter.

Back in the ring, Perez tagged in before hitting an ax handle on Carter. The two exchanged pins before Carter got Perez in the corner before Chance hit a dive on Perez for a near fall. Chance hit a shotgun dropkick on Perez's abdomen before Carter tagged in and locked in a seated abdominal stretch on Perez. Perez evaded and hit a running cross-body on Carter for a near fall. Chance tagged back in and locked in an abdominal stretch on Perez.

After the break, Chance HIT another dropkick on Perez for a near fall. Carter tagged in and went for another abdominal stretch, but Perez hit a jaw-breaker before tagging in Satomura. Satomura hit a leg sweep into a double knee drop on Carter before laying the kicks on Carter BEFORE CONNECTING A Roundhouse Kick & a Spin Kick on Carter for a near fall. Satomura hit a DVD on Carter before Perez hit a backflip Tornillo on Carter for a near fall. Perez & Carter exchanged forearm strikes before Carter hit a chest strike into a Pepsi Plex on Perez. Carter hit a running boot on Perez before Chance hit the Diving Stomps on Perez for a near fall. Chance went for a Guillotine Choke on Perez, but Perez hit a Russian Leg Sweep before tagging in Satomura. Satomura got greeted with a Code Breaker from Chance, but Satomura attacked the two. Chance hit a dive on Perez to the outside before she hit an Assisted Frankensteiner on Satomura for a near fall. Chance went for another dive, but Satomura hit a gut kick into a back flip double knee drop on Chance. Satomura hit a Pele Kick on Carter before Perez hit the Pop Rox on Carter for the pinfall win.

Winners: Meiko Satomura & Roxanne Perez.

- After the match, Meiko Satomura asked Perez to return the favor to her and challenged her to a match for the title, to which Perez accepted. The two stared each other down as the broadcast ended.

- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.

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