WWE NXT (4/18/2023) Results: Two Title Matches, Noam Dar Competes, Roxanne Perez v Zoey Stark & More

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 4/18/2023 edition of NXT on the USA Network.

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Here's what is set for the show.


WWE NXT (4/18/2023).

  • NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang (c) vs. The Dyad (Jagger Reid & Rip Fowler) (w/ Ava Raine & Joe Gacy) vs. The Creed Brothers (Julius & Brutus Creed) (w/ Ivy Nile).
  • NXT North American Championship Match: Wes Lee (c) vs. Charlie Dempsey (w/ Drew Gulak).
  • Roxanne Perez vs. Zoey Stark.
  • Grayson Waller Effect w/ NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes.
  • Noam Dar in Action.
  • Gigi Dolin vs. Cora Jade.

Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens.

Live Coverage.

- Vic Joseph & Booker T welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening segment, which saw Gallus, The Creed Brothers & The Dyad brawling inside the ring. A flurry of referees came in to try to stop the three teams ahead of the tag title match

NXT Tag Team Championship Match.

Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang) (c) (w/ Joe Coffey) vs. The Dyad (Jagger Reid & Rip Fowler) (w/ Ava Raine & Joe Gacy) vs. The Creed Brothers (Julius & Brutus Creed) (w/ Ivy Nile).

Fowler, Wolfgang & Julius began the match, laying haymakers on each other before Julius hit a diving shotgun dropkick on Fowler & Wolfgang. Brutus tagged in and was gut-wrench tossed by Julius onto Wolfgang for a near fall. The Dyad cornered Brutus before the two hit a ripcord forearm on Wolfgang. Mark Coffey tagged i and hit a Samoan Drop on Reid & a knee lift on Brutus before Wolfgang hit a side senton on Brutus for a near fall. Julius tagged in and hit overhead suplexes on Reid & Mark before locking in a Brock Lock on Reid, but Mark attacked Julius before hitting him with a back suplex. Coffey got Reid on the top rope for a Superplex, but Reid dropped him. Julius hit a Diving Moonsault on Reid before hitting a deadweight Doctor Bomb for a near fall. Things broke down as everyone got involved before Julius booted Reid in the face, landing over Mark for a near fall. Lulius and Reid exchanged strikes before Reid went for a Monkey Flip, but Julius landed on his feet and hit a dropkick on Reid. Coffey regained control and hit a Gamonguri right on Julius's chest for a near fall.

During the picture-in-picture break, Mark hit an uppercut on Julius before Reid came in and attacked Julius's leg.Reid & Mark took turns attacking Julius, but Julius hit a spear on Mark Coffey. Reid immediately stomped Julius before Mark hit an elbow drop on Julius. Coffey & Reid took turns on hitting knee strikes on Julius. Julius fought them off and tried to tag in Brutus, but Mark intercepted him with an ax handle to the back. Reid slammed Julius into the corner with an Irish Whip before Mark & Reid went for a Double Suplex on Julius, but Julius landed on his feet and hit a double neck breaker on the two former NXT UK Tag Champions.

Back from the break, Coffey hit a lariat on Reid, but Julius hit a dropkick on Coffey before Wolfgang, Fowler & Brutus tagged in. Brutus attacked Fowler & Wolfgang with ground & pound offense before catching them with corner lariats and a Victory Roll/ Suplex combo on the two for a near fall. Gallus tried to take out Brutus, btu The DYad pulled Coffey out of the ring. The Creeds took out Wolfgang while Te Dyad took out Mark. The Dyad & The Creeds brawled inside the ring before The Dyad hit the Corealis on Brutus, but Julius got them and hit a double suplex on The Dyad. Fowler hit Julius right in the throat off Raine's distraction. Reid accidentally tripped Nile on the outside. After the Creeds hit the Doomsaday Cannonball on Fowler, The Creeds tried to check in on Nile, but Gallus took advantage of the distraction and hit Brutus with the Claymore/ F5 Combo for the pinfall win.

Winners AND STILL NXT Tag Team Champions: Gallus (Wolfgang & Mark Coffey).

- DIJAK was interviewed in the parking lot, saying that Ilja Dragunov was the most feared man in NXT until he arrived. Apollo Crews confronted DIJAK in the parking lot for attacking the camera man before DIJAK challenged him to a match later in the night.

- There was a video package of the Scottish Supernova Noam Dar ahead of his NXT return match.

- There was a skit with Nathan Frazier hosting "Hard Hitting Home Truths", detailing his road to recovery since his injury in Halloween Havoc 2022. Frazier said that the only way he can move forward was to move fast at everything possible, even moving away from negative thoughts quickly.

Noam Dar vs. Myles Bourne.

Bourne & Dar locked up before Dar evaded Bourne's jab. Bourne hit a waist lock takedown on Dar, but Dar rolled over and got a headlock on Bourne before kicking Bourne's leg. Dar hit a series of knee lifts on Bourne, btu Bourne cornered Dar before catching him with body shots. Dar got Bourne and hit a series of Anvil Elbows on Bourne in the corner before going for a Draping DDT, but kicked Bourne in the chest instead. Dar hit a series of kicks on Bourne before catching him with a boot kick, but Bourne caught his foot and hit two jabs, a dropkick, and an overhead toss on Dar. Bourne went for a waist lock, btu Dar pushed him off and hit a V-Trigger before hitting a Spinning Back Elbow before catching him with the Nova Roller on Bourne for the pinfall win.

Winner: Noam Dar.

- There was backstage promo from Roxanne Perez, saying that she would shut Zoey Stark up and stated that she wants to regain her NXT Women's Title, even if that meant going through Tiffany Stratton.

- Josh Briggs & Kiana James were in James's office. Briggs asked James if he could see Brooks Jensen, but James told him to speak to him himself. Brooks Jensen came into the office with a new look and told Briggs to leave.

- Odyssey Jones came in for a match, but was speared in half from out of nowhere by Bron Breakker. Breakker ran down on the crowd and Chase University before promising that he would be taking out everyone in sight. Duke Hudson walked through the crowd and made fun of Breakker's antics after losing at Stand & Deliver before challenging him to a match at Spring Breakkin. Breakker accepted the challenge before Hudson called the match between Breakker & Andre Chase next week the Battle of the Giants. Breakker vowed to spear Chase's ass in two and end Chase University once and for all.

- McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Cora Jade backstage, with Jade calling herself the savior of the NXT Women's Division. Gigi Dolin interrupted and promised to kicked Cora Jade's ass later in the night.

- McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) backstage, with Pretty Deadly saying they viscously attacked The Family in order to respond to their kidnapping last week. Pretty Deadly challenged the Family to a no rules barred match.

Roxanne Perez vs. Zoey Stark.

The two locked up before Stark slammed Perez onto the mat. Perez hit a deep arm drag on Stark. Perez hit two more arm drags into a pin on Stark, but Stark kicked out. Perez got Stark with a double-torque wrist lock before getting a headlock takeover on Stark, but Stark reversed it with leg scissors. Perez rolled out of the hold and locked in a headlock again on Stark before getting a Schoolboy on Stark for a near fall. Perez went for an O'Connor Roll, but Stark evaded and hit a shoulder tackle on Perez. Perez got another headlock on Stark before she got a Wheelbarrow Sunset Flip for a near fall. Perez went for the Tijeras, but Stark pushed off and hit a kick into the gut for a near fall. Perez hit a double-rotation Tijeras on Stark before going for a Tope Suicida, but Stark caught her and slammed Perez into the apron before the commercial break.

Back fromt he break, Perez went for an Octopus on Stark,but Stark slammed her into the top turnbuckle before catapaulting her intot he middle turnbuckle. Stark locked in a Cravat on Perez, but Stark reversed it with a chin breaker before catching Stark with a series of strikes on Stark. Stark got Perez in a Fireman's Carry, but Perez rolled over. Stark hit a spinebuster on Perez and tried to catapault her, btu Perez landed ont he middle rope and hit a diving Thesz Press. Perez dropkicked Stark out of the ring before hitting a Tope Suicida on Stark on the outside before getting hr back in the ring and hitting a diving cross-body, btu Stark rolled over for a pin for a near fall. Perez hit a vicious pump kick on Stark before hitting a Russian Leg Sweep on Stark for a near fall. Stark went for a springboard move, but Perez evaded and kicked Stark in the abdomen. Perez went for the Code Rox, but Stark evaded and hit a thrust kick and a Half-and-half Dragon Suplex for a near fall. Stark went for an Irish Whip on Perez, but Perez leaped over Stark and hit the Pop Rox for the pinfall win.

Winner: Roxanne Perez.

- After the match, NXT Women's Champion Indi Hartwell confronted Roxanne Perez inside the ring and challenged her for a match on Spring Breakkin. Perez accepted the challenge, bu they were interrupted by Tiffany Stratton. Stratton ran down on Hartwell for picking "beatable challengers". Hartwell got annoyed and challenged the two to a Triple-Threat Match for the title.

- Grayson Waller was interviewed McKenzie Mitchell backstage, which Waller justified his involvement in the #1 Contender's Match because the match between Gargano and him was unsanctioned. Waller said he looked forward tot he Grayson Waller Effect with Carmelo Hayes later in the night.

- There was a vignette of Axiom talking trash about SCRYPTS. Axiom said that SCRYPTS was not his rival whatsover and that he would whoop SCRYPTS whenever they get inside the ring.

- There ws backstage footage from the Performance Center of recruits congratulating Tank Ledger for his NXT Debut. Dani Palmer promised to do well in her NXT debut.

Gigi Dolin vs. Cora Jade.

Dolin go a Full Nelson into a snapmare headlock on Jade to begin the match, but Jade rolled over and got a wrist lock on Dolin. Dolin hit a forearm shiver on Jade before hitting a PK Kick and a Bronco Buster on Jade before getting a float-over for a near fall. Jade hit an upkick on Dolin before hitting a springboard double-knee drop on Dolin's back for a near fall. Jade slammed Dolin onto the mat before locking in a crossarm headlock. Dolin broke the hold and hit a backstabber on Dolin. Dolin hit a knee strike, a boot kick, a roundhouse kick, and got Jade in a Fireman's Carry. Jacy Jayne came in to distract Dolin, but Dolin instead kicked Jayne's head in before tossing Jayne into Booker T. Dolin got back in the ring, but Jade caught her with the Rising Knee Strike before hitting the Death Rider for the pinfall win.

Winner: Cora Jade.

- After the match, Lyra Valkyria called out Jade from the Raven's Next and challenged her to a match on Spring Breakkin.

- Eddy Thorpe was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell, with Thorpe saying he was ready to succeed in NXT. Damon Kemp interrupted Thorpe and said that he was impressed.

- Brooks Jensen & Kiana James arrived at Josh Briggs & Fallon Henley's bar before Jensen ran down on them. Jensen & James challenged Henley & Briggs to a mixed-tag match for Spring Breakkin. Henley accepted the challenge before she went full "yee-haw bitch" and kicked them out of the bar.

DIJAK vs Apollo Crews.

DIJAK and Crews locked up to begin the match before DIJAK hit a waist lock takedown on Crews. Crews hit a chop on DIJAK before hitting a headlock takeover on DIJAK. Crews leaped over DIJAK twice before doing a leapfrog into a dropkick on DIJAK. Crews hit a German Suplex on DIJAK before connecting two more for a near fall. DIJAK got Crews on the apron and went for a suplex, but instead hit a stunner into the top rope before pouncing Crews into the broadcast table ahead of the commercial break.

Back from the break, DIJAK got Crews in a Cravat, but Crews slammed DIJAK into the top rope before hitting an ax handle on Crews. Crews hit two lariats, a leaping lariat, a corner splash, and a Diving Blockbuster on DIJAK for a near fall. Crews went for a Frog Splash, but DIJAK evaded. Crews hit a Pump Kick on DIJAK before going for a German Suplex, but DIJAK landed on his feet and hit a big boot. Crews hit a Thrust Kick on Crews, but DIJAK responded with a Discus Boot for a near fall. DIJAK went for a Chokeslam, but Crews reversed it with a V-Trigger for a near fall. Crews went for a Standing Moonsault, but DIJAK caught him and hit a Chokebomb on Crews for a near fall. Crews tried to leap over DIJAK, but DIJAK caught him mid-air and hit the Feast Your Eyes for the pinfall win.

Winner: DIJAK.

- DIJAK tried to attack Apollo Crews after the match, but Ilja Dragunov made the save. The two were separated by referees.

- Jacy Jayne ran down on Gigi Dolin for leaving her young brother with her mother when she was seventeen. Jayne promised that she would make Dolin run away from NXT like she did to her brother.

NXT North American Championship Match.

Wes Lee (c) vs. Charlie Dempsey (w/ Drew Gulak).

Gulak attacked Lee before the match.

The match officially began with Dempsey firing away with uppercuts on Lee before hitting some knee strikes for a near fall. Dempsey got a Cravat Pin on Lee for a near fall. Lee ran the ropes and leaped over Dempsey before catching him with an upkick, Tijeras, and a dropkick on Dempsey to send him to the outside. Lee hit a Tope Con Giro on Dempsey to the outside.

During the break, Lee got Dempsey in a headlock, but Dempsey responded with a back suplex. Lee continued to maintain a headlock on Dempsey, but Dempsey responded by spiking Lee in the dome with a Saito Suplex before hitting a cross-face strike and locking in a headlock on Lee. Dempsey went for an abdominal stretch on Lee, but instead got a heel-hook on Lee before transitioning into a knee-bar.

Back from the break, Dempsey hit a wrist lock takedown on Lee before locking in a Standing double-wrist lock on Lee before slamming him into the middle turnbuckle and hitting a Gut Wrench Suplex for a near fall. Dempsey hyper-extended Lee's left arm, but Lee responded with two body shots. The two exchanged forearm strikes before Lee hit a snapmare neck dropkick on Dempsey. Lee went for a Meteora, but Dempsey took a side step and hit a Dragon Screw on Lee before hitting a Butterfly Suplex into a Bridged German Suplex on Lee for a near fall. Dempsey hit a Deadweight German Suplex into an O'Connor Roll on Lee for a near fall. Dempsey went for a Thirsd German, but Lee evaded and hit two thrust kicks on Dempsey and booted Gulak right in the dome before hitting the Cardiac Kick on Dempsey for the pinfall win.

Gulak & Dempsey attacked lee after the match before Gulak hit a Liger Bomb on Lee for Dempsey to hit a Snap-Dragon Suplex on Lee.

Winner AND STILL NXT North American Champion: Wes Lee.

- Tony D'Angelo & Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo agreed to Pretty Deadly's challenge while dining in their restaurant

- There was a video vignette of Oba Femi ahead of his debut on NXT Spring Breakkin.

- Grayson Waller hosted a new edition of "The Grayson Waller Effect" with special guests Trick Williams & NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes. Hayes gave Waller some credit for always finding a way to make his way to the main event despite the loses. Hayes argued that he had become as big of a star as Hayes without the belt, which Williams cackled about. Waller asked Hayes what exactly meant by Hayes being him, which Williams and Hayes argued that he was the main event. Waller said that Hayes was "him" because Williams was always there to give Hayes the big wins. Hayes said that Waller may not be the guy before asking production to pull Waller's accomplishments on screen, which were none. Waller said that once he beat Hayes, he can join MVP and carry Omos's bags, but Hayes refuted by saying that Waller could become Logan Paul's stunt double. Hayes promised Waller that he would retain the title. The two competitors argued inside the ring to end the broadcast.

- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.

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