Rob Van Dam says his reaction to Triple H offering to help him may have led to him getting heat.
Speaking on 1 Of A Kind With RVD, the WWE Hall of Famer looked back on WWE Survivor Series 2003. Co-host Dominic DeAngelo noted that WWE scripting Rob Van Dam to say "cool" and "dude" must have been frustrating.
“I mean, I could have taken more control if I would have had ideas, if I would have been inspired to look at their script and then make it my own. But that wasn’t something they I’ve ever really been good at, faking an interest in something. Now, I could probably fake it as an actor. But back then, it was more like I was myself, and so if I really was telling everybody that this match that I had with Christian on Saturday means more to me than anything in my whole life, I’m gonna be laughing at myself, and I’d feel like I’m making myself into an asshole. But now, I could probably do it. But back then, I really felt more attached to what I was saying. So when o read the script, and it’s like, ‘Cool, whatever,’ then I would never look at that and say, ‘You know what would really make this good? What if I walk into the room, and Booker T had his towel around him, and come out of the shower….’, I didn’t have that kind of inspiration. I was just like, ‘What do they want from me? I just want to wrestle.’ That is mostly how I felt. Looking back at the ECW promos, I did have some fun with the promos sometimes. They were fun. I feel like they were more what I wanted to say. Then all of a sudden, I had to talk about stuff I didn’t care about, and pretend that I did. The whole agenda was way different," Rob Van Dam said.
Rob Van Dam then described how Triple H once offered to help him with his promos. He noted that his ego and competitiveness made him feel like the offer was a knock on his promo skills. Rob Van Dam stated that the situation could have led to the long-term heat that he had.
"I was asked about this like a year or two ago. Otherwise, I would have forgot because it’s a really faint memory. But sometime, and this would have been before 2004, I think it was Hunter, offered, I think he pulled me aside and offered [to] help me with my promos. I think I was insulted by that. My ego [and] competitiveness made me feel like he was saying I couldn’t talk, and I was like, I don’t want to talk like him. ‘I’m RVD, he just don’t get me.’ I think I felt more like that, and that probably, very good chance, could have led to some of the long-term that I had while I was there, possibly, looking back at it," he said.
The legend continued by describing how it was difficult to both be true to himself and do his job as a professional. He admitted that he may have cared too much about a lot of stuff during his time with the company.
“It was hard to draw the line between being true to myself and doing the job, which, it’s being professional and just, ‘Produce this. We need you to say this. Boom, Say it.’ I gave a fuck about a lot of stuff that I probably shouldn’t have given a fuck about. Maybe. Who knows?" Rob Van Dam said.
Rob Van Dam recently said WWE needs to do credibility checks with pin kick-outs. Check out his comments here.
Click here to see what Rob Van Dam had to say about teaming up with HOOK in AEW.
Matt Riddle is set to face Rob Van Dam at Big Time Wrestling's ‘The Reunion 3’. More information is available here.
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