Good afternoon Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of today's edition of WWE NXT UK! We hope you enjoy the show and if you're interested in exclusive podcasts, news that breaks before anywhere else and more, check out Fightful Select!
Xia Brookside & Isla Dawn vs Jinny & Jazzy Gabbert
Isla and Jinny kick things off by exchanging hammer locks, Isla taking Jinny down and focusing on her arm before tagging in Xia. Xia locks in a side headlock and dropkicks Jinny before Jinny scrambles to tag in Jazzy. Jazzy applies a standing armbar and counters a huricanrrana and a sunset flip before tossing Xia into the corner. Jazzy tosses Xia across the ring and tags Jinny back in who stomps Xia down in the corner, only for Jazzy to come back in. Xia gets the tag to Isla who gets dropped with a knee and hit with a sit-out facebuster before Jinny comes in and pins her for the win.
Winner: Jinny and Jazzy Gabbert defeat Isla Dawn and Xia Brookside via pinfall.
-We get a video package for Ligero.
Ilja Dragunov vs Joseph Conners
They lock up and Joseph baits in Ilja who drops him and hits a jumping senton. Ilja cranks the neck of Joseph and knees him in the midsection before Joseph rolls out of the ring. Back in the ring Ilja hits a dropkick before Joseph hits him with a flurry of punches and kicks in the corner into a clothesline for a quick two count. Ilja drops Joseph with a knee and hits a running clothesline before Joseph hits a sunset powerbomb into the corner. Ilja then hits a death valley bomb into the corner and a straight jacket suplex before hitting Joseph with the Moscow Torpedo for the pin and the win.
Winner: Ilja Dragunov defeats Joseph Conners via pinfall with the Moscow Torpedo.
-We get an extended video package for Travis Banks.
British Strong Style vs Imperium
Pete rushes Fabian and stomps him before Fabian clotheslines him and Pete clotheslines him back before tagging Tyler in. Tyler dropkicks Fabian and Marcel comes in and Tyler slams him down before Trent hits a diving knee drop and Marcel backs him into the corner. WALTER comes in and Trent chops him repeatedly and Trent gets distracted by Marcel before WALTER drops him with a single chop. WALTER drops Trent with a boot and hits a scoop slam before Fabian hits a belly to back suplex and WALTER drops him with a boot before knocking Tyler and Pete from the apron. Tyler rocks WALTER with a spinning back fist before WALTER hits a uranage and drags Trent to his corner where Marcel tags in.
Marcel chokes Trent and EU hit a spine buster into a PK for a near fall before Trent tags in Pete as WALTER gets the tag on the opposite side. Pete hits a diving dropkick to the knee and WALTER chops him in the back of the neck before Pete hits a German suplex, WALTER dropping him with a boot before tossing him over his head. Tyler and Fabian brawl until Tyler hits a huricanrrana and a running uppercut in the corner into a high knee and a diving uppercut. Tyler suplexes Marcel onto Fabian and spins Fabian before dumping him over the top rope, Tyler rocking WALTER with a right hand before sending WALTER out of the ring. Marcel hits a brainbuster for a near fall before Fabian hits a back stabber and Marcel a diving stomp for a near fall.
Tyler takes out all three members of Imperium before Pete hits the Bitter End and Tyler a flipping senton for a near fall that WALTER breaks up. Pete sends WALTER into the ring steps before Trent accidentally takes out the referee and a cloaked figure gets in the ring before he's revealed as Alexander Wolfe who hits a sit-out powerbomb. Marcel then pins Tyler for the win once WALTER tosses the referee back into the ring.
Winner:Imperium defeat British Strong Style when Marcel pins Tyler after help from Alexander Wolfe.