Good afternoon Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of today's edition of WWE NXT UK! Enjoy the show and while you're here feel free to leave a comment below on our Discus forums!
Tyler Bate.vs Jack Gallagher
Tyler takes Jack down before he gets to his feet and backs Tyler into the ropes for a clean break before Jack takes Tyler down. Tyler reverses into a hammer lock before Jack locks in a head scissor and Tyler bridges out of it and hops up. Tyler goes for a Kimura before turning to joint manipulation and Jack comes back and takes Tyler down with a single leg and locks in a variation of a bow and arrow. Tyler gets free and Jack starts focusing on the now injured leg of Tyler. They exchange strikes until Jack drops Tyler and Tyler goes for an airplane spin, but Jack takes him back down and locks in another submission. Tyler gets to the ropes for break and they roll around for a series of near falls until Tyler rolls Jack up for the pin and the win.
Winner: Tyler Bate defeats Jack Gallagher via pinfall.
Kassius Ohno vs WALTER
They lock up and WALTER shows off his superior strength before Ohno shoves him away and locks in a side headlock before WALTER turns it around and takes Ohno down. WALTER locks in a straight armbar and drops him once he gets free before sending him out onto the apron and booting him down into the floor. WALTER drops Ohno onto the apron and Ohno stomps on his hands when he tries to drag him out of the ring. Back in the ring Ohno stomps WALTER in the corner and locks in a cravat before WALTER slams him down onto the mat. They exchange strikes until WALTER chops Ohno and hits a release German suplex and a running boot in the corner. WALTER hits a running leg drop for a near fall before he chops Ohno and Ohno misses a moonsault. WALTER then hits a shotgun dropkick into a powerbomb for the pin and the win.
Winner:WALTER defeats Kassius Ohno via pinfall with a powerbomb.
NXT UK Tag Team Championship Match
Grizzled Young Veterans (c) vs Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch
James and Oney start the match with James wringing and snapping his arm before Oney comes back and tags in Danny before Zack gets the blind tag. Zack and James double up on Danny before Danny tags in Oney who chops James several times and James sends Oney into the ring post. Zack comes in and he hits a backbreaker before James hits a diving knee drop off of the apron and rolls him back into the ring before clotheslining him for a two count. Zack drags Oney to his corner and drops him once he tags James back in and James locks in a shoulder lock before Oney gets to his feet and James his a backbreaker. Zack comes right back in and they take turns stomping on Oney before Zack hits a back drop driver for a two count and Danny gets the tag. Danny hits both of GYV with German suplexes and hits James with an enzuigiri before hitting a missile dropkick and powerbombing James before hitting a knee to the race for a near fall. Danny sets James up top before he gets down and tags Zack in before Danny rocks Zack and James with headbutts and tags Oney in. Oney hits a blockbuster before he and Danny hit a doomsday device for a near fall, Zack and Oney locking in dueling submissions. Oney hits a tope to the outside before Oney and Danny hit a magic killer for a near fall. Zack then shoves Oney off of the top turnbuckle before he gets the tag before he and James hit Ticket to Mayhem for the pin and the win.
Winner: Grizzled Young Veterans retain their NXT UK Tag Team Championship by defeating Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan when they hit Danny with A Ticket to Mayhem.