Good evening Fightful faithful and welcome to our coverage of tonight's edition of WWE Smackdown! Live! Enjoy the show and while you're here be sure to check out our forums where you can discuss all things combat sports with fellow Fight Fans, and check out our premium service Fightful Select for exclusive content!
-AJ Styles comes out to start the show and talks about his rematch against Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series this Sunday night before he's interrupted by Paul Heyman. Paul says that Brock can't wait to face AJ because of AJ's title reign and that AJ isn't who Brock really wanted to face, that being Daniel Bryan, but AJ is more than formidable an opponent. AJ says that he has been getting better during his title reign and that he has two ways to beat Brock, pinning or submitting him. Daniel Bryan comes out to the ring next and says that if AJ mentions his name again he'll punch him in the face before AJ does and he does punch him. Shane and several other people come out and separate them as we go to commercial.
-Shane argues with Daniel backstage before AJ shows up and Shane announces a WWE Championship match for tonight.
Andrade Almas vs Jeff Hardy
Almas immediately rushes Jeff before stomping him in the corner, Jeff coming back with several chops and a jaw breaker. Jeff then kicks Almas through the ropes and down onto the floor as we go to commercial.
Jeff is in control as we return to the action, hitting a jumping leg drop into a low dropkick for a quick two count. Almas counters a Twist of Fate and a Whisper in the Wind before hitting a diving stomp for a quick two count. Almas hits a running knee in the corner before dropping Jeff with a back elbow for a near fall when Almas counters another Twist of Fate. Jeff then counters a hammer lock DDT into a Twist of Fate and a Swanton Bomb for the pin and the win.
Winner: Jeff Hardy defeats Andrade Almas via pinfall with a Swanton Bomb.
-The Miz makes Jeff the final person on the team before Paige makes a match between Miz and Rey and if Rey loses he's off the team as we go to commercial.
The Miz vs Rey Mysterio
Miz immediately goes for a roll up for a quick two count before Rey comes back with a bulldog for a quick two count and Miz clotheslines him for yet another quick two count. Rey then gets out of a headlock and hits a huricanrrana that sends Miz out of the ring before he goes for a sliding splash, but Miz gets his knees up as we go to commercial.
Rey hits a seated senton into a PK for a quick two count before missing a springboard cross body and Miz hits a snap DDT for a near fall. Rey counters a skull crushing finale into a 619 before he goes for a splash, but Miz gets his knees up. Rey then pins Miz with a back slide for the win.
Winner: Rey Mysterio defeats The Miz via pinfall.
-After the match Randy Orton shows up and RKO's Miz as Rey escapes before we cut to extra security backstage watching for RAW superstars and a preview of a new show on USA tonight after Smackdown! Live on USA.
-Paige introduces the Smackdown! Women's Survivor Series team before announcing that Becky gets to pick her replacement to face Ronda this Sunday at Survivor Series. Becky comes out and announces that Charlotte will face Ronda in her place before they shake hands and she leaves.
The Bar vs New Day
Sheamus drops Kofi with a shoulder block before Kofi comes back with several kicks and tags in Xavier before New Day triple team Sheamus for a quick two count. Cesaro comes in and backs Xavier into his corner before Big Show tags himself in and chops Xavier in the corner as we go to commercial.
The Bar are doubling up on Big-E as we return to the ring for a quick two count before Xavier hits a missile dropkick and tags in Kofi who drops Cesaro repeatedly and knocks Sheamus off of the apron. Kofi then hits a diving cross body for a near fall before hitting Sheamus with Trouble in Paradise and Cesaro with S.O.S. before Show knocks him out in midair with a right hand.
Winner: The Bar defeats New Day via pinfall when Big Show pins Xavier with a right hand.
WWE Championship Match
AJ Styles (c) vs Daniel Bryan
They go back and forth to start the match by exchanging strikes until AJ sends Daniel over the top rope and down onto the floor before hitting a flying forearm to the outside as we go to commercial.
Daniel beats AJ down in the corner before AJ starts focusing on the leg of Daniel to set up the Calf Killer before Daniel pushes AJ off of the top rope when he's going for the Phenomenal Forearm and sends AJ into several ring posts. Back in the ring Daniel focuses on the arm of AJ until he goes for a double wrist lock and stomps on it like Pete Dunne does for a quick two count. They then exchange strikes until AJ rocks Daniel with a flurry and hits a running clothesline in the corner, the two clotheslining each other as we go to another commercial.
Daniel hits a frankensteiner for a quick two count before AJ catches him up top with a Pele kick and Daniel puts him in a tree of woe before hitting a low dropkick and a belly to back superplex for a very close near fall. Daniel hits the Yes Kicks before AJ goes for a Styles clash, but Daniel counters it and they rock each other with European uppercuts. AJ gets a near fall off of a roll up before hitting a Pele kick, but Daniel gets his knees up when AJ goes for a springboard 450, Daniel locking in the Yes Lock. AJ gets to the rope for the break before AJ locks in the Calf Killer and Daniel counters into an armbar before transitioning into the Yes Lock. AJ then launched Daniel into the corner before AJ hits a Phenomenal Forearm to the referee and Daniel low blows AJ before hitting a running knee stroke for the pin and the win.
Winner: Daniel Bryan defeats AJ Styles to become the new WWE champion when he defeats AJ via pinfall with a running knee strike.
-After the match Daniel attacks AJ before leaving as we go off the air.