WWE NXT UK Results for 12/10/20 Jordan Devlin's Cruiserweight Title Open Challenge

Good afternoon Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for today's edition of WWE NXT UK!

- We open today's show with the NXT Cruiserweight champion Jordan Devlin in the ring where he issues an open challenge to anyone under 205 lbs as we see Oliver Carter and Ashton Smith backstage before Oliver comes out for the match.

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NXT Cruiserweight Championship Match

Jordan Devlin (c) vs Oliver Carter w/Ashton Smith

Jordan kicks Oliver in the midsection and hits him across the back with clubbing blows before chopping him In the corner. Oliver lands awkwardly and clutches his neck before Jordan targets it and drops him with a back elbow before wrenching his neck and Oliver comes back with a suplex. Oliver sweeps Jordan and sends him out of the ring before hitting a suicide dive and rolling Jordan back inside. Oliver drops Jordan with a superkick for two before hitting a frankensteiner into a rolling lariat for two before hitting a uranage. Oliver then hits a running kick in the corner before Jordan hits a poisonrana into Devlinside for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jordan Devlin retains his NXT Cruiserweight Championship by defeating Oliver Carter via pinfall.

- Earlier this week Jinny is interviewed about her problem with Piper Niven as we go to commercial.

- We come back to Noam Dar on the stage for his first ever Supernova Sessions talk show with special guest A-Kid. Dar says that he took Kid under his wing and became his sensei and takes credit for Kid winning the Heritage Cup Tournament. Dar declares A as A-Man before A says that Tyler Bate helped him and not Dar before Tyler makes his way out onto the stage. Tyler then congratulates A-Kid for winning the tournament before they're cut off by Dar who abruptly ends the show as we go to commercial.

-We come back to earlier this week where The Hunt and Eddie Dennis barge into Sid Scala's office and threaten him before he says that he'll talk to NXT UK General Manager Johnny Saint about them getting a title shot.

Xia Brookside vs Isla Dawn

Isla and Xia exchange wrist locks and hammer locks before Xia hits an arm drag into a straight arm bar. Isla applies a straight arm bar of her own before Xia gets to her feet and dropkicks her before Isla hits a running knee. Isla locks in a rear chin lock before hitting a northern lights suplex for two and locking in a Fujiwara arm bar before Xia comes back with forearms and a hurricanrana. Xia hits the Broken Wings in the corner before Isla rolls out of the ring and Xia hits a baseball slide before Isla drives her into the apron and someone brings suitcases down to ringside. Back in the ring Xia dropkicks Isla before Nina Samuels gets on the big screen and distracts Xia.

Isla then capitalizes off of the distraction and pins Xia with an enzuigiri for the win.

Winner: Isla Dawn defeats Xia Brookside via pinfall.

- Backstage Sid Scala is being interviewed before we see Saxon Huxley going crazy destroying things and leaving off camera and Sid goes into a room to see that he attacked two performers.

- We get a graphic for next week's tag title match where Gallus will defend against The Hunt.

NXT UK Heritage Cup Match

A-Kid (c) vs Tyler Bate

Round 1

They lock up before Tyler backs A into the ropes for a clean break before the two exchange standing switches and wrist locks while rolling around the ring. A takes Tyler down to his knees with a side headlock before taking him down all of the way with a take over. Tyler escapes an attempted single leg before locking in a cravat and A takes Tyler down to the mat before he hops up and they reverse wrist locks as the round ends.

Round 2

A locks in a straight jacket stretch before Tyler reverses into one of his own and A rolls back to reverse it before Tyler backs him into the corner. Tyler slings A across the ring before they grapple on the mat and get back to their feet where they lock up and reverse wrist locks as the round ends.

Round 3

Tyler takes A down with a straight arm bar before A gets back up only for Tyler to take him right back down to the mat several times. A and Tyler then run the ropes before A counters an airplane spin into a German before Tyler picks up the first fall with a roll up.

Tyler goes up 1-0

Round 4

A kicks Tyler in the leg before rocking him with a head kick and Tyler comes back with chops and uppercuts before wrenching the neck of A. A backs Tyler to the ropes for a clean break before countering a take down attempt by Tyler before taking his back and locking in a sleeper hold. Tyler backs A into the corner for the break before A jumps right back on the back of Tyler and reapplies the sleeper. Tyler gets A off of his back and A locks in an arm bar before he transitions to a triangle choke as the time expires as Tyler hits a single arm powerbomb to break the hold.

Round 5

Round 5 begins with A repeatedly pinning the shoulders of Tyler to the mat for several two counts before hitting a DDT out of nowhere for the pin to even the falls.

A-Kid evens things up at 1-1.

Round 6

A kicks the legs of Tyler before the two feint kicks and jabs before exchanging strikes and Tyler sends A out of the ring with a rolling kick. Tyler goes for a delayed suplex before A gets his back and gets a near fall off of a roll up before hitting an enzuigiri and Tyler dodges a dropkick. A then counters a rebound lariat into an Omoplata before they reverse pins until A picks up the victory.

Winner: A-Kid retains his Heritage Cup trophy by defeating Tyler Bate when he wins two falls to one.

- The mentor and friend exchange a hand shake after the match as A lifts his trophy in the air and we see Tyler glancing back at him as he leaves the ring as we go off the air.

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