WWE RAW Results (2/14/22): Brock Lesnar Returns, Damian Priest Defends US Title Against AJ Styles + More!

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for Monday Night RAW. We'll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.

The show begins and WWE Champion Bobby Lashley alongside MVP make their way to the ring. Lashley says before he tries to walk into WrestleMania as WWE Champion, he has to win the most brutal match in WWE, the elimination chamber. Lashley says the chamber destroys lives and shortens careers...but so does he. Lashley says he's destroyed every single person who's stepped in front of him. MVP says he's done some calculations and the WWE Champion has a roughly 16% chance of winning the chamber and while that doesn't sound very good...until you factor in that Seth Freakin' Rollins, the phenomenal AJ Styles, Riddle, Austin Theory and not even The Beast Incarnate, Brock Lesnar are almighty. MVP says when you factor in the almighty component, that 16% becomes 100% of leaving Elimination Chamber as the WWE Champion. Seth Rollins' music interrupts and he makes his way to the ring. Rollins says Lashley looks great but the bad news is he doesn't look as great as he does. Rollins says as of this moment, Lashley is the WWE Champion but the bad news is it won't be for very long. Rollins says nobody in the chamber can beat Lashley other then 'The Visionary' Seth Freakin' Rollins. MVP says if he keeps running is mouth, he won't even make it to the chamber. Riddle's music hits and here comes The Original Bro. Riddle asks Rollins if the elimination chamber is just one giant quiz bowl. Riddle says the last time he was in a tight spot like the chamber was in a gas station bathroom and he got out of that situation which makes him confident that he's going to win the chamber match and become WWE Champion. Riddle says after the chamber, he and Randy Orton will reclaim the RAW Tag Team Titles and he'll be a double champion. Riddle invites Lashley and MVP to he and Orton's 'Broga Party'. Riddle says Rollins can't come to the party because he needs to get ready for his match against Orton but since Lashley doesn't have a match tonight, he should throw on a toga and come to the 'Broga Party'. Austin Theory now comes out and says Vince McMahon taught him that apologies are just weaknesses and he's going to put all of Vince's theories to work in the chamber match and he'll become the WWE Champion...and of course, out comes AJ Styles. AJ asks Theory what he's talking about and Theory's lips have been shoved up Vince's ass for so long that he doesn't make sense anymore. AJ says that the odds aren't in anyone's favor and you don't walk out the same as you walked in when it comes to a match like the elimination chamber. AJ says nobody, including Lashley will stop him from having a defining WrestleMania moment. AJ says Riddle has a sweet toga and much like Riddle, he has a chance to become a double champion because he faces Damian Priest tonight for the US Title and when he wins the chamber, he'll get the WWE Title as well. Riddle invites AJ to his 'Broga Party', Lashley interrupts, says Theory's too wet behind the ears to compete, calls Rollins a fake visionary because if he was a visionary, he would've already foreseen that he won't win the chamber, he tells Riddle to get off his high come back to reality and then tells AJ that he hates to break it to him, but he's not getting his WrestleMania moment. Lashley calls out Brock Lesnar and The Beast makes his way to the ring. Lesnar gets in the ring, takes off his jacket and hat, laughs at Theory and puts it on him then gets into Lashley's face. Theory attacks Lesnar who quickly dispatches him with a pair of German suplexes, the rest of the ring clears and Lesnar plants Theory with an F-5. Lesnar takes Theory's phone and takes a selfie with Theory's motionless body and we cut backstage where we see Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins of the Street Profits. Montez says everyone in the chamber is in trouble except Brock Lesnar. Montez and Angelo run down tonight's card and then they turn their attention to Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode and then make their way to the ring.

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Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins) vs. Dirty Dawgs (Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode)

Former NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa joins Jimmy Smith, Byron Saxton and Corey Graves on commentary for this one following he and Ziggler's interaction last week on NXT 2.0. Ford and Ziggler start this one off, Ford immediately drops Ziggler with a drop-kick, then a splash and goes for the cover but Roode sneaks in and breaks up the count. Ziggler tags-in Roode, Ford fights them both off but eats a side-suplex from Roode, who goes for the cover but Ford kicks out at two. Ziggler's tagged back in, nails Ford with a slam, goes for the cover but Fore's able to lift the shoulders at two-and-a-half. Ford struggles to his corner but makes the tag to Dawkins, Ziggler tags-in Roode who plants Dawkins with a spine-buster, goes for the cover but Dawkins keeps the Street Profits alive by lifting the shoulders. Ciampa throws chalk into Ziggler's eyes, back in the ring, Dawkins slams Roode to the mat, Ford goes up top and drills Roode with a splash for the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winners - Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins)

After the match, Ziggler drills Ciampa with a super-kick and then he and Roode scurry away as the Profits look for the counter attack.

Damian Priest (C) vs. AJ Styles — United States Championship

Styles with a takedown to start, Priest responds with an arm-drag then locks-in and arm-bar. Priest transitions to the neck and locks Styles up around the neck. Styles powers to his feet, Priest drills him with a forearm but Styles comes firing back with an elbow, then a corner splash and a sliding drop-kick. Styles looks for the Styles Clash, Priest trips him face-first into the mat, plants Styles with an inverted DDT and goes for the cover but Styles kicks out at two. Priest goes for a spinning-back kick, Styles ducks out of the way and nails Priest with a Pele kick and dumps Priest out of the ring with a running clothesline. Styles dives through the ropes onto Priest, who catches Styles, looks for the choke-slam in the apron but Styles catches himself, looks for a kick, Priest dives out and slides back in the ring, Styles looks for the Phenomenal Forearm, Priest pushes him aside and rolls him up and gets the win!

Winner - Damian Priest (C)

After the match, AJ Styles and Damian Priest shake hands and we head to another Alexa Bliss 'therapy' session. Alexa says for the first-time in awhile, life is good. The therapist says he has a gift for Alexa and it's the ripped up Lilly doll that Charlotte Flair tore up awhile back. The therapist says this gift will put Alexa at peace. Alexa smiles and he hands her the replica Lilly doll from last week and says he has an idea as we cut to a commercial break.

Back from the break and Omos makes his way down to the ring and he's set for handicap action against Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin of The Hurt Business.

Omos vs. The Hurt Business (Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin)

Omos catches Cedric by the throat when Cedric tries to attack from behind as the bell sounds. Omos tosses Cedric into the corner and Cedric makes the tag to Shelton. Cedric grabs Omos' ankles, Shelton unloads some right hands, Omos snatches him by the throat and launches him into the corner. Shelton sneaks away, tags-in Cedric and Cedric goes up-top but Omos tosses Shelton out of the ring, grabs Cedric on the top turnbuckle and plants him with a choke-slam from the top rope for the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winner - Omos

We then see Reggie and 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke out for Valentine's Day, Akira Tozawa and Tamina show up in disguise and stalk them from afar as we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and we see Riddle and Kevin Patrick at the 'Broga Party' and Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins show up and say they want the smoke in the next game of beer pong. Everyone chants Broga and we cut back to the ring where Adam Pearce is set to officiate the contract signing between RAW Women's Champion Becky Lynch and her challenger for this weekend's Elimination Chamber premium live event, WWE Hall of Famer, Lita. The four-time champion Lita makes her way to the ring followed by the current champion Becky Lynch. Pearce asks both to sign the contract, a disheveled Becky says Lita doesn't need to do this and she hasn't slept in days because she can't come to terms that her teenage idol attacked her last week but she'll throw that all away if Lita tears up the contract and walks away right now. Becky says Lita is one of the best of all-time and asks Lita what she has left to prove. Becky says she doesn't want to fight Lita and she knows Lita doesn't want to fight her and the fans don't deserve them to 'play their little game'. Lita asks the crowd if she should tear the contract up which is met with a massive amount of boos, then asks if she should 'shut Becky up for good', which gets a pop. Lita says she didn't comeback for one more match, she has one big run left...a championship run. Lita says Becky's scared because last week, Becky realized that Lita still has what it takes to beat her and like it or not, this match is happening. Becky says Lita has pushed her to the limit and that's a limit that Lita doesn't want to see. Becky says she's willing to do anything to keep her title and she'll go right for the neck on Saturday and when people remember Lita, they'll remember her with a tear in their eye after this weekend. Lita signs the contract then recalls Becky saying there wouldn't be a Becky Lynch without a Lita and if she helped create this monster, she needs to be the one who finishes it and the only thing that's ending on Saturday, is Becky's 500+ title reign. Becky signs and throws the contract at Lita then walks out as we head to a commercial break.

Rhea Ripley vs. Nikki A.S.H. vs. Liv Morgan vs. Doudrop vs. Bianca Belair — Gauntlet Match (Winner Is Final Entrant In Elimination Chamber Match)

This one will determine who the final entrant in the Elimination Chamber match this Saturday night will be (all have already qualified for the match). Nikki drags Rhea to the apron and unloads forearms to the chest, tosses her back in the ring and drops a knee to the face on Rhea. Nikki drills Rhea with with strikes in the corner, then a kick to the chest and then locks-in a head-lock. Rhea powers to her feet, looks for The Riptide but Nikki slides out and hits Rhea with a drop-kick to the back. Nikki goes up top, Rhea follows her up but gets kicked back, Nikki dives onto Rhea, who catches her and plants her with The Riptide for the 1-2-3 and Nikki is eliminated. Liv Morgan is the next competitor and she'll face Rhea Ripley after the commercial break. Back from the break and Liv rolls up Rhea, who quickly kicks out. Liv rolls Rhea right back up and Rhea kicks right out. Liv nails Rhea with a front-kick to the face, then a splash in the corner, followed by a flying knee, goes for another cover but Rhea lifts the shoulders after a count of two. Liv locks-up a head-lock, Rhea powers back to her feet, Liv latches onto her back to tighten the hold but Rhea backs up into the corner to force the break-up. Rhea plants Liv with a Frankensteiner, goes for the cover but Liv kicks out at two. Rhea kicks Liv, who goes for a hurricarana, Rhea catches her but Liv shoves her face-first into the mat, goes for the cover but to no avail. Liv goes up top, misses a drop-kick, Rhea locks-in the cloverleaf but Liv crawls to the corner to force the break and launches Rhea face-first into the bottom turnbuckle. Rhea nails Liv with a super-kick then plants her with The Riptide and gets the three-count, Liv Morgan has been eliminated. Doudrop is the next participant and she'll square-off with Rhea Ripley after the break. Back from the break and Rhea and Doudrop stare each other down then Doudrop wallops Rhea with a slam, goes for the cover but 'The Nightmare' kicks out at two-and-a-half. Doudrop works Rhea over in the corner and Rhea comes firing back with a drop-kick, the pair trade heavy strikes in the center of the ring and Rhea nails Doudrop with another drop-kick then goes for the cover but Doudrop kicks out at two. Rhea can't lift Doudrop for The Riptide, Doudrop headbutts her, Rhea slides to the side and looks for the German suplex but Doudrop runs off the ropes and eats a super-kick from Rhea and Rhea lifts Doudrop and plants her with The Riptide and that's it for Doudrop. Bianca Belair is the final participant and she and Rhea Ripley will battle it out for the final entry in the elimination chamber match after the break. Back from the break and Bianca slams Rhea, goes right for the cover but Rhea kicks out at two. Bianca with another slam, goes for another, Rhea slides out, goes for a slam of her own but Bianca rolls her up, Rhea kicks out at two, Bianca rolls her up again and Rhea, again, kicks out after a two-count. Bianca drills Rhea with a suplex and rolls through for another but Rhea blocks it, looks for a suplex of her own, Bianca blocks it and plants Rhea with a big suplex, goes for the cover but Rhea lifts the shoulders at two. Bianca locks-in an abdominal stretch but Rhea kicks her off and Bianca goes head-first into the middle turnbuckle. Rhea goes for a drop-kick, Bianca rolls away and nails Rhea with a moonsault off of a back-flip, goes for the cover and 'The Nightmare' stays alive. Both women struggle to their feet, Rhea nails Bianca with a headbutt and both woman lay each other out with simultaneous head-drags. Both roll out of the ring, Rhea fires Bianca into the steel steps and we head to another commercial break. Back from the break and Bianca lays into Rhea with some kicks, Rhea looks for The Riptide, Bianca looks for the K.O.D. and Rhea slides out and goes up top, Bianca follows her up and they trade strikes, Rhea tumbled off the top and Bianca lands a spring-board moonsault. Both struggle back to their feet, Rhea goes up top and fires down on Bianca with a missile drop-kick, goes for the cover but Bianca kicks out at two-and-a-half. Rhea locks-in The Cloverleaf, Bianca rolls her into the corner, drills Rhea with the spine-buster and plants Rhea with the K.O.D. for the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winner - Bianca Belair (Will Enter Elimination Chamber Match Last)

After the match, Bianca and Rhea embrace and we go back to the 'Broga Party'. Riddle plays a pretty meh song on the guitar and gets attacked by Otis and Chad Gable of American Alpha. Gable drills Riddle with the guitar and the party is clearly over. We cut back to the ring and Rey Mysterio alongside his son Dominik Mysterio are making their way down to the ring and they'll face the RAW Tag Team Champions Otis and Chad Gable of Alpha Academy in a non-title match after the break.

Back from the break and we go back to Reggie and Dana Brooke's dinner. R-Truth disguises (in true R-Truth fashion), Tamina and Akira try to attack Dana, Reggie fends them off and he and Dana get away. Reggie gets friendzoned again and then rolls up Dana to win the 24/7 title.

Rey Mysterio & Dominik Mysterio vs. American Alpha (Chad Gable & Otis)

The Miz and Maryse join Smith, Saxton and Graves on commentary for this one. Gable and Dominik start this one off. Gable works over Dominik with some grappling, then nails him with a German suplex but Dominik tosses him out of the ring, Gable comes right back in but gets laid out with an arm-drag. Dominik tags-in Rey, Gable tosses Rey into the corner, tags-in Otis and the big man nails Rey with an elbow-drop. Otis stomps on Rey and chirps Dominik in the corner. Otis fires Rey into the corner, lands a splash then goes for the cover but Rey lifts the shoulders at two. Otis makes the tag to Gable, who slams Rey, goes for the cover but Rey kicks out. Rey shoves Gable aside, sends him into the corner but Gable wallops him with a slam and makes the tag to Otis, who works Rey over with a head-lock. Otis goes up top and looks for a splash but Rey slides out of the way and makes the tag to Dominik as Otis tags-in Gable. Dominik takes both Otis and Gable out, sends Gable into the corner face-first, goes for the cover but Gable kicks out. Gable fires back with a trio of German suplexes, goes for the cover but Dominik kicks out at two. Dominik makes the tag to Rey, who tosses Otis out of the ring and Dominik dives after him through the ropes as Rey follows-up and nails Gable on the outside with a dive and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Gable plants Dominik with a belly-to-belly then goes for the cover but Dominik kicks out at two. Gable goes up top, misses a moonsault, Dominik rolls him up but Gable kicks out. Dominik makes the tag to Rey, who wallops Gable with a hurricanrana then knocks Otis off the apron and lays Gable out with a head scissors then goes for the cover but Gable kicks out. Rey gets caught after a springboard and Gable nails him with a German suplex, goes for the cover but Rey kicks out at two-and-a-half. Rey nails Gable with a bulldog, goes for the cover but Otis breaks it up. Dominik tags himself in then makes the save and sends Otis into the turnbuckle post and out of the ring then both Rey and Dominik hit 619's on Gable, Miz tries to interfere but Rey takes him out on the outside, Dominik goes up top and lands a cross-body on Gable but Gable rolls him up for the 1-2-3.

Winners - American Alpha (Chad Gable & Otis)

After the match, Maryse distracts Rey and Dominik and Miz takes them both out from behind. We then see another 'therapy session' with Alexa Bliss. The therapist says he stuffed the replica Lilly doll with the original Lilly's stuffing and as long as Alexa has Lilly by her side, she'll be cured and she'll have a wonderful life. Alexa shakes his hand, as does Lilly...Alexa announces that she's the final participant in the women's elimination chamber match this Saturday at the Elimination Chamber premium live event.

Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton

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