Good morning Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of NXT UK Takeover:Blackpool II! We hope you enjoy the show and I'll see you back here tonight with IMPACT Wrestling's first show of the year, Hard to Kill where Tessa Blanchard will look to make history by becoming the first woman to become IMPACT World champion! Enjoy the show!
-We open the show with a video package for all of the matches on tonight's show narrated by Pete Dunne.
Trent Seven vs Eddie Dennis
Eddie rushes Trent, but he's lying in wait and hits a single arm powerbomb for two before hitting an open hand palm strike. Eddie hits a razors edge powerbomb and stomps on Trent before dropping him with a stiff forearm and whipping him into the corner. Eddie locks in a cravat before dropping Trent with a back elbow for two before raining down blows to a grounded Seven for two. Eddie suplexes Trent for two and they exchange chops until Trent hits a snap dragon suplex and Eddie rolls out of the ring. Trent hits a suicide dive and slams Eddie onto the floor before tossing him back into the ring and missing a corkscrew senton.
They counter each other until Eddie hits a spinning side slam for two before Trent counters a second razors edge and Eddie drops him with a forearm. Trent hits a variation of the emerald flowsion for two before Eddie counters a burning hammer and drops Trent with another forearm. Eddie tries to remove the turnbuckle pad before Trent brings him onto the top turnbuckle and hits a superplex as the pad falls off and Trent gets a deep two count. Eddie sends Trent shoulder first into the exposed turnbuckle before he goes to hit a razors edge into the turnbuckle and instead hits a razors edge over the top rope and into the barricade instead. Eddie them rolls Trent into the ring for a near fall before he finishes Trent off and hits the Next Stop Driver for the pin and the win.
Winner: Eddie Dennis defeats Trent Seven via pinfall with the Next Stop Driver.
-We get an extended video package for the NXT UK Women's Championship Triple Threat match.
NXT UK Women's Championship Triple Threat Match
Kay Lee Ray (c) vs Toni Storm vs Piper Niven
Toni attacks Ray during the introductions before everyone ends up outside and Piper hits a running cannonball to both Toni and Kay into the barricade. Piper tosses Toni into the ring and Kay and Toni brawl on the mat before Piper hits a running senton to the both of them for a quick two count on Ray. Ray hits an open hand palm strike to Piper and plays to the crowd before Toni attacks her from behind and Piper hits Toni with a running cross body when Ray counters Storm Zero. Ray superkicks Toni before Toni hits a release German suplex and Ray hits another superkick into a tornado DDT for two. Piper out muscles a Gory bomb before Toni hits Piper with a German suplex and Ray slams Toni before Piper hits Ray with a Saito suplex.
Toni and Piper Niven exchange forearms before Ray shoves Piper into Toni and brings a chair into the ring before choking Toni and Piper with it. Ray puts the chair around the neck of Storm before Piper stops her from stomping on the chair and Toni and Piper send Ray out of the ring. Toni hits a suicide dive before Piper hits a cannonball off of the apron, Storm and Niven working together for the time being before Ray hits a flipping senton onto Storm and Niven at ringside. Piper hits a sit-out powerbomb to Toni before Ray hits a swanton bomb and Piper counters a huricanrrana into a powerbomb and hits a Michinoku driver for a near fall. Ray counters a Michinoku driver into a Gory bomb for a near fall, Toni grabbing the officials hand to stop the count before Piper hits Ray with a Canadian destroyer.
Toni hits Ray with Storm Zero for a near fall that Piper breaks up before Toni hits Storm Zero with Ray onto the back of Piper. Toni then hits a variation of a pedigree for a near fall before hitting a diving frog splash and Ray superkicks her out of the ring before covering Niven for the pin and the win.
Winner: Kay Lee Ray defeats Piper Niven and Toni Storm via pinfall to retain her NXT UK Women's Championship.
-We see Imperium getting ready in the locker room before we see Travis Banks at ringside and get an extended video package Tyler Bate and Jordan Devlin.
Tyler Bate vs Jordan Devlin
They lock up for a clean break before Jordan shoves Tyler and Jordan takes control of the wrist of Tyler for several moments, even holding onto it when Tyler flips him. Tyler counter Devil Inside before Jordan blocks a punch by Tyler and puts him in a side headlock before they run the ropes and Tyler hits a high angle back body drop. Tyler hits a military press slam and kicks him over the top rope and down onto the floor before Jordan hits a uranage and an Asai moonsault from the apron and into the ring for two. Jordan lays into Tyler with strikes in full mount before hitting a kitchen sink for two. Jordan hits an elevated belly to back suplex for two before choking Tyler in the ropes and a butterfly suplex before mocking Tyler and Moustache Mountain.
Jordan kicks Tyler in the side of the face before Tyler whips him across the ring and over the top rope and down onto the floor before following up with a suicide dive. Tyler rolls Jordan back into the ring and goes for a diving cross body, Jordan driving his knees into the midsection of Tyler in midair for two. Jordan hits Tyler with a forearm to the kidneys before stepping on his head and locking in a surfboard stretch before Tyler rolls him up for two. They run onto each other with running cross bodies before Tyler rocks Jordan with a high knee and hits a diving uppercut before Jordan hits a running clothesline in the corner. Tyler catches Jordan and hits a t-bone suplex into a standing shooting star press for two before hitting an airplane spin.
Tyler hits a brainbuster for two and Jordan counters the Tyler Driver '97 before they exchange pin attempts until Jordan hits a half and half suplex for two. Tyler sends Jordan out onto the apron, but he immediately follows up with a slingshot cutter before Tyler rolls out onto the apron and Jordan hits a slingshot cutter from inside the ring and onto the apron before they crash down onto the floor. Jordan kicks Tyler in the face and gets back into the ring before Tyler gets back in at nine and they exchange forearms until Jordan drops Tyler with a stiff right hand. They exchange closed fist punches until Tyler drops Jordan with a rolling kick before they counter each other's finishers before Jordan hits a Spanish fly. Jordan climbs to the top before Tyler crotches him and Jordan hits a Spanish fly off of the top into Devlin Side for a near fall.
Jordan kicks and stomps Tyler before hitting him with a right hand and Tyler counters a Tiger driver before Tyler headbutts Jordan and hits a satellite DDT into the Tyler Driver '97 for a near fall. Tyler then quickly follows up with a twisting corkscrew senton for the pin and the win.
Winner: Tyler Bate defeats Jordan Devlin via pinfall with a twisting corkscrew senton.
-We get an extended video package for the NXT UK Tag Team Championship Fatal Four Way Ladder Match.
NXT UK Tag Team Championship Fatal Four Way Ladder Match
Gallus (Wolfgang & Mark Coffey) (c) vs South Wales Subculture vs Grizzled Young Veterans vs Imperium (Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner)
All eight men brawl before Gallus and Imperium spill out of the ring and SWS and GYV brawl in the ring. GYV clear the ring before Gallus come in and take them out before Barthel sends Wolfgang off of the apron and Imperium double up on Mark with a spinebuster into a PK. SWS send Marcel out of the ring and hit Aichner with a double moonsault before GYV grab a ladder out from under the ring and stop before grabbing chairs. GYV hit SWS with chairs and send them out of the ring before Wolfgang spears Zack and Mark a spinebuster to James. Gallus put James in the tree of woe before Imperium drag them out of the ring and hit James with a double running dropkick to James in the corner. SWS grab a ladder and put it into the ring before setting it up and Imperium take them out before they climb and Gallus use a second, larger ladder to take them out as the NXT UK universe demand tables. They wedge one ladder into the corner before Flash gets caught between the ladder and the turnbuckle and Imperium hit a running dropkick into the ladder and a slingshot into the bottom of it. Andrews takes out both members of Imperium before Mark hits a chokeslam to Zack onto a ladder and Gallus hit a slingshot Samoan drop to James. Imperium clear the ring before they're dragged out of the ring and sent into the stairs. SWS take out Gallus and climb to the top before Andrews hits a shooting star press off of the ladder. Marcel slams Flash onto a ladder before Aichner hits a moonsault onto Flash onto the ladder and Imperium set the ladder up before they're stopped by GYV. GYV bring a taller ladder into the ring beside the smaller one before a third is set up and Andrews wedges one between the others. Seven men climb the ladders before Flash brings a fifth into the ring and all eight men get on top of the ladders before everyone falls off except for Mark Andrews. Zack hits Andrews with the Ticket to Ride before James hits a 450 off of a ladder and Imperium sends Zack out of the ring before they hit James with the European bomb. Imperium clear the ring of all but one ladder before they climb opposite sides and are stopped by Imperium who use them as weapons and smashing Barthel and Aichner between them. Wolfgang and Mark take out every other team before they roll back into the ring and SWS drag the final ladder out of the ring before Gallus can climb it. Gallus drag SWS into the ring and they hit a double Stundog Millionaire before SWS and Gallus have a tug of war over the largest ladder. The ladder gets set up at ringside before Gallus set up a pair of tables at ringside before SWS put Mark through one table when it collapses and sets Wolfgang on the opposite one. SWS then hit a double swanton bomb off of the ladder and onto Wolfgang and through the table before they bring a ladder into the ring. GYV come in and use another ladder to take out SWS before Andrews takes out GYV with a kendo stick until it splinters to pieces. Fabian takes out Mark with a brainbuster before he gets his hand on the titles and is sent down before Wolfgang spears Aichner through a ladder. Gallus then climb to the top and reclaim their titles for the win.
Winner: Gallus retain their NXT UK Tag Team Championships by defeating Imperium, South Wales Subculture and Grizzled Young Veterans when they climb the ladder and grab the belts hanging above the ring.
-We see the undefeated Ridge Holland in the crowd at ringside before we're told that Triple H will be live on Facebook after the show ends before we get an extended video package for the NXT UK Championship match.
NXT UK Championship Match
WALTER (c) Joe Coffey
Joe dodges a boot before they lock up and Joe hits a back drop driver before booting WALTER off of the apron and hitting a tope to the outside. WALTER comes back with an uppercut and Joe whips him into the barricade before WALTER sends Joe over the barricade and Joe hits a running cross body over the barricade and back onto WALTER at ringside. Back in the ring Joe hits a belly to back suplex and a satellite DDT for two before Walter powers out of a suplex attempt and Joe hits him with strikes before hitting a stalling suplex for two. WALTER comes back with his signature chops and drops Joe several times before they end up at ringside and WALTER drops Joe with a boot before Joe gets back in and WALTER hits a running sit-down splash for two. WALTER locks in a single leg Boston crab before transitioning into an STF and Joe gets to the ropes for the break before WALTER hits Joe with several forearms and a chop that drops him.
Joe rolls out of the ring and WALTER traps him in the ropes before hitting him with clubbing blows until Joe comes back with strikes and goes for a missile dropkick, but WALTER catches him. WALTER locks in a Boston crab before transitioning into another STF and transitions into a reverse three quarter nelson before Joe gets to the ropes. WALTER wrings the arm of Joe and chops him across the chest several times before Joe hits him with a lariat. They run into each other until WALTER hits a suplex for two after Joe dodges a boot and tries to take WALTER down with a single leg. Joe slams WALTER into the mat when he tries to lock in a sleeper hold before Joe spears WALTER from behind and hits a dead lift bridging German suplex for two.
Joe hits a moonsault for two before WALTER rocks him with a boot and they exchange before WALTER hits a powerbomb for two. WALTER goes for another sleeper hold before Joe spears him and WALTER misses a running shotgun dropkick and takes out the referee. Joe hits a powerbomb, but there's no referee to make the count before Alexander Wolfe comes out and drops Joe with a running boot Ilja Dragunov comes out and they brawl before Ilja hits Torpedo Moscow into Wolfe into Joe who falls out of the ring holding his knee. WALTER clotheslines Ilja and goes out after Joe before dropping him with another boot and sending him into the stairs. WALTER powerbombs Joe onto the apron before hitting a lariat for a near fall, Joe kicking out before the new referee can count three.
Ilja and Wolfe brawl at ringside before Joe catches WALTER on the top turnbuckle and WALTER chops him down Joe gets back to his feet and hits a one legged overhead belly to back suplex off of the top. They exchange until Joe rocks WALTER with a right hand end WALTER kicks his knee out from under him before hitting a diving splash for a near fall. Joe hits two All the Best for the Bells for a near fall before he goes for a third and WALTER locks in a sleeper hold. WALTER kicks Joe on the spine and locks in a sleeper before Joe gets to the ropes for the break and WALTER hits an overhead suplex into a powerbomb. WALTER then kicks Joe before hitting another powerbomb before submitting Joe with a variation of a sleeper for the win.
Winner: WALTER retains his NXT UK Championship by defeating Joe Coffey via submission.
-After the match the rest of Imperium come out to the ring and they celebrate with WALTER before they're attacked by the Undisputed Era. We then end the show with UE taking out WALTER and standing tall over the Ring General as we go off the air.