WWE NXT Results For 2/1/22 Bron Breakker and Tommaso Ciampa vs. Legado del Fantasma, and much more

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- NXT Announcer Vic Joseph welcomes us to NXT 2.0. Joseph and his colleague Wade Barrett begin going over tonight's card.

WWE To Debut Behind-The-Scenes Documentary Series On Netflix

Six-Man Tag-Team Match
Imperium vs. Diamond Mine ( w/ Malcolm Bivens and Ivy Nile)

Before the match begins, all six men start fighting. The match begins with Julius Creed taking down Fabian Aichner with ease. Julius tags his brother Brutus, Aichner gets the blind tag from Marcel Barthel. Barthel gets a few shots in on Julius; however, Julius gets up and delivers some heavy strikes on his own.

The commentary team mentions that Gunther was punishing Roderick Strong, recovering near their commentary table. Gunther gets the tag, and he delivers some heavy chops to the chest of Julius Creed. Roderick Strong and Fabian Aichner get tagged, and Strong clears the ring quickly until Strong gets clobbered with a clothesline. They head out for their first commercial break with Imperium in control.

Creed Brothers team up on Aichner, but Gunther breaks up a pin attempt. He eventually pins Brutus Creed after landing a chop and powerbomb.

Winners: Imperium

- LA Knight video package from earlier in the day is shown. LA Knight gets approached by Joe Gacy, who offers to help him move on from his anger towards Grayson Waller. Knight then challenges him to a match later in the night.

- Wade Barrett announces that NXT will be on Syfy for the next two weeks because of the Olympics.

- Toxic Attraction head out to the ring to cut a promo. Gigi Dolin says that Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta got lucky last week. Jacy Jayne says that she and Gigi will defend their tag-team titles at NXT Vengeance. Mandy Rose is just about to begin talking; however, Kay Lee Ray's music hits. Kay Lee Ray says that she is out because she plans on challenging Mandy Rose at NXT Vengeance.

Kay Lee Ray begins running down Mandy; she tells Rose that "you were busy falling on your ass at Wrestlemania and smooching with Otis. Mandy says that Kay Lee Ray "can have all the talent in the world, but she can't replace this." (Mandy turns toward the camera to show her body and title.) Kay Lee Ray slaps Mandy Rose and says she will get her title shot.

- We return from a commercial break, and Toxic Attraction leaves the building. Cora Jade and Gigi Dolin get into the vehicle. Kay Lee Ray rolls down the window and says she will be back. But, instead, we hear Dolin and Jayne yelling.

Raquel Gonzalez vs. Cora Jade

Raquel Gonzalez begins things by taking Cora Jade down with ease. Jade starts getting some strikes on Gonzalez; however, Gonzalez recovers and hits Jade with a back body drop.

Raquel Gonzalez hits her with a quick slam and a suplex, Gonzalez goes for the cover, but Jade kicks out at two. Gonzalez easily controls the match and punishes Jade with a few hard punches. Raquel Gonzalez begins stretching out Cora Jade; she then runs to the corner sending Jade into the turnbuckle sternum first.

Jade gets some more offense in; however, Gonzalez finishes it, but she counters it into a pin attempt. Jade hits Raquel with a hurricanrana.

Cora is getting some offense in; she then leaps into Gonzalez; however, Gonzalez catches her and finishes it with a powerbomb. Raquel then goes for the pin and gets the victory.

After the match, Gonzalez is about to leave the ring, but she hesitates and turns around. She helps Cora jade and says, "let's go win the Dusty Cup."

Winner: Raquel Gonzalez

Sarray vs. Kayla Inlay

The match begins with Kayla Inlay getting some strikes in. Kayla goes for the quick pin attempt, but Sarray kicks out. They go to their backstage reporter Mckenzie Mitchell during the match, and she says that Kay Lee Ray is returning to the facility, but no word on Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne.

Sarray hits Kayla with a couple of punches; Sarray then hits Kayla with the double stomp and pins Kayla for the victory.

Winner: Sarray

- We get a promo from Duke Hudson, and he says he is no longer playing games, and he is not messing around and is addicted to hurting people.

- Bron Breakker and Tommaso Ciampa are backstage, and they tell each other that they respect each other.

- Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams head out to the ring and cut a promo. Trick says that Cameron Grimes gets help in his match, and he thinks he is ready to go for that title. Carmelo Hayes says he is going harder in the gym and sets the bar for the show.

Carmelo says people do not care about Cameron Grimes. Hayes says "that he sets the standard" and gets interrupted by Cameron Grimes.

Grimes begins making fun of Carmelo Hayes and tells him his hat makes him look at Spongebob Squarepants house. Grimes says that means Williams is Squidward. Grimes says that he knows Hayes and Williams are busy as they are spending a lot of time with OllieJay.

- There is a backstage promo featuring Diamond Mine, and they say that they will win the Dusty Classic and then face Imperium again. The Grizzled Young Veterans interrupt the promo, and both teams talk trash.

LA Knight vs. Joe Gacy ( w/ Harland)

The bell rings, and LA Knight delivers a flurry of strikes and kicks to Joe Gacy. Gacy sends Knight to the corner turnbuckle, and Gacy controls the match. First, Gacy hits Knight with a belly-to-back suplex. Next, Gacy goes for a splash, but Knight moves out of the way, and he hits Gacy with a swinging neckbreaker. We then see Gacy hit Knight with a headbutt.

Knight rolls outside of the ring, Sanga comes to ringside, and he distracts LA Knight as Grayson Waller comes in behind Knight and hits him with a rolling stunner. Knight is down; the ref begins the ten-count. However, Knight makes it back in the ring at the nine-count.

Joe Gacy hits Knight with a springboard back elbow; Gacy pins Knight for the upset victory. After the match, Waller tells Knight that LA Knight will fight Sanga, and if Knights gets the win, Waller will tear up the restraining order he has against Knight.

Winner: Joe Gacy ( w/ Harland)

- Robert Stone says he paid Von Wagner's fines and says that he sees a bright future in Von Wagner.

Amari Miller vs. Wendy Choo

Before the match, we see Tiffany Stratton tells Amari Miller that "if she beats Wendy Choo, she will take her shopping." The bell rings, and Miller goes right in on Choo; however, Choo ducks out of the way, lays out on the canvas, and yawns.

Choo begins getting a bunch of strikes in on Amari Miller; Miller is getting a bunch of strikes in and gets in a few pin attempts. Tiffany Stratton walks out to ringside, distracting Amari Miller. Choo pins Miller to get the win. Stratton enters the ring, yells at Amari Miller for losing, and says they had a deal. Stratton asks for her credit card back, but Miller no longer has it. Wendy Choo shows Stratton that she has the credit card, and Stratton begins screaming.

Winner: Wendy Choo

- We get a backstage segment featuring Persia Pirotta, Indi Hartwell, Dexter Lumis, and Brooks Jensen. Brook asks Indi for relationship advice, and he says that he is interested in dating Kayden Carter.

- We get a Draco Anthony promo, introducing himself to NXT viewers.

- We see a Nikkita Lyons "coming soon" promo, introducing herself to NXT viewers.

- Now, Sarray is interviewed and says that she can do anything when she has her ring. Then, Dakota Kai appears and begins laughing at her.

Andre Chase ( w/ Bohdi Hayward) vs. Draco Anthony

The match begins with Andre Chase and Draco Anthony exchanging strikes. Then, Anthony takes control, and he begins punishing Chase with multiple strikes and body slams.

Draco controls the match, he sends Chase down, and Anthony grabs the Chase University flag and begins stepping on it. Andre Chase gets angry and starts getting many strikes on Anthony. Finally, Andre hits Draco with a hammerlock DDT, which gets him the victory.

Winner: Andre Chase ( w/ Bohdi Hayward)

- Mandy Rose is shown in a commons area backstage. Rose does not see Kay Lee Ray as she has her back turned against her. Kay Lee Ray pours a large bowl of Spaghetti onto Rose. Kay Lee Ray then throws a cake into Rose's face. Mandy attempts to escape, but Kay Lee Ray is right behind her.

Bron Breakker and Tommaso Ciampa vs. Legado del Fantasma ( w/ Santos Escobar and Elektra Lopez)

Before the match, the commentators talk about the war of words between Bron Breakker and Dolph Ziggler this past weekend. Joaquin Wilde and Tommaso Ciampa begin things, Wilde takes down Ciampa. Tommaso is up right away, and he gets in multiple strikes on Wilde. Raul Mendoza gets the blind tag, and he enters the ring, and Mendoza gets a little offense in on Ciampa.

Tommaso makes it over to Bronn Breaker for the tag; Bronn and Tommaso are now in control as they hit Mendoza and Wilde with a delayed suplex. We head out for the last picture-in-picture commercial break with Breakker and Ciampa in control.

Breakker has Wilde in a headlock; Wilde gets out of it, and the action goes to the outside. However, the referee is distracted, and Santos Escobar sends Breakker into the steel steps. Mendoza and Wilde are now double-teaming Breakker as they continue to tag in and tag out. Breakker flips Wilde over his back and gets to Ciampa for the hot tag. Ciampa clears the ring, and he then soon tags in Breakker, and they hit a combination spinebuster.

Santos Escobar gets on the apron and distracts Breakker, allowing Mendoza to take over for a few seconds. Breakker hits Mendoza with a spear; Ciampa then pushes Joaquin Wilde off the top turnbuckle, causing Wilde to go through a table. Breakker then hits Mendoza with a powerslam. Breakker then pins Mendoza for the victory.

After the match, Santos Escobar is standing on the ring apron, and Breakker tells Escobar to get in the ring, but he does not.

Winners: Bron Breakker and Tommaso Ciampa

- We see Mandy Rose trying to run away from Kay Lee Ray; Rose attempts to get away, but Kay Lee Ray catches her, and Kay Lee says that she wants her title match next week. Mandy Rose says she will agree if Kay Lee Ray stops attacking her. The show then goes off the air.

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