WWE NXT (2/28/2023) Results: Tyler Bate vs Carmelo Hayes, Wes Lee Hosts Open Challenge & More.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 2/28/2023 edition of NXT.

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Dustin Rhodes: I So Desperately Want To Do Another Hollywood Backlot Brawl-ish Match

Here is what's on deck for the show.


WWE NXT (2/28/2023).

- Open Challenge for the NXT North American Championship: Wes Lee (c) vs. TBD.

- Carmelo Hayes (w/ Trick Williams) vs. Tyler Bate.

- Zoey Stark vs. Meiko Satomura.

- Indus Sher (Veer Mahan & Sanga) (w/ Jinder Mahal) vs. Brooks Jensen & Josh Briggs (w/ NXT Women's Tag Team Champions Fallon Henley & Kiana James).

- Sol Ruca vs. Elektra Lopez.

- Gigi Dolin speaks.

Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens.

Live Coverage.

- After there was a melee backstage between members of the NXT roster, Vic Joseph & Booker T welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening segment, which was NXT North American Champion Wes Lee being in the ring seeing who would face Wes Lee for the title. Dabba Kato & Apollo Crews brawled before a returning Nathan Frazier answered the challenge

NXT North American Championship Match.

Wes Lee (c) vs. Nathan Frazier.

Frazier got a headlock on Lee before Lee got off & hit a shoulder tackle on Frazier for a near fall. Frazier got a side headlock takedown on Lee, but Lee reversed it with leg scissors. Frazier got off the hold & got a headlock on Lee before going for a running cross-body, but Lee evaded before Frazier got another headlock on Lee. The two furiously ran the ropes before the two exchanged arm drags & hit stereo dropkicks on each other. The two did stereo kip-ups before Lee hit a head kick on Frazier. The two did a handshake before Lee got a headlock on Frazier before he connected a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Lee tossed Frazier to the apron with the Bandera, but Frazier threw Lee out of the ring with a back-drop. Frazier went for a Triangle Moonsault on Lee to the outside, but Lee got back in the ring to evade before going for a Tope Con Giro, but Frazier went for a Tope, but Lee caught him with an enziguri kick to send him to the outside before the commercial break.

Back from the break, Frazier hit an arm drag before catching Lee with a vicious Thrust Kick on Lee. Frazier went for a Phoenix Splash, but Lee evaded before he & Frazier collided with stereo-running cross-body splashes. The two exchanged strikes before Frazier hit a running enziguri kick on Lee. Lee went for a Spinning Heel kick, but Frazier evaded & hit a Lionsault into a Reverse DDT on Lee for a near fall. Lee & Frazier got on the top rope, but Lee pushed Frazier off the top rope. Frazier leaped onto the top rope before hitting Lee with a Superplex into a Twisting Neck breaker on Lee for a near fall. Lee hit a stunner on Frazier onto the top rope, but Frazier responded by meeting Lee off the apron with a dropkick. Frazier went for a springboard dive, but Lee evaded, causing Frazier to crash onto the broadcast table. Lee hit a wild Tope Con Giro over the ring post to the outside on Frazier. Lee got himself & Frazier back in the ring before connecting the Cardiac Kick on Frazier for the pinfall win. The two cruiserweight adhere to the Code of Honor after the match.

Winner: Wes Lee (AND STILL NXT North American Champion).

- JD McDonagh detailed his Retnea injury before calling out Ilja Dragunov. McDonagh said that he would pushed Dragunov's love of violence to new levels & send him home permanently.

- Brooks Jensen & Josh Briggs were backstage ahead of their match against Indus Sher, but Jensen said that he was worried about him & Kiana James. Briggs correctly told Jensen that men are stupid before telling him to smile.

- Hank Walker was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell. Walker said that he tried to get a chance at ten North American Championships. Axiom confronted him afterward for costing him being in the match against Lee. The two pushed each other before referees stopped them.

Indus Sher (Veer Mahan & Sanga) (w/ Jinder Mahal) vs. Brooks Jensen & Josh Briggs.

Jensen & Veer began the match as Mahan came at Jensen with a kick before tagging in Snaga. Jensen got a headlock on Sanga before hitting a facebuster on Sanga. Briggs tagged in and hit a shoulder tackle. Despite being distracted, Jensen tagged in but Sanga caught him with a kick. Sanga hit a shoulder tackle before Veer hit a leaping elbow drop on Jensen. Veer got Jensen hanging on the top rope before Sanga hit a running boot onto Jensen's ribs. Sanga hit a body slam on Jensen before going for an elbow drop, but Jensen evaded before tagging in Briggs. Briggs hit a running shoulder tackle before hitting a sliding forearm strike on Sanga. Jensen & Briggs argued outside of the ring after Jensen tagged in before Jensen got back in the ring. Sanga greeted Jensen with a vicious chokeslam before Veer hit a vicious, nasty, disgusting, outrageous lariat on Jensen for the pinfall win.

Jinder Mahal called out The Creed Brothers after the match for costing him his match against NXT Champion Bron Breakker last week.

Winners: Indus Sher (Veer Mahan & Sanga) (w/ Jinder Mahal)

- During the commercial break, the camera-man chased down Katana Chance to reveal that Wendy Choo was attacked in the NXT Parking lot.

- Gigi Dolin came to the ring to cut a promo. Dolin said that Jacy Jayne attacking her was not the last time she was backstabbed before saying that she ran away from home after being physically mistreated by her mother just to prove to he brother that he can make it. She demanded Jayne bring all that she had on NXT Roadblock.

- Andre Chase hosted a class with students from Chase University, but the camera was interrupted by a vignette of The Schism (Ava Raine, Joe Gacy, Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid). They called out Chase University for being an uncredited school and told them to step away from the nonsense before Chase U went up in flames. Hudson was about to ask a question, but Chase ran down on The Schism & calling them "Fucking creeps". Chase promised to give Joe Gacy an Andre Chase University Ass-whooping.

- Dijak called out Tony D'Angelo for costing him the NXT North American Championship twice. Dijak promised to lock D'Angelo down for good.

Zoey Stark vs. Meiko Satomura.

NXT Women's Champion Roxanne Perez joined the broadcast team for the match.

The two locked up before Stark did. kip up to evade Satomura's headlock. Satomura hit a takedown before Satomura went for a pin, but Stark got back up. Satomura & Stark got in a Greco-Roman lock-up before Satomura got a wrist lock before hitting a leg sweep into a diving knee drop on Stark for a near fall. Stark hti. aforearm strike on Satomura, but Satomura responded with two forearm strikes & a spin kick on Stark. Stark hti a forearm strike on Satomura before connecting a snap-mare into a sliding kick. Stark went for. baseball slide on Meiko on the outside, but Meiko planted Star with a lariat on the outside.

During the picture-in-picture break, Satomura locked in a seated version of the Rings of Saturn before hitting. flipping double-knee drop on Stark for a near fall. Stark attacked Satomura's left leg before connecting a lariat on Satomura. Stark fired away with punches at Satomura before stomping her head onto the mat. Stark got a snap-mare into a Cravat on Satomura. Satomura tried to get off the hold, but Stark continued to keep the hold. Satomura hit a series of body shots, but Stark kept the hold.

Back from the break, Satomura finally got off the hold before tossing Stark with a Bandera, but Stark caught her with an enziguri kick. Stark went for a springboard move, but Satomura caught her with a kick on Stark's injured left leg mid-air. The two exchanged strikes before Satomura hit two chest kicks, a forearm strike, a DDT & a diving splash on Stark for a near fall. Satomura hit a series of head kicks on Stark before going for another double-knee drop, but Stark evaded before slamming Satomura onto the mat & hitting a split-legged Tornillo on Satomura for a near fall. Stark got on the top rope, but Satomura caught her with two enziguri kicks before connecting a back suplex on Stark for a near fall. Stark hit. series of thrust kicks & a sliding single-leg kick on Satomura for a near fall. Stark went for a 450 Splash, but Satomura evaded & hit the Death Valley Driver before connecting Scorpio Rising for the pinfall win.

Winner: Meiko Satomura.

- Shawn Michaels revealed on Twitter that he will appear on NXT Roadblock as a guest of the "Grayson Waller Effect".

- Tiffany Stratton interrupted McKenzie Mitchell's report on Wendy Choo's injury. Katana Chance & Kayden Carter interrupted Stratton before Chance challenged Stratton to a match.

- The Creed Brothers (Julius Creed & Brutus Creed) talked to Damon Kemp to be a trios team against Indus Sher, but Kemp immediately rejected the offer. NXT Champion Bron Breakker said he would team with them, but Julius was not happy because he said he confronting Kemp was "the most humiliating moment of my life".

Sol Ruca vs. Elektra Lopez (w/ Valentina Feroz).

The two locked up before Ruca got a headlock on Lopez to begin the match. Lopez hit an arm drag on Ruca flipped to evaded Loepz's wrist lock, but Lopez slammed Ruca to the mat. Ruca flipped over Lopez's back, but Lopez responded with an arm drag. Lopex went for a hip toss, but Ruca landed on her feet before hitting a facebuster on Lopez. Ruca went for a top rope move, but Lopez sent Ruca crashing onto the ring floor. Back in the ring, Lopez hit knee strikes to Ruca's back before hitting an elbow drop on Ruca for a near fall. Lopez hit a wicked back-drop on Ruca for a near fall. Lopez twisted Ruca's neck before hitting a knee drop on Ruca's ribs. Ruca & Lopez exchanged strikes before Ruca slammed Lopez onto the top rope. Ruca hit two shoulder tackles, a dropkick, a butterfly suplex & went for a front flip splash on Lopez, but Lopez evaded & got a pin on Ruca for a near fall. Lopez went for the brass knuckles, but Feroz had them. Lopez demanded Feroz to give her the knuckles, but Ruca took advantage & hit the Sol Snatcher for the pinfall win.

Winner: Sol Ruca.

- After the match, Elektra Lopez pushed around Valentina Feroz before Feroz caught her square in the mouth with the brass knuckles.

- NXT Tag Team Champions Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang) were playing pool in a bar before Coffey said that there was no way they would let a couple of wankers to ruin them in the United States, let alone in the United Kingdom. Coffey hyped up Wolfgang before Wolfgang beat the hell out of another person playing pool.

- Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) were interviewed backstage and ran down to the people from Scotland, specially after they were shown a tweet from Drew McIntyre. Pretty Deadly said that they will have a face-to-face with Gallus next week.

Katana Chance (w/ Kayden Carter) vs. Tiffany Stratton.

Stratton hit a back elbow on Chance, but Chance leaped over Stratton before hitting a dropkick & hitting. a slingshot tijera on Stratton. Chance got an inside cradle on Stratton for a near fall. Stratton flipped over Chance before Chance went for the Tijeras, but Stratton caught her in a powerbomb lift before slamming Chance onto the top rope. Stratton got a back hold, but Cahcne flipped off the move before hitting two lariats, a Hurrcanrana, a hanging double stomp, and a twisting splash on Stratton for a near fall. Stratton went for the Green Bay Plunge, but Chance reversed it with an arm drag. Chance went for a top rope move as Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn came to distract Chance, which allowed Stratton to catch her mid-air & hit a Green Bay Plunge into the BME for the pinfall win. Stratton called out the winner of Satomura & Perez, saying that she has her aim at the NXT Women's Championship.

Winner: Tiffany Stratton.

- Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen were backstage before promised Jensen that he would speak to Kiana James.

Axiom vs. Hank Walker.

Axiom got Walker in a sleeper before transitioning into a Juji Gatame to begin the match. Axiom slapped Walker square in the mouth, to which Walker responded by hitting a boot kick. Walker hit a tilt-to-world face slam on Axiom for a near fall. Axiom hit. series of wicked chops before connecting a dropkick, an enziguri kick in the corner & a diving cross-body on Walker for a near fall. Axiom hit a wicked kick to Walker's chest before connecting a lariat, but Wlaker responded with the Pounce. Walker hit two Irish Whips into corner splashes before connecting a wicked lariat on Axiom. Axiom hit a running knee on Walker before connecting a Spinning heel kick & the Golden Ratio for the pinfall win.

Winner: Axiom.

- Grayson Waller cut a promo in a pool saying that he was excited to see Shawn Michaels in the Grayson Waller Effect, but warned Michaels to give him the respect he deserves or he would make Michaels do something he promised to never do again.

Carmelo Hayes (w/ Trick Williams) vs. Tyler Bate.

-=The main event began with the two grapplers locking up before Bate got a wrist lock, but Hayes got the head scissors on Bate before the two did a staredown. Bate & Hayes rolled over& exchanged wrist locks before Hayes tossed Bate out of the ring.Bate immediately got back in the ring and the two exchanged wrist locks again before Hayes smacked Bate's hand. The two exchanged pins. The two evaded each other's moves before Hayes stepped back. Bate hit three uppercuts before connecting a back drop, tilt-to-world tijeras, and an Atlantis Tope on Hayes to the outside.

During picture-in-picture, Hayes went for a tope before Bate caught him with an uppercut. Bate got back in the ring, but Hayes caught him with an enziguri kick for a near fall. Hayes hit a knee lift on Bate's abdomen before placing Bate on the top rope & connecting a slingshot suplex on Bate for a near fall. Bate ran the ropes, but Hayes responded by hitting a springboard lariat for a near fall.

Back from the break, Hayes got a modified wrist lock on Bate, but Bate got off the hold. Hayes sent Bate to the corner, but Bate responded with a knee lift & a diving uppercut on Hayes. Bate hit the Bop & Bang on Williams to send him off the apron before Bate hit a T-Bone Suplex into a standing shooting star for a near fall. Bate went for a Spinning DVD, but Hayes reversed it with a pin before connecting a kick. Hayes went for a move on Bate, but Bate lifted him up & hit the Spinning DVD on Hayes for a near fall. Bate hit the Bop & Bang before hitting the Boing (Rebound Lariat) for a near fall. Hayes & Bate got back up & exchanged strikes before Bate hit a series of uppercuts & body shots at Hayes. Hayes hit a double under-hook slam on Bate for a near fall before connecting a V-Trigger into a Cutter on Bate for a near fall. Hayes got on the top rope, but Bate climbed the top rope & hit an Avalanche Exploder Suplex on Hayes. Bate went for the Spiral Tap, but Hayes evaded & hit a Code Breaker before hitting the Diving Leg Drop on Bate for the pinfall win.

Hayes ended the broadcast by saying that there was only one man left on his way to becoming champion & that he was him.

Winner: Carmelo Hayes.

- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.

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