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Fightful post-Raw Podcast:
- The Coach is in the ring to host the face to face between Stephanie McMahon & Triple H and their ‘Mania 34 opponents Ronda Rousey & Kurt Angle. All four make their entrances and take their seats at their respective tables, Triple H says the fans appreciation for Rousey will be silenced on Sunday Night. Triple H then questions the intelligence of Kurt Angle throughout his professional wrestling career, Rousey also wants to know why Triple H and Stephanie signed her with ulterior motives. Stephanie says Rousey was signed because she is whats best for business, Angle promises that Rousey will make Stephanie tap out at ‘Mania 34.
Triple H says that Rousey’s judo and MMA past mean nothing in the wrestling ring, Stephanie says the match is important to show that any future uprisings will be dealt with severely. Angle calls Rousey the baddest woman on the planet and she’ll make Stephanie tap out at ‘Mania 34, Stephanie reminds Rousey that she chose the path that she is currently on. Stephanie also mocks the way that Rousey has handled losses in the past, Rousey promises to rip the arm out of Stephanie’s socket. All four pose for the cameras and Stephanie offers a handshake to Rousey before the trash talking begins, Triple H attacks Angle and then Stephanie puts Rousey through the table.
- Bayley is shown walking backstage.
Bayley vs. Sonya Deville w/Mandy Rose & Paige
The match begins with Deville attacking Bayley with some kicks, Bayley avoids a kick before knocking Deville to the ground. Bayley then gets Deville down while applying a headlock, Bayley releases the hold to catch Deville with a cross body block. Bayley again gets Deville down while applying a headlock, Deville backs Bayley into the corner while landing some strikes. Bayley bounces Deville’s face off the top turnbuckle before landing a middle rope high cross body for a near fall, Bayley starts wrenching away on the arm of Deville. Bayley then catches Deville with a clothesline in the corner, Deville recovers to nail Bayley with a punch followed by a kick as we go to a commercial break.
We return from the break to see Deville holding Bayley in the body scissors, Bayley gets free to smash the head of Deville on the mat a few times. Deville recovers and nails Bayley with a spine buster for a near fall, Deville gets Bayley down while landing a plethora of strikes. Deville nails Bayley with a running knee strike for a near fall, Deville traps Bayley in the corner while landing some more strikes, Bayley fights back and she drops Deville with multiple clotheslines. Bayley then traps Deville in the corner while landing a multitude of strikes, Bayley goes to the top rope to land a high cross body. Bayley then hits Deville with a running knee strike for a near fall, Absolution drags Deville out of the ring and Bayley follows her out there.
Bayley gets Deville in the ring before landing a rope assisted stunner for a near fall, Rose distracts Bayley so Deville can get a roll up for a near fall. Bayley then catches Deville in a roll up for the three count.
Winner: Bayley
After the match, Absolution attacks Bayley until Sasha Banks makes the save, the two have an argument in the ring until Bayley gets pisses and she attacks Banks. Absolution returns to attack Bayley and Banks.
- A video package airs highlighting the undefeated streak of Asuka.
Finn Balor vs. Seth Rollins
The match begins with some chain wrestling between Rollins and Balor, Rollins starts wrenching away on the arm of Balor. Balor gets free and he starts working over the arm of Rollins, Rollins gets free and he drops Balor with a shoulder tackle. Rollins then holds Balor down with a headlock, Balor gets free and he gets Rollins down with a few arm drags as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Balor rolling through a sunset flip to hit Rollins with a drop kick, Rollins and Balor have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Rollins then throws Balor out of the ring and he follows him out there, Rollins traps Balor near the barricade before landing a chop. Rollins also throws Balor into the ringside edge and the barricade, Rollins gets Balor in the ring and Balor throws him back out of the ring.
Balor then hits Rollins with a drop kick followed by a penalty kick from the ring apron, Balor gets Rollins back in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt. Balor then nails a seated Rollins with a kick to the back, Balor also traps Rollins in the corner before landing strikes. Rollins recovers and he propels Balor into the middle turnbuckle before landing a blockbuster for a near fall, Rollins slows things down by holding Balor in a chin lock. Rollins releases the hold to nail Balor with a neck breaker, Rollins rolls out of the ring to kick Balor in the head for a near fall. Balor and Rollins have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Balor then drops Rollins a few times with some running forearm strikes. Balor gets Rollins in the corner before landing a running chop, Rollins recovers and goes to the middle rope before Balor knocks him off.
Rollins recovers to catch Balor with a roll up for a near fall, Balor recovers and he nails Rollins with a falling elbow drop for a near fall. Balor goes for a sling blade and Rollins winds up nailing Balor with one, Balor goes out of the ring and Rollins nails him with a suicide dive as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Balor nail Rollins with a sling blade. Rollins recovers and he nails a charging Balor with a super kick for a near fall, Rollins then hits a cornered Balor with a forearm strike. Balor recovers to drop Rollins with a kick to the head, Balor goes to the top rope and Rollins crotches him before meeting him up there. Balor eventually knocks Rollins off and Rollins returns to land a superplex, Balor surprises Rollins with a roll up for a near fall.
Rollins recovers and he catches Balor with a knee strike for a near fall, Rollins goes to the top rope and Balor gets his knees up on the frog splash attempt. Rollins rolls out of the ring and Balor goes to the ring apron, Balor misses a penalty kick and he winds up nailing Rollins with a sling blade followed by the shotgun drop kick into the barricade. Balor throws Rollins back into the ring and he goes to the top rope, Balor misses the Cupe De Grace and Rollins eventually lands the curb stomp for the three count.
Winner: Seth Rollins
- A video package airs highlighting Brock Lesnar’s WWE Universal Title reign, plus we see highlights of his feud with Roman Reigns.
- Paul Heyman is shown talking on a phone backstage when Kurt Angle arrives, Angle says he wants the ‘Mania 34 main event to remain in tact and Heyman agrees. Heyman says that Angle shouldn’t be worried about Brock Lesnar’s well-being, which is something that Heyman laughs off.
- The Bar make their war to the ring and they have microphones in hand, Sheamus and Cesaro say that they don’t care who Braun Strowman teams up with. They say that it doesn’t matter because Strowman’s partner will have to compete as well, The Bar says that Strowman can never be in a real team or become the WWE Raw Tag Team Champions. Strowman comes out and he also has a microphone in hand, Strowman admits that he doesn’t play well with others. Strowman says he has a tag team partner and reveals that he wants a match with a member of The Bar, Sheamus agrees to the stipulation for his team.
The partner is revealed to be Strowman wearing a t-shirt and he calls himself Brains, claiming to be a twin brother. Strowman get in the ring and The Bar attacks him, Strowman fights back and The Bar start wearing him down. Strowman fights back again and he tosses Cesaro across the ring before The Bar exits the ring and they head backstage.
- Goldust appears and he talks about taking part in the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.
- Matt Hardy appears and he says that he also wants to win the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.
Matt Hardy vs. Goldust
The match is joined in progress and we see Goldust nail Hardy with a strike, Goldust misses a clothesline and Hardy lands a punch of his own. Goldust recovers and he throws Hardy shoulder first into the ring post, Goldust then stomps away on the injured arm of Hardy. Hardy tries fighting back and Goldust nails him with a spine buster for a near fall, Goldust would then attack Hardy with a series of strikes. Hardy fights back and he smashes the face of Goldust into the turnbuckle multiple times, Hardy then lands a clothesline followed by a Side Effect for a near fall. Hardy goes for a Twist Of Fate and Goldust counters with a power slam for a near fall, Goldust goes to the middle rope and he misses an elbow drop. Hardy lands a Twist Of Fate a short time later for the three count.
Winner: Matt Hardy
After the match, Matt Hardy talks to the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal trophy.
- Alexa Bliss & Mickie James cut a promo mocking Nia Jax and her appearance, Blis promises to make Jax blubber after she beats her at ‘Mania 34.
- John Cena makes his way to the ring and he has a microphone in hand, Cena says that the time has run out for The Undertaker’s answer. Cena also says that The Undertaker’s silence means “no,” Cena claims that he has done everything he could to get an answer. Cena also says that he is going to ‘Mania 34 as a fan, Cena talks about his recent losses on WWE pay-per-view events. Cena says he is unwilling to take a spot from a full time WWE star, Cena says a match with ‘Taker would keep nobody from being held back. Cena admits that there is a lot of stuff in his personal life that has affected him recently, Cena says he is proud to be attending ‘Mania 34 as a fan.
Cena remembers that they have yet to try and summon ‘Taker for tonight, the WWE Universe goes crazy to try and summon The Undertaker. Cena becomes discouraged as The Undertaker fails to appear after the fan summoning, Cena says he is upset that ‘Taker failed to respond. Cena also challenges the manhood of The Undertaker before exiting the ring.
- Kurt Angle approaches Roman Reigns in the locker room, Angle warns Reigns to not ruin his opportunity against Brock Lesnar at ‘Mania 34. Reigns says he is willing to hear what Paul Heyman has to say out of respect for Angle, Reigns will retaliate if Heyman says anything insulting.
- Elias is in the ring and he wants to know “who will walk with Elias?” Elias says he has the keys to life and everybody will learn at ‘Mania 34 that WWE stands for Walk With Elias. Elias insults Atlanta for being the final stop on the Road To ‘Mania 34, Elias promises the performance of a lifetime at ‘Mania 34. Elias starts performing a song and he gets interrupted by Heath Slater.
Elias vs. Heath Slater w/Rhyno
The match begins with Elias backing Slater into the corner while landing shoulder thrusts and strikes, Elias then drops Slater with a clothesline. Slater recovers and he nails Elias with some jabs and a knee strike, Slater then catches Elias with a leg lariat. Elias recovers and he lands a knee strike of his own, Elias nails Slater with Drift Away for a three count.
Winner: Elias
- Braun Strowman is walking backstage when Curt Hawkins approaches him, Hawkins wants to be his tag team partner and Strowman throws him through a wall.
- Renee Young interviews Nia Jax earlier in the day, Jax says that the comments made recently by Alexa Bliss have hurt her emotionally. Jax says that she respects herself and she must be true to who she is, Jax says she knows who she is and who she isn’t. Jax says she has been disappointed in herself for trusting Alexa Bliss, Jax admits Bliss’ comments have taken a toll on her. Jax says she isn’t taking crap from anybody, but she knows she is different and she doesn’t feel sorry for who she is. Jax talks about all the people who told her she shouldn’t be in the WWE, Jax calls Bliss and insecure little girl and she promises to squash Bliss like a bug.
Alexa Bliss & Mickie James vs. Dana Brooke & Asuka
The match begins with Brooke working over the arm of Bliss, Bliss gets free and Brooke continues working over her arm. Bliss gets free again after catching Brooke with a punch, Brooke corners Bliss before landing a handspring elbow strike. Brooke goes for her finisher and Bliss escapes to land a strike to the back of the head, James tags in and she kicks away at Brooke. Brooke fights back and James nails her with a few strikes, Brooke fights back again and she nails James with shoulder thrusts in the corner. Brooke misses a handspring elbow strike and James kicks her in the face, Brooke recovers and she slams James. Brooke goes for a handspring splash and James gets her knees up as she goes to a commercial break, we return from the break to see James holding Brooke in a chin lock.
Brooke gets free and James drags her right back to the ground, James reapplies the chin lock to a downed Brooke. Brooke gets free again and James drops her with a knee lift, Bliss tags in and she slaps Brooke in the face. Bliss then kicks away at a downed Brooke before standing on her, Bliss applies the chin lock to Brooke. Bliss goes for a tag and Brooke catches her with a suplex, James and Asuka get tagged in by their respective partners. Asuka quickly cleans house on the opposing team, Asuka nails James with a knee strike and multiple kicks. James gets out of the ring and Asuka nails her with a sliding kick, Asuka gets James in the ring and she follows her in there to eat a kick. James goes to the top rope and she misses the leap off, Asuka applies the Asuka Lock and James taps out.
Winners: Dana Brooke & Asuka
After the match, Alexa Bliss and Mickie James attack their opponents until Nia Jax hits the ring to make the save. James battles Jax so that Bliss can escape, Jax squashes James with an avalanche and a Samoan drop.
- Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman bump into Kurt Angle backstage, Angle reminds Heyman about what they talked about earlier.
- WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman make their way to the ring while Raw stars form a blockade on the entrance ramp, Heyman immediately mocks the barricade. Heyman says that Lesnar has all the power because he is the WWE Universal Champion, Heyman also talks about what Lesnar has accomplished at ‘Mania past. Heyman then predicts that Lesnar will walk away victorious at ‘Mania 34, Heyman says he and Lesnar will never appear on Raw again if Roman Reigns wins the gold at ‘Mania 34. Heyman says that no WWE star can compare to Lesnar, Heyman says that Reigns has no choice but to accept defeat at ‘Mania 34.
Heyman says that Reigns will have to admit to his family that he got beat by Lesnar at ‘Mania 34, Heyman calls Reigns the bitch of Lesnar. Reigns makes his way out and he meets the blockade, Reigns grabs a microphone and he tries to convince the blockade to let him get by. The blockade lets him go by and Reigns gets into the ring, Lesnar immediately exits the ring and grabs a chair. Lesnar gets in the ring again and Reigns nails him with multiple superman punches, Reigns grabs the WWE Universal Title and he poses with it. Lesnar gets back up and he nails Reigns with an F-5.