WWE NXT Results for 10/21/20 New NXT Tag Team Champions Crowned

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight's edition of WWE NXT!

KUSHIDA vs Velveteen Dream vs Tommaso Ciampa

Swerve Strickland: You Can Enjoy Both AEW And WWE, And Both Are Successful. That's The Beauty Of It

Ciampa attacks Dream on the ramp when he's coming out to the ring before the match starts. They get in the ring and the match officially starts with Ciampa taking out both Dream and KUSHIDA single handedly. Ciampa tosses Dream into the ring before dropping KUSHIDA and stomping on the forearm of Dream which is wrapped in a cast. Ciampa counters a Fujiwara armbar attempt before KUSHIDA gets two off of a sunset flip. Dream lays into Ciampa with forearms before Ciampa chops both Dream and KUSHIDA in the corner.

Ciampa then sends Dream and KUSHIDA out of the ring and down onto the floor as we go to commercial.

We come back to KUSHIDA hitting a seated senton on Dream from the apron before locking in an armbar and Dream taps, but they're not in the ring. Back in the ring KUSHIDA locks in an armbar on Ciampa before Dream hits KUSHIDA with the Purple Rainmaker to break the hold for two. Ciampa rolls Dream up for a near fall before Dream hits the Dream Valley Driver for a near fall that KUSHIDA breaks up. KUSHIDA clears the ring and hits topes out of opposite sides of the ring before he gets back in and Ciampa hits the Willows Bell. Ciampa then gets a near fall off of a roll up before Dream hits Ciampa with his cast from the apron and KUSHIDA hits a bridging German suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: KUSHIDA defeats Tommaso Ciampa and Velveteen Dream via pinfall.

- We go backstage to a promo by Undisputed Era who mock the tag champions, Breezango and say that they don't stand a chance against UE.

- We get a video package for Ember Moon who's in action up next as we go to commercial.

- We come back to a video package for Rhea Ripley and Raquel Gonzalez ahead of their match next week at Halloween Havoc.

Ember Moon vs Jessi Kamea

Ember is in control early, dropping Kamea repeatedly before hitting a standing moonsault for two. Ember locks in a modified single leg Boston crab before Jessi sends Ember into the middle turnbuckle. Jessi hits a running forearm in the corner before hitting a spinning wheel kick and a springboard enzuigiri for a near fall. Ember then hits an MX before locking in a variation of an anchor with a cross face for the tap and the win.

Winner: Ember Moon defeats Jessi Kamea via submission.

- Dakota Kai attacks Ember after the match before we're told there's a commotion backstage.

- We go backstage to see that someone has jumped Bobby Fish from behind and he's helped down the hallway as we go to commercial.

Austin Theory vs Bronson Reed

Reed backs Theory into the corner before we're told that Bobby has been taken to the hospital and that Kyle O'Reilly will take his spot in the tag title match. Reed beats on Theory before Theory comes back with a dropkick and uppercuts. Theory chop blocks the leg of Reed before Reed hits a powerslam into a senton. Reed then counters a superplex and knocks Theory down before hitting the Tsunami Splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bronson Reed defeats Austin Theory via pinfall.

- Austin gets on the mic and demands Reed give him a rematch which he does by rushing back into the ring.

Bronson Reed vs Austin Theory

Reed immediately pins Austin with a Samoan drop for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bronson Reed defeats Austin Theory via pinfall.

- Backstage Xia Li and Kacy Catanzaro are interviewed ahead of their match later where Xia repeatedly says that she has to win before Kacy wishes her luck and may the best woman win.

- We get a graphic for a six man tag team match between Legado Del Fantasma and Isaiah Scott, Ashante Thee Adonis and Jake Atlas up next as we go to commercial.

- We come back to a video during the break where Austin Theory left the arena and announced to the cameraman that he quit before driving off.

Legado Del Fantasma vs Jake Atlas, Isaiah Scott & Ashante Thee Adonis

LDF immediately get out of the ring before Isaiah gets out of the ring and gets in Escobar's face. All six men brawl in and around the ring before it's just Jake and Joaquin in the ring. Jake hits a PK to the spine of Joaquin before Ashante comes in and hits a flap jack for two. Ashante chokes Joaquin in the ropes and smashes his face into the top turnbuckle before Jake hits a series of suplexes. Jake then gets two off of the trio of suplexes before Isaiah hits a tope that takes out all three members of LDF as we go to commercial.

We come back to LDF triple teaming Ashante before isolating him in the corner until he gets the hot tag to Jake. Jake hits a springboard cross body and tags in Isaiah who hits a jumping flat liner and Wilde hits a suicide dive. Jake catches Wilde in midair and hits a Spanish fly onto everyone onto the floor before Raul counters the JML Driver and sends him out of the ring. Santos hits Isaiah with a suicide dive into the announce table before Jake hits the Rainbow DDT onto Santos onto the floor. Back in the ring Wilde and Mendoza then hit Ashante with a double team move for the pin and the win.

Winner: Legado Del Fantasma defeats Ashante Thee Adonis, Isaiah Scott and Jake Atlas via pinfall.

- We go to Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae in their home where they spin a tiny wheel trying to make sure they land on something good in their spin the wheel make the deal match next week. Candice repeatedly lands on something in her favor while Johnny lands on something bad every time, including, but not limited to a buried alive match. Johnny then leaves the room and tells Candice to get rid of the wheel.

- We see Drake Maverick and Killian Dain backstage ahead of their match up next as we go to commercial.

Killian Dain & Drake Maverick vs Ever-Rise

Drake is immediately driven into the corner and doubled up on before Dain gets the blind tag. Drake is dumped out of the ring before Dain runs over both Parker and Martell. Parker chop blocks Dain multiple times drops him before locking in a single leg Boston crab. Drake then attacks Matt before hitting Matt and Chase with a chair for the disqualification.

Winner: Ever-Rise defeat Killian Dain and Drake Maverick via disqualification.

- Dain congratulates Drake and praises him for his aggression after the match rather than knocking him out.

- We go backstage to see that Roderick Strong has been laid out on the floor outside of UE's locker room as we go to commercial.

- Backstage Kyle decides to go to the hospital with Roddy rather than finding another partner before General Manager Regal leaves it up to Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan and Breezango. The four then shake hands to seal the deal with Burch and Lorcan now challenging for the tag belts in our main event.

Xia Li vs Kacy Catanzaro

Xia gets two off of a Gedo clutch before Kacy hits a shotgun dropkick for two before Xia drops Kacy with knees. Kacy then comes back with a running clothesline in the corner before pinning Xia with a sunset flip.

Winner: Kacy Catanzaro defeats Xia Li via pinfall.

- Xia attacks Kacy after the match before taking out Kayden Carter who tries to help Kacy. Raquel Gonzalez then shows up and takes everyone out before getting on the mic and cutting a promo to the camera, telling Rhea that she's bigger, badder and is going to be her nightmare next week.

- Backstage Cameron Grimes is interviewed ahead of his haunted house of terror match against Dexter Lumis next week as we see Dexter lurking and staring at Cameron through a door window as we go to commercial.

- We come back to a live, in-ring edition of Timothy Thatcher's wrestling school where he demonstrates a double wrist lock on his student Anthony. Anthony then locks in a standing guillotine before Tim drops him and calls the referee into the ring to make it an official match.

Timothy Thatcher vs Anthony Greene

Tim drops Anthony and brutalizes him on the mat before locking in a submission and forcing him to tap for the win in a matter of seconds.

Winner: Timothy Thatcher defeats Anthony Greene via submission.

- We go to a video package promo by Damian Priest who talks about defending his North American title against Johnny Gargano next week at Halloween Havoc in their spin the wheel make the deal match while receiving a tattoo.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match

Breezango (c) vs Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch

Oney and Fandango start the match off by locking up before Fandango locks in a standing side headlock. Fandango grounds Oney and dances before chopping Oney and Oney locks in a single leg Boston crab. Oney and Danny double team Fandango before Fandango gets two off of a back slide. Tyler comes in and hits a float over suplex for two before Breezango cut the ring in half. Tyler then wraps Danny's leg around the post as we go to commercial.

We come back to Fandango turning Burch inside out before the four brawl at ringside and Danny sends Tyler over the barricade. Back in the ring Fandango hits a falcon arrow into a diving leg drop for two before Oney comes in and he and Danny lock in a double submission on Tyler. Fandango breaks up the submissions before Tyler drives his elbow into the leg of Danny. Danny gets a near fall that Fandango breaks up by tackling Oney into Danny before Breezango hit stereo superkicks to Lorcan and Burch. A mystery assailant comes out from underneath the ring and knocks Fandango off of the top and down onto the floor before disappearing under the ring.

Lorcan and Burch then hit an assisted elevated DDT onto Tyler for the pin and the win.

Winner: Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan defeat Breezango via pinfall to become the new tag team champions.

- After the match the mystery man comes out and celebrates with Lorcan and Burch before revealing himself to be Pat McAfee as we go off the air.

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