Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 7/11/2023 edition of NXT on the USA Network.
We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on https://Twitter.com/Fightful and http://Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE
Here's what is set for the show.
WWE NXT (7/11/2023).
- Judgment Day (Rhea Ripley, Finn Balor, Damian Priest & Dominik Mysterio) Come to NXT.
- NXT Championship - #1 Contender's Match: Ilja Dragunov vs. Bron Breakker.
- Tony D'Angelo's Freedom or Trial: Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo vs. Joe Coffey (w/ Mark Coffey & Wolfgang of Gallus).
- Bronco Nima & Lucien Prince Make NXT In-Ring Debut.
- Cora Jade vs. Kelani Jordan.
- Chase University (Duke Hudson & Andre Chase) (w/ Thea Hail) vs. Drew Gulak & Charlie Dempsey.
- Tiffany Stratton vs. Ivy Nile.
Refresh the site for the latest update as the show happens.
Live Coverage.
- Vic Joseph & Booker T welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning into the opening match.
- The Judgment Day (Rhea Ripley, Finn Balor, Damian Priest & Dominik Mysterio) came to the ring to cut a promo. Priest called out NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams, saying that Judgment Day was as unified as ever before calling themselves "The Murderer's Row of WWE". Hayes & Williams interrupted and made fun of "Dirty Dom" before Hayes started that he & Williams run Tuesdays Nights. Hayes & Williams challenged Judgment Day to a match later in the night, which Balor responded by saying that if he comes at the Prince, he better not miss.
- Tony D'Angelo was interviewed via Zoom by McKenzie Mitchell. D'Angelo said that he was at Stacks's mercy tonight to get out of jail, but said that he does not recognize him anymore and was not sure of the outcome tonight.
- There was a video package of Gigi Dolin calling out Kiana James before demanding her to take her gloves off while showing footage of Kiana James doing graffiti.
Chase University (Duke Hudson & Andre Chase) (w/ Thea Hail) vs. Drew Gulak & Charlie Dempsey.
Dempsey & Gulak brawled with Chase University on the outside before the two teams brawled in the ring.
The match officially began with Dempsey hitting a shoulder tackle on Chase, but Chase reversed it with. reverse Monkey Flip on Dempsey. The two continued to beat down Dempsey, but Dempsey regained control before Gulak tagged in. Dempsey & Gulak hit a Claymore Kick/ facebuster combo on Hudson before Gulak hit an elbow drop on Hudson for a near fall. Hudson hit a Hurricanrana of all things on Gulak before catching him with a Uranage off the corner for a near fall. Hudson climbed to the top rope before picking up Gulak and catching him with an Avalanche Powerslam on Gulak for Chase to tag in and get a near fall. Gulak got Chase in the corner before Dempsey hit a Gut Wrench Suplex on Chase for a near fall. Chase got a headlock on Chase, but Chase evaded the hold before Hudson tagged back in. Hudson hit a double lariat on Gulak & Dempsey before Chase University hit Stereo Jabs/ Bionic Elbow on Gulak & Dempsey before the commercial break.
Back from the break, Dempsey got a wrist lock on Hudson's left arm before transitioning into a Butterfly Suplex for a near fall. Dempsey went for a second, but Hudson reversed it with a backdrop on Dempsey & Gulak before tagging in Chase. Chase hit lariats on Gulak & Dempsey, a dropkick on Dempsey & a neck breaker on Gulak. Dempsey & Chase exchanged strikes before Chase hit an Russian Leg Sweep, the Chase U Stomps, and a High Crossbody to get the pin on Dempsey, but Gulak broke the pin. Gulak & Dempsey hit Back-to-back German Suplexes on Chase in sequence before going for the pin, but Chase kicked out. Hail got a Kimura Lock on Gulak on the outside before Chase & Hudson hit The Fratliner on Dempsey for the pinfall win.
Winners: Chase University (Duke Hudson & Andre Chase).
- Bron Breakker cut a promo on Ilja Dragunov. Breakker said that Dragunov was not on his radar until he got int he way, but Breakker said that there won't be enough referees to stop him from breaking Dragunov in half.
- Von Wagner talked with Mr. Stone backstage, saying that his action on Javier Bernal was a treated as a monster because of him having a titanium plate in the head. Wagner said that he felt like himself after powerbombing Bernal through the broadcast table, saying that he was to thank for that.
Cora Jade vs. Kelani Jordan (w/ Dana Brooke).
Jordan. &Jade began the match locking up before Jade pushed Jordan off. Jade hit a headlock takeover on Jordan, but Jordan evaded the hold before hitting an Arm drag, a 619 arm drag, and a dropkick on Jade, but Jade responded by catching her with the Catapault into the bottom rope before hitting a springboard double stomp on Jordan for a near fall. Jade leaned her knee pad on Jordan before catching her with a back elbow into the middle rope for a near fall. Jade placed Jordan in the ropes before catching her with a shotgun dropkick for another near fall. Jade caught Jordan with a toe kick before going for another back elbow, but Jordan evaded and got a Schoolboy Roll-Up for a near fall. Jordan hit two lariats, a cartwheel Pele Kick, a gut kick, and attempted a springboard move, but Jade kicked the middle rope before spiking Jordan with the Death Rider for the pinfall win.
Jade was about to attack Jordan with the kendo stick, but Dana Brooke made the save with three dropkicks before Jade rolled out of the ring.
Winner: Cora Jade.
- Ilja Dragunov cut a promo on Bron Breakker, telling him that he would feel his wrath & fury. Dragunov said that he would prove he was the most violent man in NXT and make his way to the NXT Championship.
- There was a video recap highlighting the events of the NXT Underground match between Eddy Thorpe & Damon Kemp from the July 4, 2023 edition of NXT. After that video, Gable Stevenson & Eddy Thorpe were interviewed in the Parking Lot. Stevenson said that he did not know what was next for him, but he is excited.
- Many PC Talents watched NXT Underground backstage before DIJAK confronted them. They said that NXT Underground made Eddy thorpe the toughest guy out there, to which DIJAK responded by saying "Give me a break".
NXT Championship - #1 Contender's Match.
Ilja Dragunov vs. Bron Breakker.
Breakker beat down Dragunov to begin the match before exchanged forearm strikes in the corner. Dragunov hit two vicious chops on Breakker, but Breakker blasted him with a forearm and a Spinebuster for a near fall. Dragunov went for a German Suplex, but Breakker evaded before hitting a vicious Overhead Suplex on Dragunov. Breakker got Dragunov in the corner, but Drgaunov caught him with a series of chops before hitting a knee lift on Breakker & a Knee Drop on Breakker off the middle rope. Dragunov hit an uppercut on Breakker before going for a suplex, but Breakker dropped his weight before Dragunov fired away with strikes on Breakker. Breakker hit a vicious takedown on Dragunov before suplexing himself & Dragunov out of the ring.
Dragunov & Breakker got back in the ring before Breakker slammed Dragunov with an Irish Whip into the corner. Breakker got Dragunov in the corner, but Dragunov with a slap in the face. Breakker responded with a knee lift into the abdomen before hitting a knee lift into Dragunov's ribs. Breakker climbed to the top rope and went for a dive, but Dragunov caught him flush mid-air with an enziguri kick. The two exchanged strikes & chops before Dragunov hit two lines and caught Breakker flush with a lariat. Dragunov hit a Giant German Suplex on Breaker before hitting a snap-German on Breakker. Breakker side-stepped and hit a German Suplex on Dragunov, but Dragunov popped back up and hit a Snap-German on Breakker. Dragunov went for the falling forearm on Breakker, but Breakker caught him with an upkick before hitting the Bulldog on Dragunov.
Breakker choked Dragunov, but Dragunov hit two slaps before hitting a Death Valley Driver on Breakker into the bottom turnbuckle followed by the Coast-to-Coast Shotgun Dropkick on Breakker. Dragunov caught Breakker flush with the Torpedo Moscow, but Breakker kicked out at two. Dragunov climbed to the top rope, but Breakker caught him with a Spear mid-air to get the pin, but Dragunov kicked out at the last second. Breakker slammed Dragunov's head into the mat repeatedly in frustration before trying to hit the Military Press Powerslam, but Dragunov reversed it with a DDT before hitting a Liger Bomb into a Penalty Kick and the Falling Forearm on Breakker for a near fall. Dragunov fired away with strikes on Dragunov, but Breakker caught him with a short-hand lariat. Breakker went for a Spear, but Dragunov caught him with a vicious Knee Strike before hitting the Torpedo Moscow to the back of Breakker's head for the win.
Winner: Ilja Dragunov.
- NXT North American Champion Wes Lee was interviewed backstage, but Dominik Mysterio interrupted him before saying that he accepted an open challenge for the title. Lee was bamboozled, but Lee said that he would make a title match right now. Dominik told him to have some time to prepare and have the match next week.
- There was a vignette of Baron Corbin. Corbin drove across the road reminiscing about his career in WWE before being in a forest.
Tiffany Stratton vs. Ivy Nile.
Nile & Stratton began the match locking up before Stratton got a headlock on Nile before hitting a shoulder tackle. Nile & Stratton locked up again before Stratton hit. shoulder tackle, but Nile responded with a takedown for a near fall. Nile hit the Tijeras on Stratton before getting a takedown on Stratton for a near fall. Stratton hit a toe-kick before going for a double stomp, but Nile reversed it with the Calf-Crusher before Stratton caught her with a headlock. Niel hit a Hurricanrana on Stratton, but Stratton landed on her feet before Nile hit a jab on Stratton. Stratton got Nile on the apron before hitting a Hip Attack on Nile to send her flying off the apron. Stratton hit a double stomp on Nile before catching her with another Hip Attack for a near fall. Stratton got a headlock on Nile before going for the Cartwheel back elbow, but Nile responded with a Tornado Kick. Nile hit two shoulder tackles, a thrust kick to the corner, and hit the Creed Takedown before going for the Unecessary Clothesline, but Stratton rolled out of the ring. Stratton went for the Green Bay Plunge, but Nile reversed it with the Dragon Sleeper. Stratton got out. of the hold by slamming Nile into the corner before hitting the Green Bay Plunge into the PME the pinfall win.
Winner: Tiffany Stratton.
- Tiffany Stratton cut a promo after the match to shout that she did not tap out, but was stormed by chants from the crowd.
- Thea Hail ranted about Tiffany Stratton with Andre Chase & Duke Hudson. Hudson & Chase campaigned for Hail to have a rematch against Stratton.
- Blair Davenport was interviewed backstage saying that she enjoyed beating up Roxanne perez and that she would do it again.
Tony D'Angelo's Freedom or Trial.
Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo vs. Joe Coffey (w/ Mark Coffey & Wolfgang of Gallus).
Stacks & Joe began the match locking up before Coffey hit a takedown on Stacks. Stacks got a headlock on Coffey before the two locked up again. Coffey got a headlock on Stacks, but Stacks got out of the hold before Coffey caught him with a headlock takeover. The two ran the ropes before Coffey hit a shoulder tackle on Stacks. Coffey asked Stacks if he wanted to be the Don before telling him that it was time. Stacks stood back up and hit a Discus Lariat on Stacks to get the rigged win, but Stacks kicked out. Coffey ranted at Stacks, saying that they had. business opportunity. Stacks said that he was No Snitch before the commercial break.
Back from the break, Stacks got out of the hold while D'Angelo's voice sounded across the arena from the voicemail. Stacks hit a series of body shots on Stacks, but Coffey caught him with a back lariat before hitting a jab on Stacks. Bronco Nima & Lucien Price were at ringside and confronted Gallus (Mark Coffey & Gallus) while Stacks hit a back-drop into a jab on Coffey. Coffey hit two jabs on Stacks, but Stacks got back up and fired away with strikes on Coffey before hitting an uppercut, a shotgun dropkick & a back-drop on Joe Coffey. Stacks laid out Mark Coffey & Wolfgang before Stacks got a crowbar and attacked Joe Coffey. Stacks tossed the crowbar at Wolfgang, causing the referee to kick out Mark Coffey & Wolfgang. Stacks saw the opening and hit the Curb Knee Drop on Joe Coffey for the pinfall win.
Winner: Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo.
- The Schism (Rip Fowler, Jagger Reid, Ava Raine & Joe Gacy) confronted Ivy Nile backstage, saying that there was always room for more members.
- Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz made fun of Noam Dar before they were confronted by Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo. Leon ran down on Carrillo & Garza before Nathan Frazer & Dragon Lee confronted them.
Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams vs. Judgment Day (Finn Balor & Damian Priest) (w/ Rhea Ripley & Dominik Mysterio).
Priest & Williams began the match locking up before Williams locked in a headlock on Priest. The two collided with shoulder blocks, but Priest responded with a jab before stomping away at Williams in the corner & slamming him into the corner with an Irish Whip. Balor tagged in and attacked Williams before stomping away at Williams in the corner. Priest tagged back in and hit the Broken Arrow on Williams for a near fall. Balor tagged back in and hit a series of shoulder blocks on Williams before hitting a chop on Williams. Balor slammed Williams with an Irish Whip, but Williams responded with a lariat before Hayes tagged in. Hayes & Williams laid out Priest & Balor before sending them to the outside.
Hayes & Williams caught Balor & Priest with sliding dropkicks before Hayes got himself & Balor back in the ring. Balor regained control before stomping Hayes in the chest. Priest & Balor continued to beat down Hayes before Balor hit a Leg Drop on Hayes, followed by him doing Booker T's taunt in front of Booker T. Balor got a headlock on Hayes, before catching him with a knee lift and slamming his head into the top turnbuckle. Balor hit a Springboard Stomp before they hit the Back Breaker/ Leg Drop combo on Hayes. Priest locked in a Bow & Arrow Stretch on Hayes, but Hayes escaped the hold before tagging Williams back in. Williams fired away with punches, a dropkick, a knee strike, a flapjack, and a neck breaker on Priest for a near fall. Williams went for a leg drop, but Priest caught him with a jab.
Williams hit a kick on Priest, but Priest rebounded off the ropes and hit a lariat on Williams. Balor & Hayes tagged back in, with Hayes hitting two lariats, a knee lift, an Atomic Drop, a corner Splash & a snap-mare into a Thrust Kick on Balor for a near fall. Hayes went for the Springboard Lariat, but Balor evaded and hit the Sling Blade into the Shotgun Dropkick on Hayes. Balor went for Coup de Grace, but Hayes evaded and hit a Springboard Lariat on Balor. Wiliams & Priest got back in the ring and exchanged kicks before Priest hit the Razor's Edge Williams into the broadcast table. Preist got back in the ring, but Hayes hit a thrust kick on Priest and caught him with a Code Breaker. Hayes went to the top rope, but Dominik distracted him to allow Priest to drop him, but Hayes responded by hitting La Mistica on Priest to lay him out. Priest tried to hit Hayes with the Money In The Bank Briefcase, but Dragunov stopped him. Hayes accidentally took down Dragunov, allowing Balor & Priest to hit the South of Heaven/ Coup de Grace combo for the pinfall win on Hayes.
Winner: Judgment Day (Finn Balor & Damian Priest).
- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.
