Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 3/4/2022 edition of WWE Friday Night SmackDown on FOX. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and on Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE
- The show starts with Paul Heyman backstage, where he mentions that the fans will be lucky to acknowledge Roman Reigns. We then cut to Ronda Rousey and Sonya Deville cutting promos backstage promoting their match tonight, which was followed by The Viking Raiders and The Usos also cutting promos promoting their SmackDown Tag Team Championship. This followed by Ricochet stating that we will not see Sami Zayn as the Intercontinental Champion, which was followed by Sami Zayn that he is on his way to becoming the greatest WWE Intercontinental Champion ever.
WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Sami Zayn (c) vs Ricochet
The opening contest begins with Ricochet connecting a near fall, before evading multiple offensive attempts from Zayn with Scissors. He would try to run at Zayn, but he would be connected with a Lariat from the Champion. Ricochet would follow up by hitting an Enzuigiri for a near fall, which would be followed by a Superkick. Ricochet would attempt another Superkick on the apron, but he would get caught by Zayn with a Exploder Suplex on the Apron before the commercial break.
We come back from the break with Zayn stomping Ricochet down before going to the Middle rope, but he would be hit with a Hurranacarana from Ricochet for a near fall. Ricochet would attempt a Sommersault Hurranacarana on Zayn, but the Intercontinental Champion would catch him for a Powerbomb for a near fall.
Zayn would attempt to hit a suplex on Ricochet on the corner, but Ricochet would revere it for a near fall before connecting Zayn with a Standing Moonsault for another near fall. The challenger would connect Zayn with a Moonsault to the outside to Zayn. Ricochet would go to the another top rope move, but Zayn would send him to the outside. Before Zayn got back to the ring, Johnny Knoxville would come in to distract Sami Zayn before being hit with another Hurranacarana from Ricochet for the pinfall win, crowning Ricochet as the new Intercontinental Champion.
Winner & New WWE Intercontinental Champion: Ricochet
- We get a video recap of the Interview Vince McMahon had on the Pat McAfee Show this past Thursday, followed that we would get the announcement for Pat McAfee's opponent for Wrestlemania.
- After the commercial break, we see Sami Zayn throwing everything he sees before running down on the cameraman for following Zayn everywhere, much like Johnny Knoxville. He proceeds to challenge Johnny Knoxville to a match at WrestleMania.
- After that segment, Austin Theory would come to the ring, calling himself as the protege of Mr. McMahon. Theory would proceed to run down on Pat McAfee, proceeding to ask McAfee what would he do if he wasn't able to eat unless it was through a straw. Theory would reveal that he will be Pat McAfee's opponent at Wrestlemania, proceeding to slap McAfee before leaving ringside. Pat McAfee would proceed to run down on Austin Theory, blaming Michael Col for the proceeding of his incident with Austin Theory.
Naomi (w/ Sasha Banks) vs Carmella (w/ Queen Zelina
Before the proceeding began, Carmella would run out of the ring to put on her mask, before being kick in the head by Naomi. Naomi would proceed to go to the top rope, but Carmella would drag her to the ground and follow up with a Head Lock. Caremlla would try to cover her head again, but she would still be hit with a kick to the head for a near fall. Naomi would attempt to hit her kneed in the corner, but she would miss. Queen Zelina would try to intervening, but she would be hit with a Meteora from Sasha Banks, leading to Carmella getting hit in the corner. Naomi would hit the moonsault for the pinfall win.
Winner: Naomi (w/ Sasha Banks)
- We would see a segment with Madcap Moss, Happy Corbin, and multiple other people playing Poker, promoting Happy Corbin vs Drew McIntyre at WrestleMania.
Drew McIntyre vs Jinder Mahal (w/ Shanky)
The match begins with McIntyre and Jinder locking before Mahal would connect multiple strikes on Drew, followed by a Shoulder tackle. McIntyre would follow up with chops on Mahal, which would be turn over by Mahal with a Mule Kick for a near fall. McIntyre would proceed with 2 over head suplexes before connecting a Neck breacker on Mahal. While setting up for the Claymore, Shanky would attempt to get involved but would be run down to the post. Mahal would attempt the Kalas on McIntyre, but McIntyre would connect the Glasgow's Kiss, followed by a Claymore kick for the Pinfall win. After the match, Drew McIntrye would be interviewed by Kayla Braxton, where he stated that he would torment Corbin at Wrestlemania.
Winner: Drew McIntyre
- We get a recap of the contract signing between Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar from last week, showcasing Lesnar throwing around all the security guards on the ring.
- Rick Boogz would introduce Shinsuke Nakamura before they got ambushed by The Usos. This would be followed by The Usos being accompanied by Roman Reigns & Paul Heyman into the ring to a Thunderous ovation from the Miami crowd. Reigns reveals that he will also defend his Championship in Madison Square Garden, stating that he will smash whoever he faces. He continues to say that he wants Lesnar to retain so the WWE Champion hands the title to Reigns, with Heyman stating that "is not a prediction, that's a spoiler." Reigns would conclude that at WrestleMania, Brock Lesnar will acknowledge him.
SmackDown Tag Team Championship Match
The Usos (c) vs The Viking Raiders
The match would start with Erik taking down Jey Uso, which would be followed with Ivar hitting a running Cannonball on the outside to both of the Champions, followed by a Frog Splash from Ivar for a near fall. The Raiders would attempt the Viking Experience, but Jimmy Uso would move Jey out of the way, proceeding to send Ivar to the post and working over Erik, which would be followed with the Usos sending Erik over the barricade before the commercial break.
We come back from the break with The Viking Raiders connecting a German Suplex - Lariat combination for a near fall. Jimmy Uso would attempt a Frog Splash on Erik, but the challenger would put his knees up and would be hit with The Viking Experience for another near fall. The Raiders would attempt the combo again, before sending Ivar to the outside and connecting multiple Superkicks on Ivar before connecting the 3-D for the pinfall win and Title retention.
The Winners & still SmackDown Tag Team Champions: The Usos
- We get a backstage segment with New Day celebrating the release of Big E's toy in a Four Wheeler Motorcycle.
- Prior to the match between Big E & Sheamus, Ridge Holland would hit Kofi Kingston with a steel chair, before Big E got ambushed by Sheamus and stole the Four Wheeler out of the stage before the commercial break. They would proceed to get out of the arena and destroy Big E's Four Wheeler.
- After a recap of the Intercontinental Championship Match, Johnny Knoxville be interviewed by Kayla Braxton, stating that he broke his balls with a motorcycle. Knoxville would accept Zayn's challenge from earlier in the night, setting to collide on WrestleMania.
- After this interview, McIntyre would attempt to attack Happy Corbin with his sword before Corbin and Madcap Moss ran away from the locker room.
- We got a video package recapping the story between Ronda Rousey, Charlotte Flair, and Sonya Deville, which would be used to transition into the main event of the evening.
Ronda Rousey vs Sonya Deville
Prior to the match, Charlotte Flair would walk out to join the commentary team for the match. The main event would start with Rousey slapping Sonya, followed by a Lariat from Rousey. Rousey would attempt the arm bar, but she would be distracted by Flair before being taken down by Deville from her injured leg. Rousey would get out of Deville's headlock before hitting multiple strikes on Deville.
Rousey would proceed to connect Deville with two knee strikes and a set of punches on the corner, followed by multiple arm drags on Deville, followed by the Piper's Pit on Deville. Rousey would end the match by finally connecting the arm-bar on Deville for the Submission victory.
After the match, Charlotte Flair would walk into the ring before Rousey got Flair on an Ankle Lock for the visual submission, teasing the former UFC Champion beating Flair at Mania to end the show.
Winner: Ronda Rousey