Good evening Fightful fans, and welcome to our coverage of tonight's edition of WWE NXT! You can leave a comment below if you'd like to and be sure to check out our forums where you can discuss all things combat sports with fellow Fightful faithful!
-We open the show with a video package recapping the NXT Championship match last week where Tommaso Ciampa defeated Aleister Black to become the new NXT champion.
Heavy Machinery vs The Mighty
HM attack TM before the bell rings, then Otis knocks Nick around with a forearm before hitting a helicopter spin. Shane comes in and beats on Otis before The Mighty start to make fluid tags while dissecting Otis in their corner. TM double team Otis for a quick two count before Shane starts focusing on the shoulder of Otis until Otis hits a belly to back suplex and tags Tucker in. Tucker drops Nick repeatedly with right hands before dropkicking Shane out of the ring and hitting an overhead belly to back suplex to Nick. Tucker hits a cannonball off of the apron before TM chop block Tucker and The Street Profits come out and distract them. Heavy Machinery then hit the Compactor on Nick for the pin and the win.
Winner: Heavy Machinery defeat The Mighty via pinfall when they hit Nick Miller with the Compactor.
Moustache Mountain vs Local Talent
Tyler and Matt Knox lock up before Tyler drops him with a right hand and tags Trent in. MM double team Matt before Matt attacks the leg of Trent and tags Bradley Taylor in. Trent comes back with a dragon suplex before Tyler hits a shooting star press and double team Bradley more until Tyler gets up top. Moustache Mountain then hit a leg drop burning hammer for the pin and the win.
Winner: Moustache Mountain defeat Bradley Taylor and Matt Knox via pinfall when they hit Bradley with a leg drop burning hammer.
-After the match MM announce that they will be getting a title shot for the NXT Tag Team Championship at NXT Takeover: Brooklyn II.
EC3 vs Kona Reeves
EC3 counters a side headlock into a head scissor before putting Kona in a headlock and drops him with a shoulder block. EC3 hits a scoop slam and an elbow drop before Kona rolls out onto the apron and catches EC3 coming in before dropping him with a boot for a quick two count. Kona beats EC3 down in the corner before hitting a suplex and putting EC3 in a standing arm triangle. EC3 comes back with right hands and hands chops before hitting a rolling neckbreaker before Velveteen Dream comes out to the stage and distracts him. Kona then hits a neckbreaker for a near fall before EC3 hits the One Percent for the pin and the win.
Winner: EC3 defeats Kona Reeves via pinfall with the One Percent.
Candice LeRae vs Shayna Baszler
Shayna invites Candice to leave the ring before Candice dropkicks her out of the ring and hits a baseball slide before rolling her back into the ring. Candice hits a series of arm drags and a dropkick for a quick two count before Shayna drops her over the top rope and she tumbles to the outside. Shayna sends Candice into the ring steps before Candice gets back into the ring and Shayna gets a quick two count. Shayna starts focusing on the elbow of Candice until she sends her into the corner and beats on her in mount. Shayna applies a variation of a double wrist lock before Candice rocks her with an enzuigiri and hits a flat liner off of the second rope. Candice hits a tornado DDT for a near fall before Shayna counters a move off of the top and locks in a rear naked choke. Candice gets to the bottom rope for the break before rolling Shayna up for a near fall, then hits a kill switch and misses a springboard moonsault. Shayna turn rocks Candice with a knee strike before locking in a rear naked for the tap and the win.
Winner: Shayna Baszler defeats Candice LeRae via submission with a rear naked choke.
-After the match Kairi comes out and saves Candice when Shayna tries to choke her more. William Regal then announces Ricochet challenging Adam Cole for his North American Championship and that EC3 will face Velveteen Dream at NXT Takeover: Brooklyn II.
-New NXT champion Tommaso Ciampa makes his way out to the ring to a chorus of obscenities from the NXT Universe before Ciampa talks to the belt and says that this is his NXT and that he said he needed just one opportunity and he got it and he is a man of his word. Tommaso says that he defeated both Johnny Gargano and Aleister Black and that he's the only person to defeat Black in one on one competition. Ciampa says that he is untouchable and that NXT is the A show because he's there and he's the greatest sports entertainer of all time. Aleister Black comes out to the ring only for Johnny to run out past him and attack Ciampa before sending him out of the ring.
Johnny then says that the only reason Tommaso is champion is because of him before Black hits Johnny with the Black Mass before saying that Johnny is right, implying that he cost him his title before leaving as we go off the air.