WWE NXT Results For 4/13/21 Karrion Kross Kicks Off NXT, Franky Monet Debut, MSK, and Much More

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The show begins with fans chanting NXT! NXT! NXT! Then Scarlett Bordeaux and Karrion Kross make their way to the ring. Kross has the microphone and began saying, "I told you, time always comes full circle." Kross then says, "that Finn Balor is one of the greatest to have ever done it, wherever he goes; he wins." He then says, "I am now in command until he says so."

Kross says that "if you want this (holds up NXT Championship Title), come and get it. I will destroy every challenger who comes at me".

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- We then see the commentary team, and seated are Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett, and Beth Phoenix. Vic Joseph tells the viewer that NXT Stand & Deliver is the most-watched Takeover ever. They then begin showing highlights from NXT Takeover Stand and Deliver. They then begin going over what is on tap for this evening's show. MSK makes their way out to the ring, and we go to our first commercial break.

NXT Tag-Team Championship
Killian Dain and Drake Maverick vs. MSK (C)

We are now back with Killian Dain and Nash Carter starting; Carter goes for a swift kick, but Dain catches it, and he immediately takes down Carter. Dain then tags in Drake Maverick right away; Wes Lee is tagged in as well. Lee and Maverick both run the ropes, with each man getting multiple strikes in. Maverick jumps from the top rope to take Wes Lee down. He goes for the quick pin attempt; Carter kicks out with ease.

Wes Lee tags in Nash Carter, Carter soon hits a Bronco Buster on Maverick. Maverick soon gets to his partner, and Dain takes out Carter. They then go to the second commercial of the evening.

Back from the break, and Drake is in control of Lee, he kicks Drake and tags in Carter. Carter then hits Drake with two big knees to the jaw. Carter charges, but Dain gets him on his shoulders. He double-teams them, but they fight free and chop him down with kicks and a double stomp. MSK begins with more double-teaming to Dain. Lee goes to the top and hits a corkscrew 450, but Dain kicks out. Drake runs in with a big tornado DDT on Lee. They double team Carter in the corner now.

Dain with a big powerbomb to Carter in the middle of the ring. Dain then goes to powerbomb Drake on top of Carter, but Lee gets Carter out of the way. Drake lands hard on the powerbomb after Dain misses. Carter, with a big Cutter to Dain and Lee, kicks him out of the ring.MSK goes at it with Drake now. They hit the double team Blockbuster. Carter takes Dain out down on the floor; Lee covers Drake for the pin.

After the match, Alexander Wolfe confronts Killian Dain; however, Fabian Aichner and Marcel Bartel attack Dain.

Winners: MSK

- After the match, we get Robert Stone going to William Regal's office; however, Mercedes Martinez confronts him. Jessi Kamea shows up and challenges Martinez.

- We then go to never before footage of Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly showing what happened after their match at Takeover. They are shown being stretchered out with Cole yelling at O'Reilly, "You're done, Kyle, You're done.

Mercedes Martinez vs. Jessi Kamea (w/ Robert Stone)

Jessi Kamea begins the match by attacking Mercedes Martinez. Kamea with a dropkick on Martinez; Kamea then begins stomping on Martinez to keep her down. Aliyah then starts getting Mercedes's attention from ringside. Kamea keeps Martinez down and then violently throws her by her hair. Kamea drops an elbow onto Martinez.

Martinez gets the advantage by hitting a running jumping knee to the jaw. Martinez then lifts Kamea on her back and hits the Bull Run finisher in the middle of the ring for the quick pin to win.

Winner: Mercedes Martinez

- They then have a backstage segment with The Way, and they talk about their upcoming 8-Person Intergender Match.

Open-Challenge Cruiserweight Championship Match
Kushida vs. Santos Escobar

Santos Escobar begins cutting a promo saying this is his destiny, and before he gets a sentence out, Kushida is there to answer the open challenge. They begin going at each other with strikes. Kushida goes for the Hoverboard Lock early; however, Escobar escapes by getting to the bottom rope. Kushida starts working on the Escobar’s arm now. They come back from a commercial break, and Escobar takes Kushida down in the corner.

Escobar swings Kushida into the steel ring steps shoulder-first. Escobar takes Kushida to the top of the steps, turns him over, and twists his neck into the steel and the bottom of the ring post. Kushida yells out until the hold is broken. Escobar brings it back in and unloads with kicks, then a low dropkick for a two-count. Escobar grounds Kushida now, focusing on the arm and shoulder. Escobar then tells Kushida that he is a loser. Escobar nails the hurricanrana and goes for the pin but only two-count.

Kushida charges in; however, Escobar dropkicks him. More back and forth now. Kushida with the Atomic Drop, more offense, then the cartwheel dropkick. Kushida with more strikes, including the punt kick as he focuses on the arm. Escobar won’t tap out. Kushida hits the running palm strike to the Escobar’s jaw. Kushida takes him to the top turnbuckle, but Escobar gets out of it. Kushida climbs up to attempt a superplex, and he hits. Kushida goes for the Hoverboard Lock now; Escobar escapes it and then hits the enzuigri. Kushida comes right back the Pele kick.

They exchange kicks; Kushida goes for the springboard back elbow; however, Escobar catches him with a big Backstabber in the middle of the ring. Kushida then counters the move into the Phantom Driver. They then trade a variety of counters and roll-ups until Kushida gets the pin for the win.

Winner and New Cruiserweight Champion

- There is a promo of Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher saying how Imperium changed things and then announce to MSK that they are coming for the NXT Tag-Team title.

- William Regal is seen congratulating Kushida, and he is then interrupted by Jordan Devlin. Devlin tells him he will be gone for a while, but he will be back for the Cruiserweight title.

- Dakota Kai is standing in the ring and then introduces Raquel Gonzalez, the new NXT Women's Champion. She says that when NXT debuted on the USA Network, it was supposed to be the biggest night of her career, but she wasn't ready. Gonzalez then thanks Kai for being there for her, and they have been a dominant team for over a year. She says the Gonzalez Era now begins. The lights go out, and we are getting the debut of Franky Monet. Monet makes her way down to the ring and has her dog with her. Franky then introduces herself and says that the NXT Women's Division is the best and then tells Gonzalez it just got better.

They begin insulting each other in Spanish, and Monet leaves. Suddenly, Rhea Ripley's music hits, and the WWE Women's Champion is heading to the ring. Rhea enters the ring, she gets in the face of Gonzalez, and they then both smile and celebrate that they are both champions now. They are still celebrating, but now they are getting interrupted by Bianca Belair, and all three are in the ring celebrating. All three women now hold their titles up in the air, and in the background, a photo is being shown a photo of all three women from their earlier days in NXT. The crowd is going crazy for all three champions.

- Mr. Regal announces that Sarray will debut next week. They go to Roderick Strong handing his papers to Regal, and Regal tells Roderick Strong he is welcome back to NXT anytime.

Isaiah “Swerve” Scott vs. Leon Ruff

The match begins with Swerve and Leon Ruff getting into each other's faces. They then begin exchanging strikes; Ruff takes advantage right off the bat. Ruff gets some more attack on Swerve; Swerve does not let it last long, and Scott comes back with multiple strikes. Scott hits a Russian leg sweep and then hits Ruff with a pump kick, and we go to a commercial break.

They come back from the break, and Scott hits Ruff with a nasty chop; Scott tells Ruff that he loves it and enjoys the beatdown. Scott hits Ruff with two more chops, that second one gets Ruff mad, and he then goes on a big rally. He hits two springboard dropkicks; he then does a flip off the turnbuckle to the outside and nails Scott; Ruff stays standing up. Ruff hits a top rope hurricanrana; he goes for the pin, but Scott kicks out at two. Scott and Ruff are now exchanging strikes; the action is going back and forth. Ruff goes for another hurricanrana but Scott counters and drops Ruff hard onto the top turnbuckle. Ruff then ends it by hitting.

Winner: Isiah "Swerve" Scott

- They go to a promo with Zoey Stark talking about her eyes on the NXT Women's Championship match. Mercedes Martinez interrupts and says that she is the next contender, and we go to commercial break.

The Way (Johnny Gargano, Candice LeRae, Austin Theory, Indi Hartwell) vs. Dexter Lumis, Shotzi Blackheart, Ember Moon, and Bronson Reed

The match begins with Johnny Gargano and Dexter Lumis; Lumis gets the upper hand rather quickly, resulting in Johnny tagging in Candice right away. Ember Moon then runs in and leaps, knocking Candice to the ground. Lumis takes put Gargano again, Lumis is then right in front of Indi Hartwell. Hartwell then starts smiling at Lumis; however, LaRae pulls down Hartwell and starts yelling at Lumis, saying, "No, no, no." They go to their last commercial break.

They are now back with Bronson Reed and Johnny Gargano in the ring; Gargano goes outside of the ring, and Ember Moon hits Gargano with the suicide dive. Lumis is tagged in, and Candice LaRae hits Lumis with a swinging DDT on the outside. Now, everyone is outside, and Shotzi tells Bronson Reed to use her and throws her to the outside, taking everyone out.

Lumis is back in and takes down Gargano. Lumis has Gargano in a submission hold on Gargano is not the legal man; Indi Hartwell gets in the ring and does not want to hit or kick him and decides to just lay down beside him. This confuses Lumis and allows Theory to attack Lumis. Hartwell did not like Theory attacking Lumis, so she throws Theory over the top rope. Hartwell lays right back on the mat, confusing Lumis yet again; however, he picks up Hartwell and carries her to the back. While carrying her, Hartwell looks into the camera and winks as she is being carried away. Reed, Blackheart, and Moon are controlling the match. Reed soon hits the Tsunami on Gargano and pins him to get his team the big win.

Winners: Dexter Lumis, Shotzi Blackheart, Ember Moon, and Bronson Reed

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