WWE NXT (6/13/2023) Results: Breakker Calls Out Rollins, Heritage Cup Match, Corbin In Action & More

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 6/13/2023 edition of NXT on the USA Network.

We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on https://Twitter.com/Fightful and http://Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Mina Shirakawa Officially Announces She'll Be Joining AEW After Contract With STARDOM Expires On 3/31

Here's what is set for the show.


WWE NXT (6/13/2023).

  • Will WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins respond to Bron Breakker?
  • NXT Heritage Cup Championship Match: Noam Dar (c) (w/ Lash Legend, Jakara Jackson & Oroh Mensah) vs. Nathan Frazer (w/ Dragon Lee).
  • Baron Corbin vs. Ilja Dragunov.
  • Thea Hail (w/ Drew Gulak, Charlie Dempsey & Duke Hudson) vs. Cora Jade.
  • Roxanne Perez vs. Tatum Paxley.
  • Tyler Bate, Wes Lee & Mustafa Ali vs. Schism (Joe Gacy, Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid) (w/ Ava Raine).
  • Malik Blade vs. Edris Enofe.

Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens.

Live Coverage.

- Vic Joseph & Booker T welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning into the opening match.

Tyler Bate, Wes Lee & Mustafa Ali vs. Schism (Joe Gacy, Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid) (w/ Ava Raine).

The match began with the six men brawling on the inside of the ring, with Gacy catching Bate with a jab to officially begin the match. Bate hit an uppercut on Gacy before Ali tagged in and hit a double stomp on Gacy's left arm. Ali flipped over Gacy's back before hitting a Hurricanrana on Gacy. Gacy pulled Ali from the hair before Fowler tagged in and hit a jab on Ali. Ali got a headlock on Fowler before Lee hit a West Coast Bump & a dropkick on Fowler. Reid tagged in before he & Fowler slammed Lee with a Flapjack onto the top rope. Gacy tagged back in and hit a Uranage on Lee for a near fall. Reid & Gacy got Lee on their corner before Fowler & Reid hit a corner lariat/ Leg Lariat combo on Lee for a near fall. Fowler got Lee back up and hit a lariat on Lee before hitting a Knee Lift & a jab on Lee. Gacy tagged back in and hit a nasty chop on Lee before catching him with an Uppercut for a near fall. Fowler hit a toe kick on Lee's chest to send him onto the apron. Lee went for a Sunset Flip on Fowler, but Reid tagged in and broke the hold. Reid continued to attack Lee before going for a suplex, but Lee rolled over before hitting a toe kick on Reid & tagging in Bate. Bate hit two lariats, an Irish Whip into a Backdrop, a corner uppercut, a T-Bone Suplex & a Running Shooting Star on Reid for a near fall. Ali, Lee & Bate hit triple Bop & Bang Jabs on The Schism before all three hit stereo dives on Schism to the outside ahead of the commercial break.

Back from the break, Fowler had a chin lock on Bate before catching him with a short-hand lariat on Bate. Fowler went for a suplex on Bate, but Bate blocked it and hit a Deadweight Suplex on Fowler before Reid & Ali tagged in. Ali hit two forearm strikes, a dropkick, two chops on Reid, a running dropkick on Gacy, a roundhouse kick on Fowler, and went for a dive before Reid tripped Al out of the ring. Bate hit an uppercut on Folwer, but Gacy caught him with a back-breaker before Lee caught Gacy with a Meteora. Reid hit a Thrust Kick on Lee, but Ali hit a Rolling Neckbreaker on Reid. Ali went for a 450 Splash, but Reid evaded before slamming Ali into the middle turnbuckle. Lee & Fowler tagged in, with Lee taking out Fowler before hitting a Tope Con Giro on Gacy & Reid on the outside. Lee accidentally eliminated Bate before Schism hit an Assisted Powerbomb on Lee to get the pin, but another came to the ring to stop the count. Ali dropkicked The Dyad out of the ring before Ali hit a Tornado DDT on Reid while Lee hit a Tope on Fowler. Back in the ring, Bate hit the Boing Lariat and the Tyler Driver 97 on Gacy for the pinfall win.

Winners: Mustafa Ali, Wes Lee & Tyler Bate.

- Drew Gulak & Charlie Dempsey criticized Thea Hail's form during the Battle Royal, with Hail demanding them to train ahead of Hail's match against Cora Jade later in the night.

- Bron Breakker came to the ring to cut a promo addressing WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins. Breakker said that he called out Rollins because he was starting to hold everyone accountable, starting by attacking Ilja Dragunov backstage last week & calling out Seth Rollins. Breakker asked where was Seth Rollins, but Ilja Dragunov instead came to the ring. Draguov was pulled by a group of referees & producers before Breakker said that everyone was going to be held accountable. Seth Rollins appeared in the titantron and addressed Rollins. Rollins told Breakker that was not how things work, but did like his approach. Rollins said that it would be nice to come back to where it all started before accepting Breakker's challenge. They will face each other for the belt next week.

- There was a video package promoting Dana Brooke's return to NXT. Brooke said that she was in NXT, saying that she did not care about the Brand Split and would be on all the shows possible. Cora Jade interrupted Brooke's interview and told her to watch her match before slapping Brooke in the face.

- Tyler Bate, Mustafa Ali & NXT North American Champion Wes Lee spoke backstage. Ali said that Bate & Lee should have a match for the belt, with Ali as the Special Guest Referee. The three agreed before They agreed into going to a Vegan Place near the Performance Center.

Thea Hail (w/ Duke Hudson) vs. Cora Jade.

Hail & Jade began the match locking up before Jade backed Hail into the corner. The two locked up again before Jade slammed Hail onto the mat. Jade locked in a headlock takeover on Hail before hitting Hail with a shoulder tackle. Hail went for a leapfrog, but Jade pulled Hail's leg before hitting a basement dropkick on Hail. As Dana Brooke watched the match on the ramp, Hail locked in a headlock on Jade before hitting an arm drag and a deep arm drag on Jade. Jade slammed Hail into the middle turnbuckle before catching her with a back elbow for a near fall. Jade hit a dropkick on Hail before hitting a Springboard Double Sttomp on Hail's back for a near fall. Jade locked in a headlock on Hail, but Hail slammed Jade into the corner before hitting a hammerstrike, a corner uppercut, a Butterfly Suplex, a Rolling Senton, a Boing Senton, and a T-Bone Suplex on Jade. Hail went for a Tope on Hail, but Jade blocked it with a forearm. Jade then blasted Brooke on ringside before pulling up a kendo stick, the referee pulled the kendo stick out of Jade's hands, allowing Brooke to attack Jade from behind and tossing her onto the stairs. Hail got Jade back in the ring and locked in a Kimura Lock on Jade for the submission win.

Winner: Thea Hail.

- There was the classic video package promoting the NXT Heritage Cup Match between Noam Dar & Nathan Frazier.

- There was a tweet shown regarding Shawn Michaels announcing NXT Gold Rush

Noam Dar blamed Frazier for being injured, saying that he would not be able to compete for tonight. In his placed, Dar said that Oroh Mensah would defend the belt for him.

NXT Heritage Cup Championship Match.

Oroh Mensah (w/ Lash Legend, Jakara Jackson & Noam Dar (replacing him)) vs. Nathan Frazer (w/ Dragon Lee).

Round one: Frazer got a Schoolboy on Mensah to begin the match. Mensah climbed off Frazer's chest, but Frazer responded with a dropkick. Mensah hit a shoulder tackle on Mensah, but Frazer responded with two arm drags on Mensah. Mensah & Frazer evaded each other before Frazer got a Schoolboy on Mensah to gain the first fall.

Round Two: Mensah began the second round with a corner splash before hitting a Penalty Kick to the back for a near fall. Mensah leaped over the top rope and got back in the ring before going for an enziguri kick, but Mensah evaded and hit a Back Heel Kick on Frazer for a near fall. Frazer hit an enziguri kick on before Mensah got Frazer for his first fall.

Round Three: Mensah dominated proceedings, kicking Frazer's back before going for a neck twist on Frazer into a headlock. Frazer got a pin on Mensah, but Mensah responded wih a dropkick. Mensah went for a back suplex on Frazer, but Frazer landed on his feet and got a Victory Roll for a near fall. The two exchanged pins before Frazer hit a Lionsault. Mensah went for a Lionsault of his own, but Frazer caught him with a Thrust Kick for a near fall at the end of round three.

Round Four: Frazer hit a dropkick on Mensah into the corner before going for a PhoenixSplash, but Mensah evaded and got a mall Package for a near fall. Mesna hit a Springboard Thrust Kick before hitting an Inverse Powerbomb on Frazer for a near fall. Mensah went for a Liger Bomb, but Frazer evaded and hit a Thrust Kick on Mensah for a near fall. Frazer went to the top rope, but Mensah met him on the top before hitting a German Superplex on Frazer for a near fall. Jackson distracted the referee, allowing Legend to attack Frazer. Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz attacked Legend & Jackson, allowing Frazer to hit Mensah with a double Springboard Phoenix Splash for the pinfall win.

Winner AND NEW NXT Heritage Cup CHampion: Nathan Frazer (2-1).

- There was a video package of Lyra Valkyria, with her saying that she would overcome her losses to be at the top of NXT.

- Jacy Jayne & Elektra Lopez watched Valkyria's promo backstage before she was confronted by Lola Vice. Vice then met with Lopez, saying that she liked Lopez.

- Von Wagner talked backstage with Mr. Stone before DIJAK told Stone to drop Wagner because he was dead weight. Wagner told Stone that he had not talked about the picture because the therapist told him that he would take about the picture with him.

Dabba-Kato vs. Axiom & SCRYPTS.

Axiom & SCRYPTS hit double dropkicks on Kato before the match. Kato began the match with a lariat on Axiom. Kato hit a chop on Axiom before catching SCRYPTS with a chop mid-air. Kato tossed Axiom onto SCRYPTS before SCRYPTS hit a series of body shots on SCRYPTS. Axiom & SCRYPTS hit an enziguri kicks on Kato. Kato got off Axiom's guillotine choke by tossing Axiom before going for a Chokeslam on Axiom, but Axiom landed on his feet and hit a Pele Kick on Kato. SCRYPTS tagged in and hit a series of strikes to send Kato to the outside. Axiom & SCRYPTS hit two consecutive Tope Suicidas before Axiom tossed SCRYPTS into a Tope Con Giro on Kato, which Axiom followed up with a Triangle Moonsault to the outside. Back in the ring, SCRYPTS hit an Asai Moonsault on Kato before Axiom hit the Golden Ratio on Kato for the pinfall win.

Winners: Axiom & SCRYPTS.

- After the match, Los Lotharios (Humberto Carrillo & Angel Garza) attacked SCRYPTS & Axiom. This is Garza's first appearance in NXT since 2020.

- Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo had a board trying to identify who snitched on Tony D'Angelo. Stacks said that he had to take D'Angelo out of prison and take out the head of the rat as The Underboss.

- Duke Hudson said that he was very proud of Thea Hail, saying that she can become the youngest NXT Women's Champion ever. Duke Hudson said that he would host a Pep-Rally next week, but NXT Women's Champion Tiffany Stratton spoke to them and said that Hail would not win. Gulak & Charlie Dempsey criticized

Edris Enofe vs. Malik Blade.

Blade & Enofe began the match locking up before Blade got Enofe in the corner. The two pushed each other before Enofe hit a stiff shoulder tackle. Enofe went for a sunset flip, but Blade evaded and got a Schoolboy Roll-up on Enofe for a near fall. Blade hit a nasty dropkick on Enofe before catching him with a knee lift. Blade went for a Sunset Flip on Enofe onto the outside, but Enofe blocked it before catching Blade with a lariat. Enofe got back in the ring and went for a Tope Con Giro, but Blade evaded and hit a Tope Con Giro on his own onto Enofe on the outside. Back in the ring, Blade climbed to the top rope, but Enofe caught Blade with a jab before hitting a Superplex on Balde. Enofe went for an Inside Cradle on Blade, but Blade shifted his weight and got the pin for the win. Brooks Jensen, Josh Briggs, Hank Walker & Tank Ledger watched the match.

Winner: Malik Blade.

- Booker T reveal that the three teams would face each other in a #1 Contender's Match for the NXT Tag Team Championships. The three teams brawled in the ring.

- Los Lotharios (Humberto Carrillo & Angel Garza) were interviewed by Kelly Kincaid on The Raven's Nest, saying that they wanted a piece of the action from the NXT Women's Division.

- Eddy Thorpe & Damon Kemp argued backstage with two referees. Thorpe challenged Kemp to a third match at Kemp's Stipulation of choice. Kemp accepted the challenge.

- There was a video package of Blair Davenport, admitting to taking out Nikkita Lyon, Wendy Choo, Sol Ruca, Roxanne Perez & Dani Palmer within the past couple of months.

Roxanne Perez vs. Tatum Paxley.

Perez got a roll-up on Paxley before locking in a wrist lock into a Bridge on Paxley for a near fall. Perez ran the ropes before hitting the Tijeras on Paxley. Paxley got Perez before hitting a Butterfly Suplex on Perez for a near fall. Paxley hit a Shoulder Tackle on Perez before locking in a Boston Crab on Perez, but Perez revered it with a pin for a near fall. Paxley got Perez and hit a Half-Nelson Facebuster for a near fall. Paxley went for another Boston Crab but reversed it with a pin before hitting a series of strikes, a Springboard Thesz Press, and a Tope Suicida on Paxley to the outside. Back in the ring, Perez went for a Russian Leg Sweep, but Paxley slammed Perez onto the mat. Paxley tried to toss Perez onto the ropes, but Perez caught her with Pop Rox for the pinfall win.

After the match, Roxanne Perez promised to get retribution on Blair Davenport for attacking a great portion of the NXT Women's Division.

Winner: Roxanne Perez.

- Gigi Dolin & Fallon Henley complained about Kiana James and her antics, with Henley telling Dolin to watch her back with James.

- There was a video package of Lucien Prince & Bronco Nima ahead of their debut on NXT.

NXT Championship #1 Contender's Match.

Baron Corbin vs. Ilja Dragunov.

The match began with Dragunov & Corbin locking up before Corbin attacked Dragunov's abdomen before hitting a shoulder tackle, but Dragunov rose from the ground and hit a boot kick, forearm strikes, and slammed Corbin's face into the top turnbuckle. Corbin hit a nasty chop on Dragunov, but Dragunov ripped Corbin's T-Shirt and hit a chop into the chest & back of Corbin. Dragunov hit another vicious chop on Corbin, but Corbin slammed Dragunov into the top rope with a flapjack before hitting a lariat on Dragunov. Corbin attacked Dragunov's ribs, but Dragunov responded with a German Suplex. Dragunov hit two more German Suplexes on Corbin before hitting the Consantine's Special on Corbin to send him to the outside.

During the commercial break, Dragunov hit a series of chops on Corbin into the barricade before sending him back to the ring. Corbin tackled Dragunov off the apron to the outside before slamming Dragunov into the barricade. Back in the ring, Corbin continued to attack Dragunov's ribs before going for a jab, but Dragunov blocked it and hit a chop, and locked in a nasty chin lock on Corbin.

Back from the break, Corbin hit a knee strike on Dragunov's abdomen before tossing Dragunov to the outside, with Dragunov's rib landing into the apron. Corbin saw this and hit a Chokeslam on Dragunov into the apron before punching away in Dragunov's ribs. Back in the ring, Dragunov fought back with elbow strikes on Corbin, but Corbin responded with a Choke Back Breaker on Dragunov for a near fall. Corbin got Dragunov in the corner and slammed him with a Hammerthrow. Corbin went for a second Hammerthow, but Dragunov blocked it before Corbin slammed Dragunov into the top turnbuckle and hit a Death Valley Driver on Dragunov for a near fall. Corbin hit three Forearm Shivers on Dragunov before the two exchanged strikes, which Corbin responded by hitting Deep Six on Dragunov for a near fall. Corbin went for End of Days, but Dragunov evaded before hitting two knee lifts, a toe kick, a Gamonguri, a Diving Knee Drop of the top rope, and a Diving Senton on Corbin off the top rope. Dragunov got Corbin before hitting a Mick DDT on Corbin, followed by a Deadweight Vertical Suplex into the Falling Forearm on Corbin. Dragunov aimed for the Torpedo Moscow but hit Bron Breakker instead. Baron Corbin saw the opening and hit the End of Days on Dragunov for the pinfall win.

Winner: Baron Corbin.

- NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes attacked Corbin from behind, catching him with a Springboard Lariat & the Diving Leg Drop on Corbin. Hayes stood tall to end the broadcast.

- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.

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