WWE NXT Results for 9/1/20 NXT Super Tuesday Night One Ironman Match Ends in a Tie

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to tonight's coverage for NXT!

- We open with a graphic for the passing of Bob Armstrong before we go to a recap of last week's show. 

Maven Discusses An Angle Where Tajiri Slammed A Door On His Broken Leg

- We open in the arena with our opening match with Legado Del Fantasma facing Breezango and Isaiah Scott in a street fight.

Street Fight Match

Legado Del Fantasma vs Breezango & Isaiah Scott

Raul hits a suicide dive when Breezango and Scott are making their entrance before LDF take control early. Scott and Co come back as Tyler hits a back stabber and drops Wilde across the railing. Fandango takes out all three members of LDF with a ladder before Scott drops Escobar with a running knee lift. Fandango then gives Tyler a fire extinguisher and sprays LDF with it as we go to commercial.

We come back to Scott and Escobar in the ring before Wilde comes in and gets hit with a flat liner for his troubles. Escobar knocks Scott off of the apron and hits a suicide dive that sends Scott over the barricade. Imperium show up and take out the tag champions with LDF before Scott and Fandango hit topes off of a forklift. Breezango then hit stereo dives off of the top that take out Imperium, Wilde and Mendoza before Scott pins Escobar with the JML Driver.

Winner: Isaiah Scott and Breezango defeat Legado Del Fantasma via pinfall.

- We get a video package for Tegan Nox and Candice LeRae before we go back to the ring for a match between Candice and Kacy Catanzaro.

Candice LeRae vs Kacy Catanzaro w/Kayden Carter

Kacy and Candice exchange back elbows before Kacy drops Candice several times until Kacy is caught in the ropes and Candice hits a neck breaker. Candice hits a baseball slide that sends Kacy out of the ring before bringing her back inside and Kacy hits a drop toe hold. Candice comes back with an elbow for two before sending Kacy into the corner and hitting a running back elbow into a snap mare and a running neck snap. Kacy catches Candice coming in and gets her knees up before hitting a running clothesline in the corner. Kacy then gets two before Candice counters a code breaker and stomps Kay's face into the mat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Candice LeRae defeats Kacy Catanzaro via pinfall.

- Candice cuts a promo after the match  before leaving as we go to commercial.

- We come back to Rhea Ripley saying that she wants to face Mercedes Martinez in a steel cage match.

Bronson Reed vs Timothy Thatcher

Reed tosses Tim away when he goes for a waist lock take down before dropping him with a shoulder block. Reed stomps Tim and drops him with a stiff forearm before hitting a running senton when Tim kicks his legs while on his back. Reed clotheslines Tim before Tim wrenches him down by his arm and Tim immediately goes after the arm he's injured. Reed comes back with several forearms into a discus forearm before hitting a springboard elbow drop and Tim rolls out of the ring. Reed hits a suicide dive before Tim rolls back in and the referee checks on him before Austin Theory attacks Reed from behind.

Theory then rolls Reed back into the ring before Tim submits him with a Fujiwara armbar for the tap and the win.

Winner: Timothy Thatcher defeats Bronson Reed via submission.

- Backstage we see the four competitors in tonight's main event getting ready as we go to commercial.

- We come back to Mercedes Martinez backstage who accepts Rhea Ripley's challenge to a cage match for next week.

NXT Championship Fatal Four Way Sixty Minute Iron Man Match

Adam Cole vs Tommaso Ciampa vs Finn Bälor vs Johnny Gargano

Johnny immediately rolls out of the ring before Ciampa attacks Adam and Finn and Ciampa go at it. Ciampa sends Finn out of the ring before tossing Johnny out once he decides to get back in. Ciampa hits running knees at ringside to Johnny and Finn before rocking Adam with punches when Adam comes around the corner. Finn attacks Ciampa from behind and sends him into the stairs before sending Adam into the plexiglass. Ciampa hits Finn from behind and chops him once they're back inside before hitting a snap mare into a rear chin lock.

Finn drops Ciampa with a back elbow before Adam tosses Ciampa out of the ring and Finn chokes Adam in the ropes. Finn drives his shoulder into midsection of Adam before Adam hits a sunset flip and Finn hits a shotgun dropkick. Johnny rushes in and takes out both Finn and Adam before knocking Ciampa off of the apron and covering Adam for two. Johnny snaps the arm of Adam before Adam scrambles to the ropes when he goes for Gargano Escape. Adam comes back with clotheslines into a neck breaker to Johnny before hitting Finn with forearms in the corner.

Adam locks in a rear naked choke on Finn before hitting a neck breaker for two and stomping Ciampa when he tries to get back into the ring. Finn then drops Ciampa once he manages to get back into the ring and locks in a rear chin lock as we go to commercial.

Back in the ring Johnny chops Adam in the corner before beating him down with right hands. Adam comes back with an ushigoroshi for two before everyone gets into the ring and the four men exchange strikes until they collapse onto the mat. Ciampa sets Adam up top before Finn attacks him from behind and goes for a superplex to Adam before Ciampa comes back inside and they hit a tower of doom. Finn hits Johnny with the 1916 for a near fall before hitting a sling blade into a shotgun dropkick and misses the Coup De Grace. Ciampa then hits Finn with an air raid crash for a near fall as we go to commercial.

Back to the action in the ring Finn sends Ciampa and Gargano out of the ring before facing off with Finn Bälor. Finn then sends Adam out of the ring and hits a suicide dive before Finn hits Adam with the Coup De Grace for the pin and the first fall on the board. Finn holds the ring and prevents a potential double team by Gargano and Ciampa before grounding Johnny with a side headlock. Finn then sends Ciampa into Johnny and stomps the two before Johnny rolls out of the ring and Finn knocks Adam off of the apron as we go to commercial.

We come back to Ciampa hitting Finn with the Fairytale Ending before Johnny tosses him out of the ring and covers Finn for the pin and the fall. Ciampa stops Johnny from hitting the One Final Beat before Adam hits Ciampa with the Last Shot for a near fall. Ciampa turns Adam inside out and goes for another Fairytale Ending that Adam counters with a super kick. Adam then takes out Finn with a super kick before hitting Johnny with the Panama Sunrise for the pin and the fall, a fall now for everyone, but Ciampa. Ciampa gets a near fall off of a Last Shot by Adam to Johnny before Ciampa hits a double Willows Bell to Johnny and Adam.

Ciampa then hits Adam with the Fairytale Ending to even it up to one fall a piece for all four men as we're down to less than twenty three minutes remaining. All four men get to their feet and exchange strikes until Finn and Ciampa send Adam and Johnny out of the ring. Finn and Ciampa exchange in the ring while Adam and Johnny exchange at ringside before Ciampa whips Finn into the corner for two. Ciampa then hits a running knee in the corner to Finn before Adam climbs to the top and counters an avalanche air raid crash as we go to commercial.

We come back to Finn chopping everyone in a separate corner before locking in a single leg Boston crab to Ciampa. Ciampa gets free before Finn hits a sling blade into a shotgun dropkick and climbs up top. Finn rolls through when he misses a Coup De Grace before he's hit by stereo super kicks by Adam and Johnny. Johnny hits a suicide dive onto Ciampa and Cole on opposite sides of the ring before countering a 1916 onto the floor. Johnny then hits a tornado DDT off of the apron onto the floor to Finn as we go to commercial.

We come back to the action in the ring to everyone scrambling for a fall until Finn and Adam each get a fall to go up two points as time expires with a two way time.

Winner: Adam Cole and Finn Bälor tie in points after the sixty minutes are up.

- After the match NXT General Manager William Regal comes out and makes a singles match between Finn and Adam for the NXT Championship for next week as we go off the air.

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