Good afternoon Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for today's edition of WWE NXT UK!
Mark Coffey (w/ Wolfgang) vs Rohan Raja (w/ Teoman)
Mark and Rohan exchange standing switches before Mark takes Rohan down with a straight armbar and Rohan hits an arm breaker before focusing on the now injured arm of Mark. Mark comes back with clotheslines and a uranage into a diving bulldog for two before pinning Rohan with a sliding uppercut for the win.
Winner: Mark Coffey defeats Rohan Raja via pinfall.
- After the match Rohan and Teoman attack Gallus before they're separated by officials.
- We get a video package of Sid Scala announcing there will be a triple threat match for the new number one contender for the NXT UK Tag Team titles as we go to commercial.
- Backstage Charlie Dempsey is being interviewed before Gallus walk by and say they're looking for Teoman.
Amale vs Myla Grace
Amale and Myla lock up before Amale takes Myla down and locks in a standing side headlock before they exchange strikes until Amale stomps Myla down and hits a drop toe hold into the corner. Amale hits a swinging fisherman's neckbreaker before Myla hits a tornado DDT for a near fall as Blair Davenport comes down to ringside before Amale drops Myla with a boot. Amale then pins Myla with the Hope Breaker for the pin and the win.
Winner: Amale defeats Myla Grace via pinfall.
- Backstage Nina Samuels interviews Aleah James as we go to commercial.
- Earlier today Flash tries to cheap shot Rampage Brown before he puts him against the wall and says that if he wanted a match all he had to do was ask.
Charlie Dempsey vs Danny Jones
Charlie controls Danny with a cravat on the mat before Danny comes back with a hip toss and an uppercut into a back fist and takes the back of Charlie. Danny locks in a bow and arrow before Charlie turns it into a pin attempt for two before locking in a standing armbar and sends Danny into the turnbuckle. Charlie then hits a snap suplex for two before hitting a butterfly suplex into a variation of a cross face chicken wing for the pin and the win.
Winner: Charlie Dempsey defeats Danny Jones via pinfall.
- We get a video package for the NXT UK Women's Championship match between the champion Meiko Satomura and the challenger Jinny next week as we go to commercial.
- We get a video package promo Isla Dawn before it's announced that the show will start at 4pm EST next week.
NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship Match
Tyler Bate (c) vs Noam Dar
Round 1
Round one starts off with the two grappling on the mat before they lock up and exchange wrist locks before Tyler locks in a cravat and takes Noam down before he gets to his feet and takes Tyler down with a side headlock take over.
Round 2
Tyler takes Noam down before Noam backs to the ropes and Tyler and Noam exchange headlocks and wrist locks before Tyler hits a brief airplane spin and they clothesline each other.
Round 3
Noam immediately gets out of the ring and back in and hits the Nova Roller for the pin, and the first fall to end the round.
Noam Dar goes up 1-0.
Round 4
Tyler comes out aggressive with a suplex into a running shooting star press for two before hitting a rebound clothesline and Noam counters the Tyler Driver '97. Tyler then hits his finisher on the second attempt for the pin and the second fall.
Tyler Bate evens the falls at 1-1 a piece.
Round 5
Noam rips Tyler off of the top and hits a sliding uppercut for two before taking Tyler down with kicks and Tyler rocks him with a spinning back fist before Sha distracts Tyler and the referee. Noam drops Tyler from behind for two before Tyler locks in a knee bar and the two exchange strikes as the round ends.
Round 6
The two run at each other as soon as the bell rings before they exchange strikes until Noam drops Tyler and Tyler meets Noam up top before hitting a suplex and Noam rolls out of the ring. Tyler hits a suicide dive and tosses Noam back inside before he rolls out of the opposite side of the ring before Tyler takes out Noam and Sha. Tyler tosses Noam back inside a second time before Noam counters the Tyler Driver '97 and a rebound lariat into a knee bar before Tyler suplexes him. Pretty Deadly then come out to ringside and distract Tyler before getting into a fight with Trent and Trent accidentally throws the towel into the ring and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Noam Dar defeats Tyler Bate via forfeit to become the new Heritage Cup champion.