On Sunday, February 4, 2024, WWE hosted the NXT event “Vengeance Day” on Peacock & the WWE Network (Internationally).
The show was headlined by Trick Williams challenging Ilja Dragunov for the NXT Championship. The full results are listed below
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NXT Vengeance Day (2/4/2024).
- Vic Joseph & Wade Barrett welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning into the opening match.
- 2024 NXT Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Tournament - Finals: Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin vs. Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams.
- No Disqualification Match: DIJAK def. Joe Gacy.
- Jacy Jayne & Thea Hail were interviewed by Kelly Kincaid. They said that they were close to selling out on the 2024 Chase University Calendars, but they will be made available on WWE Shop and on Fanatics. If you want merchandise that is worth all the money, check out Fightful's newest Steamboat Willie Merc& more items on Fightful Shop here.
- The Family (Tony D'Angelo, Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo & Adriana Rizzo) def. OTM (Bronco Nima, Lucien Price & Jaida Parker) (w/ SCRYPTS).
- Kiana James & Izzy Dame were eating before saying that James was aiming at the NXT Womens Championship. James told Dame to keep an eye on Kelani Jordan to stop the future from becoming a reality.
- Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams were being checked out by the medics backstage. Williams asked Hayes why he took that Spear from Breakker earlier in the night, which Hayes justified by saying that Dragunov would benefit from it. Williams told Hayes that he wanted him in his corner for his title match later tonight.
- The match between Lyra Valkyria & Roxanne Perez was already underway, but Lola Vice cashed in her NXT Women's Breakout Tournament Contract to make the match into a Triple Threat Match.
- NXT Women's Championship Match: Lyra Valkyria (c) def. Lola Vice & Roxanne Perez.
- Riley Osborne met with Thea Hail in the sales before he asked Hail to be his Valentine, which Hail accepted.
- There was a mysterious vignette stating the following: "Man has three faces: One the world sees, one his family sees, and the real one no one sees but he reflects evil he truly posseses."
- NXT North American Championship Match: Oba Femi (c) def. Dragon Lee.
- Lexis King tried to sweat talk Thea Hail backstage before Charlie Osbourne interrupted. Osbourne & King brawled backstage.
- Ava was promoting the next NXT shows coming up, including NXT Battleground & NXT Roadblock.
- Edris Enofe & Malik Blade were with Brinley Reece to find some positives and negatives for theselves, but Nathan Frazer & Axiom interrupted. After Frazer made fun of Enofe & Blade, the two teams are set to face each other on the 2/6 edition of NXT.
- Roxanne Perez & Lola Vice brawled backstage after the events of their match, they were pulled apart by a producer, an army of referees, and former NXT Tag Team Champion Oney Lorcan.
- NXT Championship Match: Ilja Dragunov (c) def. Trick Williams (w/ Carmelo Hayes).
- After the match, Carmelo Hayes attacked Williams from behind wiht a chop block onhis knee. Hayes pulled a chair from under the ring and immediately neutralized Williams's knee with a series of chair before putting a Trick Melo Gang T-Shirt over him. Hayes was seranaded with "Fuck You Melo" and "Melo Sucks" chants as a bloody Williams laid on the mat to end the broadcast.
- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.