Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight's edition of WWE Smackdown on FOX!
- We open tonight's show with the entrance of Roman Reigns, and Paul Heyman where they get into the ring and Roman gets on the mic and addresses Kevin Owens taking Adam Pearce's spot in the Universal Championship match at the Royal Rumble next Sunday night. Roman says that we won't see Kevin tonight before saying that he's never missed an appearance that he was scheduled for. Roman mocks Adam Pearce and talks about all of his muscles and joints that hurt, including his bad ankles he's had since college and his back. Adam comes out to the ring and interrupts Roman and Paul before saying that everything has gotten out of control. Roman says that Adam is Kevin's bitch, which means that he's definitely his bitch before saying that he has the audacity to complain about how his body feels when he hasn't wrestled in six years.
Roman says that he's never complained or stopped and that Adam just comes out and complains before saying that there's no wonder Adam never made it as a performer in the WWE. Adam threatens Paul who laughs at what Roman said before Roman says that Adam disrespected Paul which means that Adam disrespected Roman. Adam and Paul then verbally agree to and shake hands to a match between Adam and Paul.
- We get a graphic for the Intercontinental Championship match later tonight before we go back to the arena where Sami Zayn handcuffs himself to the barricade as we go to commercial.
Asuka & Charlotte Flair vs The Riott Squad (w/ Billie Kay)
Ruby and Charlotte start the match with Charlotte taking Ruby down to the mat before Asuka comes in and runs over Ruby before she and Charlotte tag in and out repeatedly. Charlotte beats on Ruby in the corner as we see Tamina and Natalya looking on from a monitor backstage before Charlotte rocks Ruby with a back elbow. Charlotte dumps Ruby out of the ring as Liv gets the blind tag before Charlotte gets distracted by Billie at ringside before Liv hits a kick from the apron. Liv then hits a diving cross body for two as we go to commercial.
We come back to Charlotte in control before Liv hits a head scissors and tags in Ruby who sends Charlotte face first into the top turnbuckle. TRS double up on Charlotte before she fights them off single handedly with chops before Charlotte hits a fall away slam to Ruby. Charlotte hits a backbreaker to Liv before Asuka comes in and hits a sliding knee for two before countering an enzuigiri into an ankle lock. Asuka hits a German suplex before Ruby gets the tag and nearly pins Asuka if it weren't for inadvertent interference by Billie. Asuka then hits a Code Breaker before Charlotte hits Natural Selection for the pin and the win.
Winner: Asuka and Charlotte Flair defeat The Riott Squad via pinfall.
- We get a graphic for Sasha Banks against Reginald later tonight as well as Bayley and Bianca Belair in an obstacle course as we go to commercial.
- We come back to Billie apologizing for costing Liv and Ruby their match before Liv and Ruby leave after saying that TRS are better off as a duo than a trio.
- Daniel Bryan comes out to the ring as we see that Sami Zayn is still handcuffed to the barricade before Daniel gets on the mic and talks about the Royal Rumble match. Daniel talks about the anticipation and the suspense surrounding the match as well as how grueling it is on the performers. Daniel talks about how he's never won a Royal Rumble match and gone on to main event Wrestlemania before he's interrupted by Cesaro. Daniel challenges Cesaro to a fight right now, but Cesaro rejects him before saying that he's already beaten Daniel and that he's going to issue an open challenge instead. Dolph Ziggler comes out to the ring and talks about how he's second on the list for most Royal Rumble matches before saying that no one can go toe to toe with him except Cesaro.
Dolph and Cesaro then tell Daniel to get out of the ring before they get ready for a match up next as we go to commercial.
Dolph Ziggler vs Cesaro
We come back from the break to the match already in progress as they grapple on the mat before Dolph locks in a sleeper and Cesaro backs to the ropes to break the hold. Cesaro hits a running uppercut in the corner into a swing for two before missing a spear in the corner and hitting the post before Dolph rolls him up for two. The two exchange a series of pin attempts for several two counts before Dolph hits the Zig-Zag for a near fall before Cesaro counters a guillotine. Cesaro then counters a Famouser into the Neutralizer for the pin and the win.
Winner: Cesaro defeats Dolph Ziggler via pinfall.
Sasha Banks vs Reginald (w/ Carmella)
Reginald gives Sasha a rose and takes his jacket off before he asks for a kiss and she slaps him before she goes for an arm drag and he lands on his feet. Sasha and Reginald exchange standing switches before Sasha knocks Reginald off of the apron and tosses him into the steps which he does a standing 450 over. Reginald dodges Sasha before countering a sunset flip before Sasha hits a bulldog before missing a running meteora. They dodge each other before Reginald catches Sasha when she goes for a diving cross body and Sasha sends him out of the ring with an arm drag. Sasha hits a meteora off of the apron before they get back inside and Reginald counters the Banks Statement before Sasha hits a monkey flip meteora.
Sasha then hits a head scissors into the Banks Statement for the tap and the win.
Winner: Sasha Banks defeats Reginald via submission.
- We go backstage to Roman and Paul where Roman reprimands Paul for putting himself in a match and putting his interests ahead of Roman's before Roman leaves as we go to commercial.
- We come back to this week's Progressive Match Flo recapping Big E defending his Intercontinental Championship against Apollo Crews two weeks ago.
WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Big E (c) vs Apollo Crews
E immediately sends Apollo out of the ring and out onto the apron with a belly to belly before hitting a running splash on the apron. Back in the ring Apollo hits a flurry of moves for an early near fall before E hits a uranage for two before Apollo hits a moonsault off of the apron. Apollo rolls E back inside and gets caught up top before headbutting E down onto the mat and hitting a missile dropkick as Sami uncuffs himself. Sami then runs in and hits Apollo with a Helluva Kick for the disqualification.
Winner: Apollo Crews defeats Big E via disqualification, but E retains due to champions advantage.
- After the match Sami lays E out with a Helluva Kick.
- We get a graphic for Adam and Paul later tonight as well as we are told that Roman has left the arena to leave Paul to handle his match with Adam on his own.
- We see Kevin Owens in his car where he cuts a promo on Roman as he says that he wasn't allowed in the building tonight before saying that Roman has never beaten him clean in the middle. Kevin talks about his tattoos and connections with his family and how he's always been inspired by his grandfathers on both sides of his family. Kevin then says that he'll be the last man standing as we go to commercial.
- We come back to The Street Profits backstage with Dolph Ziggler before he leaves and they walk up to Sonya and try to get a rematch for the tag belts, but Sonya is concerned that Montez may get hurt again. Sonya then tells Montez and Angelo to heal up and let some other teams have a shot and come back when they're good and ready.
- Bayley and Bianca Belair come out onto the stage for the obstacle course challenge before the two run the course and Bianca wins with the shortest time and with a more difficult course than the one Bayley had. Bayley then attacks Bianca once she's been announced the winner of the challenge before sending her into the basketball hoop.
- We see Lucha House Party backstage as we go to commercial.
Dominik Mysterio vs Baron Corbin
Dom lays into Baron into the corner before hitting a head scissors that sends him out of the ring before he goes for a slingshot cross body and Baron clotheslines him. Back in the ring Baron gets two before choking Dom in the ropes and whipping him across the ring and bouncing off of the turnbuckles. Dom then counters The End of Days into a drop toe hold before Baron counters a 619 and hits The End of Days for the pin and the win.
Winner: Baron Corbin defeats Dominik Mysterio via pinfall.
- We see Paul Heyman making his way from backstage and out to the ring as we go to commercial.
Paul Heyman vs Adam Pearce
Paul fakes an injury when he's getting into the ring before Paul says that the card is subject to change as Roman comes out to the ring to replace Paul.
Winner: Match never started.
Roman Reigns (w/ Paul Heyman) vs Adam Pearce
Roman immediately drops Adam with a Superman Punch before the match starts before kicking him low and sending him into the wall of screens. Roman beats on Adam and puts him on the top of the back of the stage before Kevin Owens attacks him out of nowhere. Roman sends Kevin onto the barricade before tossing him into the ring and Kevin drops Roman with a stunner when he counters a Superman Punch. Roman rolls out of the ring and gets sent into the barricade before Kevin starts stomping him on the ground as referees and agents try to stop him. Kevin then hits Roman with a second stunner before hitting a pop-up powerbomb through the announce table as we go off the air.
Winner: Match never started.