Good afternoon Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for today's edition of WWE NXT UK!
- We open today's show with a graphic for the passing of Pat Patterson.
- We open in the studio with a graphic for The Hunt and South Wales Subculture on our main event before we get an extended video package for how the feud began after The Hunt turned on Mark and Flash.
Rampage Brown vs Saxon Huxley
They lock up before Brown drops Saxon with a boot and a dropkick before clotheslining him for two. Rampage hits a float over suplex for two before clotheslining Saxon over the top rope and down onto the floor before Saxon hits the steps in frustration. Saxon drags Rampage out of the ring and drives him into the apron before rolling him back into the ring and climbing to the top where he hits a diving clothesline for a near fall. Saxon hits a uranage for two before Rampage meets him on the top turnbuckle and Saxon shoves him backwards. Brown then hits a powerslam when he catches in midair before hitting a gut wrench sit-out powerbomb for the pin and the win.
Winner: Rampage Brown defeats Saxon Huxley via pinfall.
- Earlier this week Joseph Conners is being interviewed at the UK PC before we see Piper Niven and Jinny coming to blows before being separated as we go to commercial.
- We get a video package promo by Eddie Dennis where he talks about his alliance with The Hunt.
- We see Saxon backstage after his loss to Rampage as Oliver Carter and Jack Starz look on before Oliver tells Saxon better luck next time. Saxon then repeats the phrase over and over as he walks away.
Aoife Valkyrie vs Aleah James
Aoife locks in a standing side headlock before dropping Aleah and does a cartwheel when Aleah goes for a head scissors. They exchange pin attempts before Aleah takes Aoife down to the mat and Aoife gets to her feet before sweeping Aleah and dropkicking the back of her neck. Aoife locks in a submission before turning it into a back slide for two before Aleah dropkicks her for two and hits a northern lights suplex. Aleah gets two off of the northern lights suplex before Aoife drops her with kicks and hits a diving ax kick for the pin and the win.
Winner: Aoife Valkyrie defeats Aleah James via pinfall.
- Backstage Pretty Deadly interview each other before they say that they're ready for the NXT UK Tag Team titles as we go to commercial.
- We come back to a video package promo by South Wales Subculture ahead of their grudge match against The Hunt in today's main event.
Joe Coffey vs Alexander Wolfe
Alex takes Joe down to the mat before they grapple on the mat and Joe comes back with strikes before Alex backs Joe into the ropes. Alex cheap shots Joe against the ropes and punches and stomps Joe down in the corner before focusing on the arm of Joe. Joe counters a suplex attempt into one of his own before hitting a running forearm in the corner into a diving cross body before hitting a uranage for two. Joe punches Alex in his guard before locking in a knee bar that Alex kicks his way out of before hitting a knee and a twisting neckbreaker for two. Alex knocks Joe out of the air with an uppercut when he goes for a dive before hitting a fireman's carry suplex for a near fall.
Alex hits a bridging German suplex for a near fall before Joe hits a back drop into a discus lariat to the back of the neck that sends Wolfe flying through the ropes and out of the ring. Joe rolls Alex back into the ring for a near fall, Alex getting his foot on the bottom rope before they end up on the apron and exchange strikes. Joe then hits the Glasgow Send-off into All the Best for the Bells for the pin and the win.
Winner: Joe Coffey defeats Alexander Wolfe via pinfall.
- Mark and Wolfgang come out after the match and celebrate with Joe on the ramp.
- We get a promo by NXT Cruiserweight champion Jordan Devlin who says that he's issuing an open challenge for his title starting next week as we go to commercial.
South Wales Subculture vs The Hunt
SWS attack The Hunt before the match starts before Primate and Boar take control and isolate Mark before Mark comes back with chops and hits Primate on the apron. Eddie helps Primate from falling off of the apron before Boar hits Mark with a spine buster and Primate suplexes Boar onto Mark. Mark comes back with a rolling stomp before getting the hot tag to Flash who clears the ring before hitting moves off of the apron onto both members of The Hunt. Back in the ring Flash DDT's Boar onto Primate before Boar hits an inverted cannonball in the corner for two and Flash counters a package piledriver. Mark and Primate come back in and Mark hits a double tornado DDT onto both members of The Hunt before hitting stereo topes to the outside.
Back in the ring SWS double up on Primate for a near fall that Boar breaks up before Primate clotheslines Mark. Flash is sent out of the ring before The Hunt hit a double team move for a near fall, Flash saving Mark from The Hunt's finisher. Boar then distracts the referee before Eddie knocks Mark off of the top and Boar clotheslines Flash at ringside before The Hunt hit an assisted fireman's carry into a sit-out powerbomb for the pin and the win.
Winner: The Hunt defeat South Wales Subculture via pinfall.