Good evening Fight Fans, it's time for Smackdown! Live, so we hope you enjoy the next two hours of action from the WWE's blue brand and while you're here you can leave a comment below and go check out our forums!
Smackdown! Women's Championship Match
Becky Lynch (c) vs Charlotte
They lock up to get started for a clean break before Charlotte hits a scoop slam and smashes Becky face first into the top turnbuckle. Becky hits a leg drop into an elbow drop before missing another elbow drop, Charlotte getting a quick two count off of a back slide before they clothesline each other. Charlotte hits a neckbreaker into a dragon screw leg whip and Becky gets out of the ring and Charlotte goes after her as we go to commercial.
Charlotte is in control as we come back to the action before Becky sends her off of the top for a quick two count and rocks Charlotte with several European uppercuts. Becky hits a fall away slam for a quick two count before Charlotte comes back with several chops and a back suplex. Becky yanks Charlotte off of the top turnbuckle and misses a diving cross body before Charlotte rolls her up for a near fall. Becky drops Charlotte with a roundhouse kick before Charlotte catches her up top this time and locks in a triangle armbar that Charlotte powers our of into a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall as we go to commercial.
Becky grabs her title and leaves up the ramp, but Charlotte is quick to roll her back into the ring and they exchange pin attempts until Charlotte spears her. Charlotte misses a moonsault before hitting a fall away suplex and rolling back into the ring, Charlotte suplexing Becky when she goes out after her. Charlotte then hits the Natural Selection before Becky rolls out of the ring and drives Charlotte into the apron before they both get counted out.
Winner: Becky Lynch retains her Smackdown! Women's Championship due to a double count out.
-After the match Charlotte chases Becky up onto the stage and spears her through the LED board.
Jeff Hardy vs Samoa Joe
Joe drops Jeff with right hands and chokes him in the ropes before Jeff dropkicks his knee and Joe rolls out of the ring to catch his breath as we go to commercial.
Joe hits a running senton for a quick two count and hits Jeff with several right hands in the corner as we return to the action before Jeff hits an inverted atomic drop into a leg drop. Joe sends Jeff out of the ring and into the ring steps before accidentally kicking the steps when Jeff gets out of the way. They get back into the ring and Jeff starts focusing on the now injured leg until the referee calls for the bell when he sees that Joe can't stand.
Winner: Jeff Hardy defeats Samoa Joe via referee stoppage.
-We get a video package for the career of Randy Orton before Paige announces a last woman standing match for the Smackdown! Women's championship for Evolution.
-The Miz is in the ring for Miz TV before introducing AJ Styles and Daniel Bryan ahead of their title match at WWE Crown Jewel. The two shake hands before AJ says that their match will stay in the ring and Daniel says that he is glad that AJ thinks he's better than Daniel. Daniel says that AJ is a very worthy opponent and that he has earned the right to think he's better than everyone else on the roster. Daniel says that he knows he can beat AJ before AJ says that Daniel hasn't had much competition and Daniel says that he came out of retirement to win the WWE championship. Daniel says that AJ is the only thing standing between him and his dream before AJ says that he's not moving and asks Daniel how good it feels to assault Miz.
They then bond over hitting Miz until Miz berates Daniel and AJ, Miz saying that he is the next in line for the belt after their match.
AJ Styles vs Shelton Benjamin
They go back and forth as we come back from commercial to the match already in progress with Daniel Bryan and The Miz on commentary as AJ hits a jawbreaker only for Shelton to hit a high back drop for a quick two count. Shelton misses a running splash in the corner before AJ hits a Pele kick and Shelton counters a Styles Clash before knocking AJ off of the apron and down onto the floor. Shelton then sends AJ into the barricade and the apron as we go to commercial.
AJ drops Shelton with clotheslines repeatedly before hitting a sliding forearm and a running clothesline in the corner, AJ quickly rolling into a Calf Killer, but Shelton gets to the bottom rope for the break relatively quickly. AJ then hits the Phenomenal Forearm for the pin and the win.
Winner: AJ Styles defeats Shelton Benjamin via pinfall with a Phenomenal Forearm.
-We get a video package for the career of Big Show.
-We have Aiden English showing the rest of the video from last week where Lana thanks Aiden for helping Rusev and his career before Aiden pauses it and has Rusev come out to the ring. Aiden says that he will destroy the video if Rusev will get rid of Lana and they reunite Rusev Day before Lana comes out and Rusev says that he should play the full tape. Rusev says that Aiden got hacked and they play the rest of the video that shows Lana spurn his advances before Aiden turns the camera off. Aiden then says that the offer is still on the table before Rusev attacks him and Aiden escapes to the back as we go to commercial.
Big Show vs Randy Orton
Show sends Randy out of the ring with one strike before Randy tries to slide back in, but show sees him and Randy opts to make him wait as we go to commercial.
Randy is in control as we return to the action, hitting a snap DDT for a quick two count before Show comes back with a clothesline and a running back elbow into a shoulder block that drops Randy. Randy rolls out of the ring, but Show grabs him and rolls him back in before Randy hits a dropkick and a draping DDT for a near fall. Show spears Randy for a quick two count before Randy rolls out of the ring when Show teases a chokeslam only for Show to grab and pull him back into the ring and hit a chokeslam for a near fall. Randy then slides out of the ring when Show teases a punch and Randy pokes Show in the eyes before hitting an RKO for the pin and the win.
Winner: Randy Orton defeats Big Show via pinfall with an RKO.