WWE NXT Results (9/20/2022): Tyler bate vs. JD McDonagh, Frazier vs Axiom 2, Von Wagner & More

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 9/20/2022 edition of NXT live on the USA Network. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Match Card.

Jeff Jarrett Recalls Hulk Hogan Getting Booed After Getting Rid Of The Six-Sided Ring In TNA

- NXT Championship #1 Contender's Match: Tyler Bate vs. JD McDonagh.

- Axiom vs. Nathan Frazier.

- Cora Jade vs. Wendy Choo.

- Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley vs. Toxic Attraction (Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne).

- Sanga (w/ Valentina Feroz) vs. Von Wagner (w/ Mr. Stone).

Live Coverage.

- After a video package showcasing the highlights of the 9/13/2022 edition of NXT 2.0, including Solo Sikoa becoming the NXT North American Champion, North American Champion Solo SIkoa confronted Carmelo Hayes after being invited by Shawn Michaels. Michaels told Sikoa that that he could not sanction Sikoa for winning the belt due to the circumstances of his win. Sikoa relinquished the NXT North American Championship at the order of Michaels. Michaels revealed that Hayes would compete in a Fatal-4-Way Ladder Match for the vacant NXT North American Championship at Halloween Havoc.

- Vic Joseph & Wade Barrett welcomed the audience to the broadcast before quickly transitioning to the opening match.

Axiom vs. Nathan Frazier.

The two began the match locking up and exchanging holds before Frazier got a roll-through roll-up for a near fall on Axiom. Axiom and Frazier exchanged pins before Axiom got a sleeper on Frazier, but Frazier reversed it with a pin attempt for a near fall before the two stared at each other. The two got in a Greko Roman lock up before Axiom tripped Frazier and got him in a front-ankle lock, but Frazier flipped out of the hold. Frazier hit a shoulder tackle and a lariat on Axiom before hitting a headlock takedown on Axiom. Axiom got Frazier in a waist lock before transitioning into a chin lock takedown on Frazier, but Frazier reversed it into the head scissors. Axiom reversed the hold and got Frazier in a back stretch. Axiom hit a springboard arm drag, a dropkick, and a Northern Lights Suplex on Frazier for a near fall. Frazier tossed Axiom to the outside with the Tijeras and tried to go for a Tope Suicida, but Axiom caught him with a forearm strike. Axiom climbed to the top rope, but Frazier caught him with a shotgun dropkick to send him to the outside. Back in the ring, Frazier stomped down Axiom on the corner before hitting him with spears on the corner. Frazier hit a single leg takedown on Axiom before getting a Jackknife cover for a near fall. Frazier got Axiom in a lateral press for a near fall. Frazier hit a running back elbow on Axiom for a near fall. Frazier got Axiom in a waist lock, but Axiom countered it with an Octopus hold. Frazier reversed it with an abdominal stretch on Axiom, but Axiom hit a hip toss on Frazier. Axiom hit a dropkick & a springboard lariat on Frazier for a near fall. Axiom kicked Frazier in the chest twice before hitting an enziguri kick on Axiom, but Frazier responded with a leaping kick on Axiom. Axiom got a near fall on Frazier before connecting a Pele Kick on Frazier. Axiom went for the Golden Ratio, but Frazier caught him with a Vicious Superkick on Axiom for a near fall. Frazier & Axiom claimed to the top turnbuckle before Axiom hit an Avalanche Arm Drag on Frazier for a near fall. Frazier went for a springboard moonsault but Axiom caught him with a Sleeper hold. Axiom then turned it into a Guillotine and tried to get Frazier in a double arm lock, but Frazier got a rope break. The two climbed to the top rope before Frazier hit a Superplex on Axiom into a Twisting Suplex on Axiom before connecting the Phoenix Splash from the top rope for the pinfall win, even the Best of Three Series to 1-1.

Winner: Nathan Frazier.

- Alba Fyre cut a promo vignette on NXT Women's Champion Mandy Rose, saying she will burn her empire to the ground.

- Mandy Rose, Jacy Jayne & Gigi Dolin talked backstage regarding Fyre's promo, with Rose saying she was not worried about Fyre and telling Jane & Dolin to prove why Toxic Attraction are better than anyone else.

- Damon Kemp was in a vignette where he revealed that he got bribed by Tony D'Angelo to stop The Creed Brothers to being the NXT Tag Champions and revealing that he attacked Roderick Strong before NXT Worlds Collide. Kemp challenged one of the Creed Brothers to a match for the next week.

- Ivy Nile was hooting and hollering backstage after discovering Kemp betrayed Diamond mine, telling Paxley she was focused after seeing the footage.

Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley vs. Toxic Attraction (Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne) (w/ Mandy Rose).

Paxley and Dolin locked up before Dolin got a wrist lock on Paxley. Paxley evaded Dolin's moves before hitting a dropkick on Dolin. Paxley flipped on Dolin, but Dolin caught her with a lariat. Jayne & Dolin hit a leg trip/ senton combo on Paxley for a near fall. Paxley got an O'Connor Roll on Jayne for a near fall, but Jayne dropped Paxley for a near fall. Dolin hit a kick on Paxley for a near fall. Dolin got Paxley in a modified kimura lock before hitting a forearm strike on Paxley. Paxley got a roll-up on Dolin for a near fall before Paxley hit a faceslam on Dolin. Nile hit a lariat, a series of forearm strikes, side kicks, an enziguri, a leaping mule kick, and an over-head suplex on Jayne for a near fall. Jayne hit a rolling elbow on Nile. Nile hit an enziguri kick on Dolin. Jayne and Dolin tossed Nile out of the ring. They got Nile back in the ring before hitting the Total Elimination on Nile for the pinfall win.

Winners: Toxic Attraction (Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne) (w/ Mandy Rose).

- Joe Gacy, Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid cut a promo, with Reid telling that those who do not want to join The Schism have been warned while Fowler said that he welcomes anyone that joins. Gacy said that change can be scary, but he said that he had given people enough time and that they will now see the world within their eyes. Gacy says that Grimes made a life-altering decision when he rejected The Schism's offer. Edris Enofe and Malik Blade interrupted and attacked The Dyad.

The Dyad (Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid) (w/ Joe Gacy) vs. Malik Blade & Edris Enofe.

Blade and Fowler exchanged strikes before Blade hit a dropkick on Fowler. Fowler hit two headbutts on Blade, Enofe & Blade hit a leg trip/ pump kick, elbow drop combo on Fowler for a near fall. Fowler hit a forearm strike on Blade before Reid hit a lariat on Enofe for a near fall. Blade tagged back in and hit a crossbody on Fowler and Reid before hitting them with a Tope Suicida on Fowler and Reid to the outside before the commercial break. Reid and Blade exchanged strikes after the break before Reid tossed Blade tot he outside. Reid and Fowler hit an assisted Back breaker on the outside before The Dyad hugged outside of the ring. Reid punched Blade in the abdomen before hitting a stomp on Blade's head. Fowler & Reid tried to double team Blade, but Blade evaded and tagged in Enofe. Enofe strikes down Fowler and Reid before hitting a shotgun dropkick on Reid and an inverted Sling Blade on Fowler. Fowler hit a chin breaker on Enofe, but Enofe cught him with a knee strike before he and Enofe hit a Leg Drop Heart Attack for a near fall. Fowler and Enofe exchanged strikes before Reid hit an assisted Canadian Destroyer off Fowler's back. Fowler and Reid hit the One Way Ticket on Enofe for the pinfall win.

The Dyad (Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid) (w/ Joe Gacy).

- There was a video package highlighting Quincy Elliot's victory on their debut match from the 9/13/2022 edition of NXT 2.0.

- There was a video vignette highlighting Roxanne Perez's match defeat Meiko Satomura. Satomura put over Perez after her match, with Meiko saying that Perez will become a champion in the near future. Perez said that she found an edge she did not know she had thanks to Meiko Satomura and she will use it against Cora Jade in the near future.

Wendy Choo vs. Cora Jade.

Choo and Jade began the match locking up before Jae backed Choo in the corner. Choo got a headlock takedown on Jade, but Jade got Choo in a head scissors. Choo popped off the scissors before locking in a side headlock on Jade. Choo hit a shoulder tackle and got a roll-up on Jade for a near fall, followed by a dropkick and a running punt on Jade in the corner. Jade erroneously slammed Choo's head on the bottom rope before she got back in the ring and laid her boot on Choo on the bottom rope. Jade hit a running back elbow on Choo's before hitting a spring rope double-stomp on Choo for a near fall. Jade got Choo in a double-arm chin lock, but Choo tossed Jade across the ring to break the hold. Choo hit a lariat, an overhead suplex, a cartwheel forearm strike, a German Suplex, and went for a running knee, but Jade evaded and slammed Choo into the middle turnbuckle before spiking Choo with a DDT for the pinfall win.

Winner: Cora Jade.

- After the match, Lash Legend hit Choo with a Pump Kick from behind.

- NXT Champion Bron Breakker was interviewed by McKenzie Mitchell, thanking the fans for voting him as the NT Wrestler of the Year. Breakker said that Tyler Bate would defeat JD McDonagh in the main event.

-Trick Williams told Carmelo Hayes that he was Carmelo Hayes and to pick his head up.

- There was a video package anticipating Oro Mensah's debut. Mensah was interviewed by Kelly Kincaid, who revealed that he would face against Grayson Waller in an NXT North American Ladder Match Qualifier. Oro said that he would beat Waler to win the title on Halloween Havoc.

- Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams cut. promo in the ring, with Hayes saying that people are praying on his downfall. Hayes said that the person that played Sikoa's music, the referee that made the match & the person to that rang the bell to get fired for taking the title off him. Of all people, Andre Chase, Bohdi Hayward & Thea Hail interrupted Hayes, but Hayes told him to stop his nonsense. Williams called Chase University jabronies, but Chase said that this was a Teachable moment. Chase punched Hayes in the mouth for an impromptu match.

Trick Williams & Carmelo Hayes vs. Andre Chase & Bohdi Hayward (w/ Thea Hail).

Chase hit a hip toss on Williams. Williams got up and slammed Chase into the corner before connecting a dropkick. Chase hit a chop on Chase and hit a snap-mare on Hayes, but Hayward & Chase hit back elbows on Hayes. Williams hit a suplex on Bohdi. Bohdi hit an arm drag and a shoulder tackle on Williams. Williams punched Chase, but Chase responded with a Russian Leg Sweep and the Chase U Stomps. Hayward got Williams in a Torture rack, but Hayes tagged in and hit a lariat on Hayward. Hayes hit a springboard lariat and a stomp on Hayward for a near fall. Williams tagged in and stomped down Hayward, but Hayward evaded and tagged in Chase. Chase hit an atomic drop & a body slam on Williams. Williams hit a pop-up jab on Chase before Hayes hit a pump kick on Chase. Chase got Hayes in a roll-up for the shock pinfall win.

Winners: Andre Chase & Bohdi Hayward (w/ Thea Hail).

- Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey & Wolfgang were drinking beers backstage before Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen & Fallon Henley confronted them. Briggs & Jensen challenged Gallus to a fight while they were drinking pints, but security escorted Briggs & Jensen out of the mini-bar.

Von Wagner (w/ Mr. Stone) vs. Sanga.

Snaga hit a rebound shoulder tackle on Wagner. Wagner hit a back elbow on Sanga, but Sanga responded with a lariat. Wagner hit corner lariats on Sanga, but Sanga responded with a series of punches. Wagner laid the strikes on Sanga before getting a chin lock on Sanga, but Sanga hit body shots and a corner splash on Wagner followed by a Sideslam on Wagner. Sanga hit a big boot in Wagner to send him to the outside. Sanga hit a lariat on Wagner don't he outside of the ring. Wagner attacked Sanga after Mr. Stone's distraction. Wagner hit a big boot on Sanga before hitting a Death Valley Driver on Sanga for the pinfall win.

Winner: Von Wagner (w/ Mr. Stone).

- Wes Lee revealed that he was cleared to compete, saying that he will earn his way into the NXT North American Champion Ladder Match at Halloween Havoc.

- It was revealed that Tony D'Angelo will face Wes Lee in a North American Title Ladder Match Qualifier Match soon.

- Cameron Grimes cut a promo backstage, challenging Joe Gacy to a match for the 9/27/2022 edition of NXT. Grimes said that he will chop the Schism tree and use it to fly to the moon.

NXT North American Championship Ladder Match Qualifier.

Oro Mensah vs. Grayson Waller.

Waller greeted Mensah with a jab before slamming him to the ground. Waller got Mensah in a wrist lock. Mensah did three kip ups, but Waller pulled Mensah from his haid. Mensah got Waller in a wrist lock before hitting a leaping kick flip on Waller. Mensah hit two arm drags on Waller. Waller hit an overhead slap on Mensah, but Mensah hit a series of strikes on Waller. Waller hit an Electric Chair Back Suplex on Mensah before hitting knee strikes on Mensah's back for a near fall. Mensah went for a sunset flip, but Waller flipped Mensah and hit a series of forearm strikes on Mensah's back of the neck. Waller hit Anvil Elbow strikes on Mensah for a near fall. Waller got Mensah in a Fireman's Carry, but Mensah hit elbow strikes, two lariats, a springboard moonsault and a flipping Scorpion Kick on Waller. Apollo Crews distracted Grayson Waller with his eyeball bleeding. Mensah hit a Tope Suicida on Waller before getting back in the ring and hitting a vicious leg lariat on Waller for the pinfall win.

Winner: Oro Mensah.

- Brutus Creed & Julius Creed argued on who would face Damon Kemp the next week. Brutus said that he would face Kemp the next week, with Julius telling him to end his career after all he had done to him.

- There was a video vignette promoting Sol Ruca, who will make her NXT debut on the 9/27/2022 edition of NXT.

NXT Championship #1 Contender's Match.

Tyler Bate vs. JD McDonagh.

Connor's Cure survivor Landon "The Conqueror" Chase & NXT Champion Bron Breakker joined the broadcast team for the Main Event Match. JD & Bate began the match locking up, with JD getting a wrist lock on Bate. Bate broke the hold and got JD in headlock before evading JD's offense and catching him in a roll-up for a near fall. Bate hit an arm drag wrist lock on JD. Bate hit a knee strike and a middle rope uppercut on JD. Bate & JD exchanged pins before JD hit a back elbow into a jack knife cov3r, but Bate bridged and got a backslide on JD for a near fall. Bate hit a Victory Roll on JD for a near fall, but JD caught him with a lariat. Bate hit a series of strikes on JD before hitting a side headlock takedown on Bate. JD got Bate in head scissors, but Bate broke the hold and got JD in a headlock. Bate hit an inverted leg push to send him to the outside. JD hit a Uranage/ standing moonsault on Bate for a near fall. JD went for a Single Leg Crab on Bate before locking in the Boston Crab on Bate. JD held on tight to the crab for a lengthy while, but Bate broke the hold with a rope break. JD went for a Devlin Inside, but Bate held his weight and launched JD to the outside of the ring with a nasty Irish Whip. Bate hit a Tope Suicida on JD to the outside into the broadcast table. JD slammed Bate's face into the broadcast table. Back in the ring, Bate hit a deadlift Exploder Suplex followed by a Standing Shooting Star Press on JD for a near fall. Bate kicked JD in the chest a series of times followed by an Uppercut. JD went for. asking shot move, but Bate caught him in a Torture Rack before quickly transitioning into the Helicopter Slam on JD for a near fall. JD lowered the rope to send Bate to the outside. JD hit a springboard Moonsault on Bate to the outside before sending him back in the ring and hitting a 450 Splash on Bate for a near fall, to which JD quickly responded by hitting a vicious Brainbuster on Bate for a near fall. In a callback to their match in NXT Takeover Cardiff, the two exchanged vicious punches before Bate went for the bounce lariat, but JD responded with a running Spanish Fly on Bate, but Bate knocked JD with a left jab to the shock of Breakker on the broadcast table. The two climbed to the top rope and Bate went for an Avalanche Tyler Driver 97, but JD hit a lethal headbutt with his big head before JD hit an Avalanche Spanish Fly followed by the Devlin Inside for the pinfall win.

WInner: JD McDonagh.

- After the match, McDonagh and Breakker confronted each other in the ring before non-other than former NXT UK Champion Ilja Dragunov made his return to the ring after months of being sidelined due to injury. Dragunov confronted JD McDonagh & Breakker in the ring to end the broadcast, teasing a Triple Threat for the NXT Championship.

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