Ric Flair wrestled his last match on July 31, teaming with Andrade El Idolo to defeat Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal.
In the match, Flair, 73, faked a heart attack on the outside, leading to a thumb poke to the eye of Lethal. Conrad Thompson and Jarrett said they tried to talk Flair out of doing the spot.
Speaking to the New York Post, Flair explained his decision to fake the heart attack.
“I did that on my own,” Flair said. “I told the referee [to tell] Jeff Jarrett to slow down. Boom, bring it back down and lay the rest of the match out. And we did that. That was an audible to get everybody back on the same track — slow down, I’m fine. It was not the plan. It was not in good taste. I realize that. It was the only thing that was going to keep everybody from going right to the finish.”
Flair has had heart surgery and has a pacemaker, which he planned to plug back in if it came unplugged during the match.
Flair admitted that he got "lost" in the match due to dehydration. He previously said he passed out twice in the match due to dehydration.
“I made the mistake of saying to someone in the match that I felt lightheaded, so everybody jumped way too early [toward the finish of the match], and I just said [in my head] that this was the only way to slow it down,” Flair said.
Flair will be part of the Money For Mongo in Chicago on September 3.
You can learn more about the event by clicking here.