WWE NXT UK Results for 4/24/19 Kassius Ohno vs Ligero, Moustache Mountain in Action

Good afternoon Fight Fans, we hope your morning is going well and are ready for NXT UK! If you're looking for exclusive podcasts, breaking news and more check out Fightful Select and head over to our forums where you can discuss all things combat sports!

Ligero vs Kassius Ohno

Marc Quen Says Action Andretti And Lio Rush Aren't Ready For A Tag Title Match With Private Party

Ohno takes Ligero down with ease when he goes for a headlock before dropping Ligero with a boot for a two count. Ligero hits a huricanrrana that sends Ohno out of the ring and hits a cannonball off of the apron before they get back into the ring and Ohno hits a brainbuster for a two count. Ohno puts Ligero in a rear chin lock and hits several knee drops to the wide of his head for a two count. Ohno misses a senton and Ligero kicks his legs out from under him before hitting several running boots and a springboard splash for a near fall. Ligero gets a near fall off of a sunset flip before hitting a flipping senton and a Shiranui on the floor using the ring post. Back in the ring Ohno tries to de-mask Ligero before nearly knocking him out with a discus elbow for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kassius Ohno defeats Ligero via pinfall with a discus elbow.

-NXT UK Women's champion Toni Storm comes out to the ring ​​​​​​and talks about Wrestlemania weekend and representing the brand before she leaves the ring and is confronted by Kay Lee Ray who just walks by her.

Kay Lee Ray vs Xia Li

Xia takes Kay down with a side headlock before she uses a head scissor to get back to her feet and wrenches the arm of Li. Li backs Kay into the corner with spinning kicks before Li hits a dropkick for a quick two count and Kay superkicks her before sending Li shoulder first into the ring post. Kay hits a snapmare before Li hits an arm drag and a spinning back fist into a hip toss and drops Kay with a whirlwind kick for a near fall. Kay then hits a superkick into a widow's peak for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kay Lee Ray defeats Xia Li via pinfall with a widow's peak.

Moustache Mountain vs Flash Morgan Webster & Mark Andrews

Tyler and Mark get things started before Flash and Trent come in and Flash tries to knock Trent over. Flash locks in a front choke which sends Trent pushing Flash back into his corner and allowing Mark to come in. Tyler comes back in and he and Trent cut the ring in half and hit a series of double team moves before Trent hits a jumping leg drop for a quick two count. Mark breaks free of a cobra clutch and runs over to tag in Flash who knocks Tyler from the apron and hits Trent with a springboard cross body. Trent tags in Tyler as Mark gets the tag and spins Flash on his shoulders and swings Mark around like Cesaro does before spinning him at ringside and dropping him onto the apron.

Tyler slams Mark down to the mat and hits a running shooting star press for a near fall before Mark hits a double Pele kick and sends MM out of the ring. Flash and Mark hit dueling topes to the outside before Flash hits a tornado DDT and Mark hits an assisted shooting star press for a near fall. Trent makes Mark DDT Flash before MM hit their finisher for a very close near fall that Mark breaks up and hits a reverse huricanrrana into a bicycle knee for a near fall that Trent breaks up. MM then finish with a burning hammer, diving knee drop for the pin and the win.

Winner: Moustache Mountain defeats Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews via pinfall with a burning hammer diving knee drop.

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