Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 4/4/2023 edition of NXT on the USA Network.
We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE
Here's what is set for the show.
WWE NXT (4/4/2023) Results.
- Dragon Lee vs. Nathan Frazier.
- DIJAK vs. Odyssey Jones.
- Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) vs. The Family (Tony D'Angelo & Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo).
- The Fallout from NXT Stand & Deliver.
Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens.
Live Coverage.
- Vic Joseph & Booker T welcomed the audience before transitioning to the opening match.
- Ring Announcer Alicia Taylor welcomed the new NXT Women's Champion Indi Hartwell to the ring. Hartwell was humbled by the reaction from the crowd and said that she still did not believe that her being NXT Women's Champion was real, mostly because she never thought it would happen because she thought it was a pipe dream, but thanked the fans for sticking with her. Hartwell then praised Roxanne Perez, saying that if it was her for her there would not be a ladder match, saying that she should be the one to get a shot at the title, but was interrupted by Zoey Stark. Stark ran down Hartwell for "diminishing" the legacy of the NXT Women's Title, saying that she was not on the level of previous champions before saying that she was beatable. Stark challenged Hartwell to a match tonight, which Hartwell accepted.
- NXT North American Champion Wes Lee & Axiom talked in the Florida airport after their match in NXT Stand & Deliver. Axiom challenged Lee to a match for the title, which Lee accepted.
Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) vs. The Family (Tony D'Angelo & Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo).
Stacks & Prince locked up to begin the match. Prince went for Stacks's ankle before Wilson caught the Underboss with a lariat. Wilson hit an Atomic Drop before going for a Hip Toss, but Stacks reversed it with a Backslide into a dropkick before hitting a springboard back elbow on Wilson. D'Angelo tagged in and hit a series of body shots at Wilson, but Wilson punched D'Angelo before tagging in Prince. Prince was greeted by D'Angelo with body shots and a Butterfly before hitting an Irish Whip on Prince into the corner. Prince went for a dive, but D'Angelo caught him with a body shot before hitting a lariat.
Prince regained control and drop-kicked D'Angelo's leg before tagging in Wilson, but Wilson was greeted with a double-leg takedown. Wilson slapped D'Angelo, but D'Angelo responded with a slap & a jab. Stacks hit a jab on Wilson before he & D'Angelo hit Stereo Backdrops on Pretty Deadly before Stacks hit a Senton on Wilson & a corner Splash on Prince. Pretty Deadly attacked Stacks in the corner before slamming him into the opposite corner with an Irish Whip. Prince got a wrist lock on Stacks before aiming his focus on Stacks's arm. Prince got an arm bar on Stacks, but Stacks hit two body shots, but Wilson & Prince pushed Stacks into the corner. D'Angelo tagged in and started to lay out Pretty Deadly for the Hot Tag, hitting an Overhead Suplex on Prince, a German Suplex on Wilson, and a Wheelbarrow German into a Spinebuster on Prince for a near fall. Wilson laid out Stacks while D'Angelo attacked Prince. Wilson took off the pad from the corner while the referee was distracted. Wilson & Prince traded placed without the referee & D'Angelo looking, allowing Prince to slam D'Angelo's face into the exposed turnbuckle before getting the Schoolboy Roll-Up for the pinfall win.
Winners: Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson).
- Jacy Jayne cut a promo on Gigi Dolin and promised to break Dolin's will.
DIJAK vs. Odyssey Jones.
Jones & DIJAK attacked each other to begin the match, but DIJAK hit a running boot on Jones for a near fall. Jones tossed DIJAK into the corner with an Irish Whip, which sent DIJAK out of the ring. Back in the ring, Jones hit the Standing Ovation Slam on DIJAK. DIJAK went for a Crossbody on Jones, but Jones caught him and hit a World Strongest Slam on DIJAK for a near fall. Jones climbed to the top rope and went for a Splash, but DIJAK caught him with a High Thrust Kick before getting him in a Fireman's Carry, spiking Jones with a Death Valley Driver for a near fall. DIJAK immediately climbed to the top rope and hit a Moonsault Press on Jones for the pinfall win.
Winner: DIJAK.
- There was a video package highlighting Dragon Lee ahead of his NXT TV Debut against Natahn Frazier after the commercial break.
Gallus (Joe Coffey & NXT Tag Team Champions Wolfgang & Mark Coffey) were interviewed backstage, with Gallus promising to expect dominance. Joe Coffey said that while Mark & Wolfgang had the tag belts, he would get some fights in.
- Prior to the match between Frazier & Dragon Lee, former ICW Champion & current NXT Heritage Cup Champion Noam Dar made his nXT return, saying that he will defend the cup in NXT.
Dragon Lee vs. Nathan Frazier.
Frazier & Lee began the match with speedy chain wrestling before the two had a staredown. The two went for a Greco-Roman Lockup before Frazier got a headlock on Lee. Lee kicked Frazier's leg to break the hold before locking in a headlock on Frazier. The two ran the ropes before Frazier did a backflip over Lee. Frazier went for a Hurricanrana, but Lee landed on his feet. Lee went for a snap-mare, but Frazier landed on his feet before the two Cruiserweights had a staredown.
Lee & Frazier exchanged wrist locks before Frazier hit two Arm Drags on Lee, locking in a hold on Lee in the process. Lee got back up and hit a running-back elbow on Frazier for a near fall. Lee got a chinlock on Frzier, but Frazier back him into the corner before slamming him into the corner with an Irish Whip. Lee climbed to the top rope, but Frazier pushed him to the outside with a dropkick as Frazier looked along. Back in the ring, Lee got Frazier in a small package before the two laid each other out with stereo clotheslines.
Back from the break, Frazier slammed Lee into the corner before hitting a Diving Flatliner on Lee for a near fall. Frazier went to the top rope, but Lee intercepted him. Lee went for a Super German, but Frazier landed on his feet before catching him with a shotgun dropkick, but Lee caught him with two vicious running dropkicks before hitting a UshiGoroshi into a Penalty Kick for a near fall. Lee climbed on the top rope, but Frazier caught him. Lee had Frazier hanging and hit a Diving Foot Stomp on Frazier. Lee went for the Bull's Horns, but Frazier caught him with a Thrust Kick for a near fall. Frazier went for a Phoenix Splash, but Lee evaded and hit a Knee strike, but Frazier responded with an Enziguri kick. Frazier went for a lariat on Lee, but Lee rolled over and reversed it with a Liger Bomb for a near fall. Lee fired up and hit the Incinerator for the pinfall win.
Winner: Dragon Lee.
- Andre Chase cut a speech to Chase University and thanked Tyler Bate. Duke Hudson was bamboozled, but Chase said that did not shout him out due to Hudson's previous statements on not wanting a celebration. After some sweet talking from Hudson, Chase said that they would do an MVP Celebration for Hudson next week.
- There was a vignette of the new NXT Women's Tag Team Champions Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn. Dawn & Fyre felt something with the water and said that they were just getting started. Dawn cursed anyone that wishes to get a taste of the NXT Women's Championship before the two had at toast
- NXT North American Champion Wes Lee was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell, praising his challengers from Stand & Deliver. Lee said that Axiom stood out to him during the match, but said that he looked forward to their match later tonight.
NXT Women's Championship Match.
Indi Hartwell (c) vs. Zoey Stark.
The two locked up before Hartwell hit two body slams & two short-hand lariats on Stark, but Stark responded with a crossbody & a thrust kick. The two evaded each other's finishers before Stark hit a sliding kick on Hartwell for a near fall. Stark leaned her boot on Hartwell in the corner for a near fall. Hartwell & Stark exchanged forearms before Stark went for a half-dragon, but Hartwell revered it with an arm drag before stomping away at Stark into the corner. Stark slammed Hartwell's face to the corner before hitting three Irish Whips into a corner spear on Hartwell. Hartwell hit a knee-lift on Stark before connecting a Bionic Jab on Stark for a near fall. Hartwell slammed Stark's neck into the top rope to send her to the outside, but Stark slammed Hartwell onto the mat before hitting a Twisting Senton Atomico on Hartwell before kicking her to the outside.
During the picture-in-picture break, Stark & Hartwell brawled on the outside before Stark got Hartwell back in the ring and hit a snap-mare on Hartwell. Stark went for a baseball slide, but Hartwell evaded before the two brawled on the outside again. Back in the ring & from the break, Stark had control of the match before locking in a Cravat on Hartwell before hitting a snap-mare into a basement lariat on Hartwell for a near fall. Stark went for a suplex, but Hartwell evaded and hit two lariats, a side-slam, and a Bandera toss on Stark, but Stark caught her with an enziguri kick. Stark went for a Twisting Senton, but Hartwell intercepted her before evading Stark's crossbody. Hartwell was tossed to the apron by Stark, but Stark caught her with an uppercut before hitting an Elbow Drop on Stark's back for a near fall. The two exchanged chops before Stark hit a Roundhouse kick on Hartwell, but Hartwell responded with a Spinebuster for a near fall. Stark hit the Half-Dragon Suplex on Hartwell before hitting the Belly-to-Back GTS on Hartwell, but Hartwell was sent to the outside. Stark got Hartwell back in the ring and went for a pin, but Hartwell caught her and locked in a Crucifix Pin on Stark for the pinfall win.
Winner AND STILL NXT Women's Champion: Indi Hartwell.
- After the match, Tiffany Stratton stood on the ramp to call her shot on Hartwell, but Indi Hartwell was attacked from behind by Cora Jade. Jade hit the Death Rider on Hartwell before posing with the title. Jade then confronted Stratton on the ramp.
- Josh Briggs & Fallon Henley exposed Kiana James for "cheating" on Brook Jensen, but James said that they were never exclusive. Brooks Jensen was bamboozled by this.
- Vic Joseph & Booker T gave a tribute to Bushwaker Butch Miller before the commercial break. You can read more about it here. Fightful sends its condolences to Miller's friends, family & fans.
- Cora Jade was in the parking lot but was greeted by Lya Valkyria, who told he that she could not escape fate.
Ivy Nile vs. Tatum Paxley.
The two locked up before Nile got a Guilltone Choke on Paxley, but Paley leaned Nile into the corner. Nile hit a series of vicious kicks on Paxley before catching her with a roundhouse kick. Paxley got Nile and hit a Slingshot Suplex on Nile before hitting a Body slam on Nile. Nile got Paxley in a Juji Gatame, but Paxley evaded and hit a Split-Elbow Drop on Nile for a near fall. Paxley got Nile in a headlock, but Nle got out of the hold and hit a Gut Wrench Suplex on Paxley. Nile laid n the body shots on Paxley before catching her with a series of Knee lifts. Nile got Paxley in ta Half-Torture Rack before hitting a Face slam, two shoulder tackles, a takedown, a series of ground punches, and a leaping thrust kick on Paxley into the corner to send Paxley out of the ring. Nile kicked Paxley right in the abdomen before sending her back in the ring. Paxley caught Nile's kick and went for a move, but Nile rolled over and locked in a Vicious, disgusting, nasty Dragon Sleeper for the Submission Win.
Winner: Ivy Nile.
- Ilja Dragunov was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell, with Dragunov saying that there was no challenge too big for him to conquer. Dragunov was randomly interrupted by Von Wagner, calling himself the biggest monster he'd ever seen. Mr. Stone stopped Dragunov & Wagner before getting him a match for him next week, but Mr. Stone put an ultimatum that if he lost, they were done.
NXT North American Championship Match.
Wes Lee (c) vs. Axiom.
The two cruiserweights locked up before Axiom got Lee in a shocking crucifix for a near fall. Lee got the head scissors on Axiom, but Axiom rolled over and locked in a Bow & Arrow on Lee. Axiom rolled over and hit a springboard arm drag into a Gamonguri on Lee for a near fall. Lee went for a flipping kick, but Axiom fell on his bum to catch him. The two ran the ropes before Lee hit the Tijeras, a punch, a kick, and a dropkick on Axiom for a near fall. Lee & Axiom got in a Greco-Roman Lock Up, but Axiom hit a Springboard Hurricanrana on Lee before hitting him with a Tope Suicida to the outside. Axiom went for a dive, but Lee caught him with an uppercut to send him off the apron.
During picture-in-picture, Lee & Axiom brawled to the outside before Axiom kicked Lee in the abdomen. Back in the ring, Lee hit a kick to the head before hitting a Running Claymore on Axiom for a near fall. Lee went for a suplex, but Axiom landed on his feet before hitting a Northern Lights Suplex on Lee for a near fall. Axiom hit a headbutt on Lee's abdomen before hitting a jab on Lee for a near fall. Axiom went for a Juji Gatame but turned it around and went for El Sacrificio on Lee. Axiom transitioned the hold into an Ankle lock on Lee.
Back from the break, Lee booted Axiom in the head to break the hold. The two exchanged strikes before Lee hit a series of body shots and a snap-mare into a shotgun dropkick to the back. Lee hit a corner uppercut into an Enziguri kick before hitting a German Suplex. Axiom went for the Golden Ration on Lee while doing a backflip, but Lee hit a Double Stomp on Axiom before hitting a Suplex Driver on Axiom for a near fall. Lee went for a Cardiac Kick on Axiom, but Axiom caught him with a Sleeper before transitioning into a half-dragon suplex on Lee. Lee booted Axiom in the head, but Axiom got Lee in an Inside Cradle for a near fall. Axiom went for a Victory Roll, but Lee caught him with a Thrust kick. Lee climbed to the top rope and went for the Spiral Tap, but Axiom lifted his knees before hitting a V-Trigger on Lee. Axiom went for the Golden Ratio, but Lee slid under Axiom before hitting the Cardiac Kick on Axiom for the pinfall win. The two shook hands after the match.
Winner AND STILL NXT North American Champion: Wes Lee.
- After the match, SCRYPTS cut a promo on Axiom. SCRYPTS tried to attack Axiom from behind with a Senton, but Axiom caught him mid-air with a Golden Ratio from mid-air.
- Nathan Frazier was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell backstage. Frazier said that he believed that he could turn around his misfortunes in NXT. Frazier said that he was just enlightened during the interview.
- There was a video package promoting the NXT debuts of Tank Ledger, Dani Palmer & Oba Femi.
- Alicia Taylor introduced Trick Williams & the newly crowned NXT World Heavyweight Champion Carmelo Hayes to have Hayes's title celebration. Hayes said that in the biggest Stand & Deliver ever, he was balling in that B, proving that he was HIM once and for all. Hayes said that he was gunning for the #1 spot, saying that he was not gonna be denied. Hayes praised Bron Breakker and told him to get to the ring so he could tell him something. Breakker came to the ring, and Hayes thanked him for putting him over before thanking him on behalf of himself & the NXT audience. Breakker said that NXT was about the superstars & the audience, with Breakker saying that they hear them before he once again congratulated Hayes for winning the title. Before Breakker left, he & Hayes shook hands, but Breakker caught Hayes with a wicked lariat. Breakker attacked Williams & Hayes before laying Hayes out with a spear. Breakker stood tall over Hayes to end the broadcast.
- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.