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- NXT Commentator Vic Joseph welcomes the viewer to WWE NXT, and they are coming to us live from Orlando, Florida.
- Grayson Waller's music hits, and he comes out for a promo. Waller says he had a good year and rewarded himself by going to Detroit for WWE Raw. Waller shows a clip from last night's episode of Raw (12/27/21). He says Styles showed him no respect, and he's lucky that Apollo Crews and Commander Azeez were there; otherwise, he would have ruined AJ Styles' night. Waller says that Dexter Lumis is not available tonight, and they have a replacement for him. Waller then takes some shots at Indi Hartwell, says that she is a 10 for Lumis but a 3 in his book. Odyssey Jones music hits, and he will be replacing Dexter Lumis.
Odyssey Jones vs. Grayson Waller
Grayson Waller leaves the ring, and Odyssey Jones gets on the mic and says, "Grayson, you act like you're a big-time player, but all you are is a big-time bitch." The match starts, and Jones is in complete control and just throwing Waller around. We go to our first picture-in-picture commercial break.
We return from the break, and Grayson Waller has since taken control of the match. Waller continues to throw some punches; Jones then powerbomb's Waller. Jones goes for the pin; Waller kicks out. During the break, Waller removed the turnbuckle pad, Waller sent Jones into the exposed turnbuckle, and then he capitalized on it by hitting Jones with a stunner. Waller then pins Jones for the win. After the match, AJ Styles appears on the screen and says that he will be at NXT New Year's Evil next week.
Winner: Grayson Waller
- We have a backstage segment featuring Cora Jade, Raquel Gonzalez, Kay Lee Ray, and Io Shirai. They get interrupted by Mandy Rose, and she says that Toxic Attraction has the night off and that those four will have a tag-team match and the winning team will be added to the New Year's Evil Women's NXT Championship Triple Threat match.
- Grayson Waller is backstage for a segment, and he is upset with AJ Styles and Waller says that he is the show and walks off. He runs into MSK, and he pushes them away and keeps on walking.
- Xyon Quinn is now doing a backstage segment and says he needs an answer from Elektra Lopez tonight to decide if a relationship will go forward.
- MSK comes out to cut a promo and talk about how they have not been at NXT since Halloween Havoc. Matt Riddle appears on screen and says he is sorry that he cannot make it to NXT tonight because of a change of plans. MSK call out Imperium to challenge them for the NXT Tag-Team Championship. Imperium comes out and insults MSK. WALTER appears on screen and says that MSK does not deserve a Tag-Team title match.
MSK's Shaman Matt Riddle appears on-screen again and challenges Imperium to a match on next week's New Years Evil. We will see MSK and Matt Riddle taking on Imperium in a six-man tag-team match.
- We return to Edris Enofe getting a backstage interview, and he gets interrupted by Von Wagner, and Von Wagner says he got lucky. Malik Blade appears and says, "a win is a win," and Von Wagner then challenges Blade to a match for tonight.
- Joe Gacy is in the ring with Harland, and they were getting ready for their match against Brian Kendrick, but he never comes out. Andre Chase comes out and cuts them off and says this is "a teachable moment."
Harland (w/ Joe Gacy) vs. Andre Chase
Gacy appreciates Andre Chase coming out and being Kendrick's replacement for the evening. The bell rings, and Harland destroys Andre Chase with massive elbows and other strikes. The referee calls for the bell, and it is already over. After the match, one of Andre Chase's students gets into the ring to check on Chase. Harland gets back into the ring, grabs the student, and carries him to the back.
Winner by Referee Stoppage: Harland (w/ Joe Gacy)
- Legado del Fantasma decline a backstage interview, Elektra Lopez appears on-screen and denies that she has "a thing" for Xyon Quin. Solo Sikoa opens the door and walks away; however, Santos Escobar gets in his face and demands an apology. Sikoa refuses and challenges Escobar to a match.
Tiffany Stratton vs. Fallon Henley
The bell rings, and we start with a tie-up; Tiffany Stratton pushes Fallon Henley with ease. They tie up again, and Stratton gets put in a wristlock; Stratton uses the ropes and reverses the hold on Stratton. Now, Stratton has Henley in a headlock and is just showing off. Stratton lifts Henley for a nice scoop slam. Stratton hits Henley with a springboard elbow and then ends the match by hitting the flatliner and getting the pin.
Winner: Tiffany Stratton
- We get a promo vignette from Tony D'Angelo, and he says that he warned Pete Dunne, and he had to teach him a lesson with a crowbar.
- Wade Barrett is in the ring for the contract signing between Roderick Strong and Carmelo Hayes. Malcolm begins to talk about how Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams could not show up because of gas prices. Williams and Hayes come out and talk trash about how Roderick Strong is the "B Champion," and Carmelo is the A Champion because he won't be a champion long." Roderick Strong says he does not understand Williams's words, so Bivens translates. Bivens then translates and then responds for Strong.
Now, Wade Barrett says he wants to hear from the champions, Carmelo Hayes and Roderick Strong have words. They both say they will win and unify the titles after next week. Both men sign the contract and have words; but, as Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams are leaving, Malcolm Bivens has some more to say and says that Dexter Lumis took care of him last week. Williams enters the ring and gets into the face of Malcolm Bivens; as Williams turns around, The Creed Brothers put him through a table.
- A vignette featuring Jacket Time, Briggs and Jensen, and The Grizzled Young Veterans, and each team talks about how they will be the next NXT Tag-Team Champions.
Solo Sikoa vs. Santos Escobar (w/ Legado del Fantasma's Elektra Lopez, Joaquin Wilde, and Raul Mendoza)
The bell rings, and Solo Sikoa fakes a kick, and it backs up Santos Escobar. The men finally lock up, break, and Escobar chops Sikoa hard. Sikoa smirks, and they go back at it, Escobar attempts a quick rollup pin attempt, but Sikoa kicks out.
Sikoa and Escobar continue to lock up, and neither men get an advantage. Instead, Escobar and Sikoa constantly counter each other's moves and holds. Sikoa takes Escobar down with a hip toss; Sikoa hits Escobar with a splash in the corner and then a big clothesline. Sikoa slams Escobar down with ease; the action goes to the outside of the ring. Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde distract Sikoa, allowing Escobar to get the upper hand after sending his opponent into the ring post. They head out for a commercial break.
Escobar takes Sikoa down with a Russian leg sweep when we return from the break. Escobar goes for the pin attempt, but Sikoa kicks out at two. Escobar has Sikoa in a submission hold; however, Sikoa makes it to the ropes, and Escobar has to drop the hold. Escobar hits Sikoa with a quick dropkick, Escobar then locks in another submission hold, but Sikoa gets out of it.
Escobar gets a little too comfortable and starts talking trash, and Sikoa takes control; he hits Escobar with a senton. Wilde and Mendoza distract Sikoa, but Sikoa takes both men out. Santos Escobar then takes the leg out of Sikoa. Escobar turns around, and he sees Xyon Quin talking to Elektra Lopez; Escobar dives into Quinn and starts throwing punches at Quinn.
Escobar enters the ring and Sikoa hits Escobar with a superkick and then Sikoa hits Escobar with a splash. Sikoa pins Escobar for the big victory.
Winner: Solo Sikoa
- We get a rundown for what matches we will see on next week's NXT's New Year's Evil show.
- They go outside the facility, and we see Harland and Joe Gacy on top of the roof. Harland has the Chase University student in his arms and acts as if he will throw him off the building. Joe Gacy talks him out of doing it.
- We return from the break with Solo Sikoa walking backstage; however, he gets attacked by Boa. Boa takes him out and the cameraman too. NXT referees broke things up and told Boa to leave the area.
- They show a highlight montage showing the history between Tommaso Ciampa and Bron Breakker.
Malik Blade vs. Von Wagner
The bell rings, and Malik Blade attempts to go right at Von Wagner once the bell rings; however, it does not work as Wagner begins laying in some heavy shots on Malik Blade. Wagner lifts and tosses him about ten feet in the air. Wagner hits Blade with a hip toss; Blade lands awkwardly. Blade is back up and gets a few strikes in on Wagner; Wagner hits Blade with a massive lariat.
Malik Blade is getting some offense in and hits a nice high crossbody; however, it does not last long. Wagner hits Blade with an Olympic Slam and then ends the match by hitting Blade with the double underhook brainbuster. After the match, Von Wagner attempts to attack Blade some more, but Edris Enofe pulls Blade from the ring.
Winner: Von Wagner
- We get another rundown for next week's NXT New Year's Evil.
Raquel Gonzalez and Cora Jade vs. Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray
The match begins with Cora Jade and Io Shirai, and the action goes back and forth until Jade gets the upper hand on Shirai. Then, Raquel Gonzalez tags herself in, and she tosses Io Shirai across the ring, and Kay Lee Ray tags herself in.
Kay Lee Ray takes Gonzalez down and then sends her outside the ring; Kay Lee goes over the top rope and lands on Gonzalez. Shirai then hits Gonzalez with a dive, and we go to the last commercial break of the evening with Io and Kay Lee in control.
Kay Lee attempts to go for the KLR Bomb; however, Cora Jade escapes. Kay Lee Ray hits Jade with a snap suplex. Kay Lee Ray tags Io Shirai, and Shirai hits Jade with a missile dropkick. Shirai then hits Jade with a double knee strike. Shirai tags in Kay Lee Ray; Jade takes Lee out with an enzuigiri kick. Jade tags in Raquel Gonzalez for the hot tag. Gonzalez hits Kay Lee Ray with a big fallaway slam. Then, Gonzalez hits Kay Lee with the Chingona Bomb.
Gonzalez falls back into Jade; Jade is now the legal competitor. Gonzalez gets in the face of Cora Jade. Jade goes for the pin; however, Gonzalez breaks it up and argues with Cora Jade some more. Jade turns Gonzalez around to catch Io Shirai's diving crossbody. Io and Raquel go to the outside, and soon after, Kay Lee rolls up Jade for a pin attempt, but Raquel Gonzalez enters the ring and pushes Kay Lee Ray backward, allowing Jade to pin Kay Lee Ray for the win. Raquel Gonzalez and Cora Jade are now in the triple threat match against Mandy Rose for the NXT Women's Championship at NXT New Year's Evil.
Winners: Raquel Gonzalez and Cora Jade