The world of wrestling reacts to QT Marshall's departure from AEW.
On Monday, November 27, 2023, QT Marshall announced that he has resigned from All Elite Wrestling and that he'll be leaving the company at the end of the year.
This news came as a shock to many fans online, as Marshall has been with the promotion since day one, serving in a number of key roles.
A ton of big names in the wrestling industry took to social media to show their support for Marshall after the announcement.
Did a lot more than anyone will know.
— Ricky Starks (@starkmanjones) November 28, 2023
Feet first
Thank you for that text in 2020.
— “The MONSTAR” PowerHouse Hobbs (@TrueWillieHobbs) November 28, 2023
Thank you for being the first person to notice.
Thank you for never pulling punches with me.
Thank you for being there for the best and worst moments of my life.
Insane work ethic, pure passion, awesome talent and a legitimate desire to succeed. That’s what you are brother… I’m gonna miss you! You will be a winner no matter what you do. --
— taz (@OfficialTAZ) November 28, 2023
A man who unselfishly fought for many, including myself, behind closed doors and whom is always the utmost professional when the bell rings.
— Shawn Spears (@ShawnSpears) November 28, 2023
I’m proud to call this man a friend. The good ones always land on their feet, and I’m excited for his next chapter.@QTMarshall
When QT was promoted 3 years ago he believed enough in my hard work that I could take over some of his coordinator duties, which then lead to Special Advisor for #AEWTogether, all while building my in ring career! I owe that to you, your wife, Cody, Brandi, and NF! Thank You! --
— Capt. Shawn Dean (@ShawnDean773) November 28, 2023
QT was the first person to reach out when the pandemic hit & I found myself without any income.
— MR. PENTICO -------- (@KingSerpentico) November 28, 2023
He asked if I could make the drive to Jacksonville to film a few matches since many people couldn’t travel.
I 100% wouldn’t be where I am without him.
Thanks for everything, QT!
QT is a big reason I am at the level I’m at. Definitely wouldn’t have gotten to where I am without him. One of the best trainers in the world and an awesome wrestler. Excited to see what’s next.
— “The Frontman” Alan Angels (@Alan_V_Angels) November 28, 2023
Thank you, QT.
— Abadon_AEW (@abadon_AEW) November 28, 2023
Enjoyed so many aspects from you backstage, the similar approach to squash matches(or lack there of) and witnessing you train wrestlers, which is an entirely different skill than just being good in the ring. Best of luck #muchmorethancodysfriend
— Brian Cage (@briancagegmsi) November 28, 2023
Thank you QT!
— Penelope Ford (@thePenelopeFord) November 28, 2023
This man raised the ranks in the company all while being honest with everyone and helping others.
— JoseTheAssistant (@JoseAssistant) November 28, 2023
Insane work ethic, full of advice, a very very smart mind and love for pro wrestling.
Seeing the amount of work he does and always taking on more work is inspiring.
Thank you QT
Appreciate you, big bro.
— Big Stoke (@StokelyHathaway) November 28, 2023
When we eventually have a 7 out of 13 falls for the AAA Latin American Championship >>>>>
— Veda Scott (@itsvedatime) November 28, 2023
One of the real ones
— Brandi Rhodes (@TheBrandiRhodes) November 28, 2023
Appreciate you, QT. ----
— TAIGASTYLE (@theleemoriarty) November 28, 2023
Appreciate you so much QT. Thank you for everything --
— Red Velvet (@Thee_Red_Velvet) November 28, 2023
Thank you for bringing out Evil Danhausen
— Danhausen (@DanhausenAD) November 28, 2023
We all know whatever you touch turns to gold. I wish you the best ------
— --Caprice Coleman-- (@CapriceColeman) November 28, 2023
This man won’t boast about all the people he helped behind the scenes but as much as we’ve disliked each other, you’d have to be ignorant not to give him his flowers.
— Fuego Del Sol (@FuegoDelSol) November 28, 2023
Not only for his backstage work, but in ring work is world class, those that pay real attention know that.
I wouldn’t be a professional wrestler if it wasn’t for QT Marshall.
— Bad News & Tattoos (@CarlieBravo) November 28, 2023
He Changed my life in every way you could imagine.
Thanks for everything coach. ----
I don’t know what the future holds but what I do know is that he hasn’t scratched the surface on the great things he’s going to do.
— Amanda (@MandaLHuber) November 28, 2023
In a business like wrestling it’s hard to find people as candid as QT.
Beyond thankful for that, his leadership, & his friendship --
You are probably one of the realest people I know @QTMarshall and I will always be appreciative of that! Good luck with everything!
— Thunder Rosa (@thunderrosa22) November 28, 2023
------ Thank you for everything you’ve done QT. You most certainly will be missed.
— Dasha Kuret (@DashaKuret) November 28, 2023
Thank you for believing in me and giving me the opportunity of a lifetime, I’ve learned a lot from you and am thankful for all the laughs , lessons and memories. QTV will always be the beginning of my adventure in this amazing world of wrestling. You will be very missed by us all
— Harley Cameron (@itsdanni_ellexo) November 28, 2023
Thank you for everything, QT!
— Cole Karter (@realcolekarter) November 28, 2023
It is currently unknown what QT Marshall will do next in the world of wrestling. Fightful will update fans when more information is available.