WWE NXT (5/30/2023) Results: Weaponized Steel Cage Match, Fallout from NXT Battleground & More.

Welcome to the http://Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 5/30/2023 edition of NXT on the USA Network.

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Cora Jade Unable To Continue In Match Against Jordynne Grace On WWE NXT

Here's what is set for the show.


WWE NXT (5/30/2023).

  • Weaponized Steel Cage Match: Gigi Dolin vs. Jacy Jayne.
  • Mystery Attacker Revealed.
  • We Hear from NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes.
  • NXT Women's Champion Tiffany Stratton Celebrates Title Win.
  • The fallout from NXT Battleground.

Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens.

Live Coverage.

- Vic Joseph & Booker T welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning into the opening contest.

Weaponized Steel Cage Match.

Gigi Dolin vs. Jacy Jayne.

Jayne attacked Dolin from behind on the outside of the ring before the match. Jayne slammed the cage door on Dolin's abdomen before bringing her into the ring. The match officially began with Jayne pulling out a leather belt before whacking Dolin's abdomen & back with it. Jayne set up a chair, but Dolin attacked Jayne's back with a trash can lid, but Jayne responded but hitting a flatliner on Dolin into a chair. Dolin placed Jayne in a chair before hitting a running crossbody and slamming her across the cage walls. Dolin got the leather belt and returned the whacking on Jayne before placing a trash can and hitting the Machine Gun Penalty Kicks and placing a trash can on Jayne's neck before hitting a running dropkick onto the trash can for a near fall. Dolin got another trash can and an Orange Bat wrapped in thornes before slamming the thorns onto Jayne's face, busting. Dolin went for a bat swinging on Jayne, but Jayne evaded before hitting a Spinebuster onto a trash can, somehow busting Dolin open from the shoulder blade.

During the break, Jayne dominated proceedings before placing a trash can into the corner. Jayne tried to slam Dolin into the corner, but Dolin blocked it and hit a Roundhouse Kick on Jayne. Dolin placed a trash can into the bottom turnbuckle, but Jayne caught her with a lariat into a Running Senton for a near fall. Jayne then got a chain and wrapped it around her fist before hitting a series of body shots on Dolin's abdomen and trying to choke Dolin out with the chain. Back from the break, Dolin broke the hold by tossing Jayne into a chair in the corner before Dolin fired away with a knee, a forearm, a kick, and an STO on Jayne for a near fall. Dolin stacked a set of chairs into the center of the ring before going for a Half-And-Half, but Jayne evaded and hit a neck breaker on Dolin into the stack of chairs for a near fall. The two exchanged strikes before Dolin went for the Octopus Bomb, but Jayne tossed Dolin into the trash can before hitting a thrust kick & a Cannonball into a trash can in the bottom turnbuckle to get the win, but Dolin kicked out at two. Jayne brought a table into the fold before going for a suplex on Dolin into the table, but Dolin blocked it before hitting a knee lift on Jayne. Jayne tossed Dolin into the cage wall before she placed Dolin into the top rope. Jayne went for a Suplexplex on Dolin onto the table, but Dolin slammed Jayne's face into the cage wall before hitting Jayne with an Avalanche Uranage onto the table to get the pinfall win.

Winner: Gigi Dolin.

- There was a video package recapping the proceedings of NXT Battleground.

- There was a vignette of Tony D'Angelo getting a mugshot after being arrested.

- Backstage, Gallus (Wolfgang, Joe & Mark Coffey) spoke about their title retention against The Creed Brothers before making fun of Tony D'Angelo being arrested. This brought Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo to confront Gallus, but he was beat down by all three members.

- NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams came to the ring to cut a promo after beating Bron Breakker in NXT Battleground to retain the title, saying that sometimes he had to take shots to make them and that he never misses. Oro Mensah, Jakara Jackson, Lash Legend & NXT Heritage Cup Champion Noam Dar interrupted Hayes and called himself the most prestigious champion in NXT. Dar then proceeded to challenge Hayes for the NXT Title before saying Hyaes had it easy because he had load management. Hayes accepted Dar's challenge for later tonight.

- Cora Jade threw a tantrum backstage, saying that she deserve to be the NXT Women's Champion. Ivy Nile confronted Jade and told her to suck it up, but Jade told Nile that it was not her fault that The Creeds lost against Gallus and that Ava Raine whooped her. Nile responded by saying that Jade would be better if she did not bitch about it.

- Axiom was watching Battleground backstage before Reggie confronted him, who told Axiom to call him "Scrypts". Scrypts thanked Axiom for opening his eyes.

Tyler Bate & Wes Lee vs. The Dyad (Jagger Reid & Rip Fowler) (w/ Ava Raine).

Bate & Reid began the match exchanging wrist locks before Bate hit a wrist lock takedown on Reid. Fowler tagged in and blasted Bate with a forearm, but Bate responded with a diving uppercut from the top rope. Wes Lee tagged in, but Fowler blasted him with a forearm strike. Lee ran the ropes before hitting Tijeras and a Tilt-to-Whirl Crossbody on Fowler for a near fall. Bate & Lee did quick tags, but Fowler pushed Bate into Lee before The Dyad came to the ring, but Bate reeled them into the corner before Lee hit a crossbody off the top rope. The two teams had a stalemate, but all hell froze over when it was shown a mysterious figure from the crowd, that figure being Mustafa Ali. Ali joined ringside for the match before the commercial break.

Back from the break, The Dyad tried to suplex Bate, but Bate caught them with knee strikes. Bate fought off The Dyad before backing Fowler into the corner and tagging in Lee. Lee laid in the kicks on both Fowler & Reid before hitting. aCazadora on Reid into a DDT on Fowler, a double stomp on Reid's back, and a Gamonguri Kick on Fowler. Lee went for the Cardiac Kick, but Fowler evaded and caught him with a crosschop. The Dyad tried to double-team Lee, but Lee caught them with the Double Pele Kick on The Dyad. Lee & Bate hit Stereo Spiral Taps on Fowler & Reid before Bate hit the Tyler Driver 97 on Reid for the pinfall win.

Diamond Mine, Ava Raine & The Dyad brawled on the ramp. Inside the ring, Joe Gacy attacked Bate & Lee but that was until Mustafa Ali attacked Gacy and laid him out.

Winners: Tyler Bate & Wes Lee.

- Drew Gulak & Charlie Dempsey hosted a seminar on Chase University, making fun of Thea Hail. In a later vignette, Gulak hosted an in-ring seminar where Gulak was teaching students how to do mat grappling. Hudson told Hail that she did not have to do it, but Hail told Hudson that she had to prove herself.

- The new NXT Women's Champion Tiffany Stratton came to the ring for a Tiffybration. Stratton said that no one should be surprised that she won and said that she would show what it is like to be a true champion. Stratton said that she was the perfect description of what a WWE Superstar before calling out the NXT Women's Locker Room to see who was going to be her first challenger. Members of the NXT Women's Division surrounded the ring and that lead to Stratton saying that no one can sit with her and may retire as champion. Stratton said that she had a Tiffany Epiphany before saying that there would be a Battle Royal to crown a #1 Contender, but said that it did not matter who won because it was Tiffy Time. Roxanne Perez, Lyra Valkyria, Thea Hail & Fallon Henley attacked Stratton, spoiling Stratton's celebration.

- Trick Williams was confronted by Lash Legend, Jakara Jackson & Oro Mensah before Mensah told Williams that Hayes would have a night off. Williams said that he would watch all three of them during the Main Event.

- Dani Palmer was in the ring and called the mystery attacker. The attacker was shown in the titantron showing everyone that she had attack. The attacker was shown in the ring before she hit a Falcon Arrow. The attacker was revealed to be Blair Davenport.

- Eddy Thorpe was with Edris Enofe & Malik Blade after the match before Damon Kemp talked trash to Thorpe. The two will have a rematch next week.

Joe Coffey vs. Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo.

Lorenzo caught Coffey with a dropkick to begin the match before slamming him with a takedown. Stacks locked in a headlock on Coffey before hitting him with three knee lifts and a falling fist on Coffey for a near fall. Lorenzo laid in the shotes on the mat before locking in a headlock on Coffey, but Coffey broke the hold before hitting a Hip Toss on Lorenzo. Coffey continued the offense by hitting an Irish Whip into the corner followed by two elbow drops for a near fall. Coffey hit another Hip Toss on Stacks, but Lorenzo fought back before hitting. shoulder breaker on Coffey for a near fall. Coffey hit a Snap-Body Slam on Lorenzo, but Stacks tossed him with a Bandera into the outside before the commercial break.

Back from the break, Coffey locked in the body scissors on Lorenzo, but Lorenzo got out of the hold before going for the Sharp Shooter, but Coffey slammed Stacks onto the top rope before spiking Stacks onto his neck for a near fall. Lorenzo hit a forearm on Coffey before returning the favor and spiking Coffey in the neck, this time with a DDT. Lorenzo hit two lariats, a running uppercut, a uppercut to the corner and a neck breaker on Coffey for a near fall. Lorenzo climbed to the top rope, but Coffey caught him with an Uppercut before hitting a Superplex on Lorenzo for a near fall. Lorenzo hit a back-drop on Coffey before flying himself to the outside of the ring after going for a clothesline. Lorenzo caught Coffey with an uppercut before going for another one, but Coffey evaded to send Lorenzo crashing into the stairs. Coffey got Lorenzo back in the ring and hit THE POUNCE followed by a Discus Lariat for the pinfall win.

Winner: Joe Coffey.

- There was a vignette backstage from last week, Von Wagner & Mr. Stone argued backstage due to Wagner whooping Luca Crucifino. Mr. Stone suggested Wagner to do something all wrestlers should do: See a therapist.

- There was a vignette of Ilja Dragunov talking to his family and preparing himself for his match against DIJAK.

Cora Jade vs. Ivy Nile.

Jade pretended to lose her eye before punching Nile, but Nile caught her with a wrist lock. Nile hit a short-hand lariat on Jade before hitting a Juji Gatatme takedown into a pin for a near fall. Nile hit another takedown on Jade, but Jade pulled Nile from the hair into the mat for a near fall. Jade regained control and tossed Nile & wrapped Nile into the ropes before hitting a chop & a Shotgun Dropkick. Jade locked in a headlock on Nile, but Nile hit a takedown followed by a Schoolboy on Jade for a near fall. Nile hit leg kicks and a leaping Thrust Kick into the corner for a near fall. Jade slammed Nile onto the mat before going for the springboard stomp, but Nile evaded to send Jade buckling her foot. Ava Raine tried to attack Nile, but Nile caught her with a Dragon Sleeper. Nile got Raine locked up, but Jade saw the distraction and hit the Rising Knee Strike into the Death Rider for the pinfall win.

Winner: Cora Jade.

- Tank Ledger & Hank Walker talked backstage before Edris Enofe & Malik Blade confronted them backstage. The two teams tried to find their similarities and see how they dwelled as teams.

- Diamond Mine (Ivy Nile, Brutus & Julius Creed) challenged The Schism (Jagger Reid, Rip Fowler & Ava Raine) to a match next week before the two teams brawled backstage.

NXT Championship Match.

Carmelo Hayes (c) (w/ Trick Williams) vs. Noam Dar (w/ Lash Legend, Oro Mensah & Jakara Jackson).

Dar & Hayes locked up before Hayes hit a wrist lock takedown. Dar went for a kick on Hayes, but Hayes evaded and locked in a wrist lock on Dar before hitting an arm drag takedown. Dar hit a shoulder block, a kick to the shin, and a kick to the chest on Hayes, but Hayes responded with a Springboard Lariat to send Dar to the outside. Dar talked strategy with his entourage before he headed back into the ring. Hayes & Dar locked up before Hayes got Dar into the corner and caught him with a chop before catching him with the Snap-Slingshot Suplex on Dar for a near fall. Dar regained control and hit shoulder blocks on Hayes into the corner, but Hayes responded with an upkick and an arm drag takeover on Dar.

Back from the break, Dar hit a forearm strike on Hayes, but Hayes responded by hanging Dar in the middle rope before hitting the Fade-Away Leg Drop on Dar for a near fall. Darr tossed Hayes onto the apron before catching him with a leg sweep and a dropkick to send him to the outside. Dar got Hayes back in the ring and hit a Sliding Forearm on Hayes for a near fall. Dar got Hayes and hit a Butterfly Suplex on Hayes, but Hayes kicked out at two. Hayes hit a series of strikes on Dar, but Dar caught Hayes flush with a Punch for a near fall. Dar hit a series of knee lifts, but Hayes reversed it with a Schoolboy into La Mistica on Dar for a near fall. The two exchanged strikes before Hayes hit two lariats, a knee strike, another lariat, a thrust kick, and a pump kick on Dar. Dar went for a kick, but Hayes caught him and hit a Tejano Bomb on Dar for a near fall. Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson distracted Trick Williams before Williams hit a jab at Mensah. Back in the ring, Dar got a Schoolboy into the Supernova Knee-Bar on Hayes, but Hayes reversed it with the Crossface before Dar got a rope break. Hayes & Dar exchanged punches before Dar hit a shin kick & a back fist on Hayes, but Hayes reversed it with a Cutter. Oro Mensah tried to get involved, but they were stopped by Nathan Frazier & Dragon Lee before Hayes hit a Splash onto Dar & Mensah. Hayes got Dar back in the ring before he hit the Flying Leg Drop on Dar for the pinfall win.

Winner AND STILL NXT Champion: Carmelo Hayes.

- After the match, Baron Corbin of all people attacked Hayes from behind. Corbin got Hayes in the center of the ring. Corbin stood tall to end the broadcast.

- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.

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