Hey there Fight Fans, we hope you're ready for more WWE action with an hour of NXT! While you're here you can leave a comment below and be sure to head over to our coverage of tonight's edition of the 2018 Mae Young Classic!
Candice LeRae vs Lacey Evans
Candice gets a near fall early before Lacey drops her with a shoulder tackle and hits a bronco buster for a quick two count. Lacey locks in a cobra clutch before missing a slingshot leg drop when Candice rolls out of the way before Candice hits an enzuigiri and drops Lacey with several forearms. Candice hits a snapmare into a tornado DDT for a near fall before Lacey counters the Unprettier and Candice mauls her in the corner. Lacey then uses Candice's aggression against her and catches her coming in with the Woman's Right for the pin and the win.
Winner: Lacey Evans defeats Candice LeRae via pinfall with the Woman's Right.
The Forgotten Sons vs Local Talent
Ryker attacks Nixon as soon as the match starts before he and the Sons triple team one of his teammates. Blake keeps his opponent in his half of the ring before the Sons hit a reverse neckbreaker into a foot stomp. Ryker then hits a slingshot powerbomb for the pin and the win.
Winner: The Forgotten Sons defeat local performers via pinfall when Jaxon Ryker pins his opponent with a slingshot powerbomb.
Johnny Gargano vs Tony Nese
Nese shows off his superior strength before Johnny hits a huricanrrana that sends Tony out of the ring and goes for a tope, but Tony drops him with a running cross body. Johnny sends Tony out of the ring before chopping him around ringside and Nese hits a gut buster for a quick two count once they're back in the ring. Tony puts Johnny in a body scissor before he turns around and hits Tony with right hands before Tony misses a triangle moonsault. Johnny hits a slingshot DDT and a slingshot spear for a near fall before stomping Tony in the corner and the two exchange forearms. They counter each other until Johnny locks in the Gargano Escape and Tony powerbombs him into the corner to break up an armbar.
Tony dumps Johnny over the top rope and onto the floor when Johnny goes for another slingshot DDT before Tony hits a tope and a 450 splash for a very close near fall. Johnny hits an enzuigiri before Tony hits a release German suplex into the corner and Johnny catches him with a superkick before dropping him with a clothesline. Johnny then locks in the Gargano Escape for the tap and the win.
Winner: Johnny Gargano defeats Tony Nese via submission with the Gargano Escape.
-We get a video package for Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch.
EC3 vs Lars Sullivan
EC3 beats Lars down before the match begins and tries to keep him out of the ring before sending him back into the ring steps. EC3 hits a scoop slam into an elbow drop for a quick two count before Lars drives him back into the corner and splashes him in the corner. EC3 hits a missile dropkick for a quick two count before Lars runs into him and knocks him over before tossing him across the ring with ease. Lars beats EC3 down with clubbing blows, but EC3 kicks out of a pin attempt at one before hitting a diving cross body for a near fall. Lars hits a wrist lock lariat before EC3 counters the Freak Accident and clotheslines him over the top rope, EC3 yelling before Lars hits the Freak Accident onto the apron. Lars then hits a diving headbutt for the pin and the win.
Winner: Lars Sullivan defeats EC3 via pinfall with a diving headbutt.