It's nice to know that smart people are running Impact.
Sami Callihan was recently a guest on the Interactive Wrestling Radio podcast where he talked about his new run with the company. He says that they have people there now (primarily, Scott D'Amore) who were running the company when it was at its peak. He talks about his first week there, which was positive:
Well, the first week I was there man, it is pretty bad ass. They are pretty much giving us the opportunity. I think the big thing is management hasn’t always been the best. The best way I can describe it is if you were a fan of WCW back in 1992-1993 when people were running WCW that wasn’t wrestling fans, that didn’t know wrestling. That kind of thought, “I’m going to run this company and do what I want.” I kind of attribute it to that. That kind of is where TNA (Impact) was for a while. But now, they have smart people on top. They have guys on top that were on top when TNA was at their best. Now, Scott D’Amore is helping with, majorly helping with the company. Sonjay Dutt, majorly helping with the company. Abyss, majorly helping with the company. These are guys that were helping with the company when it first was amazing. Change doesn’t happen overnight. But, these guys are slowly putting plans into motion to change TNA back to what it was. Within the next year, TNA is going to totally pull a 180 and people are going to start noticing it again
He also talked about finding himself and wanting to do a bunch of different things. It took him a while, but he eventually figured out the formula that makes Sami Callihan who he is:
I always wanted to be different. I consider my style controlled chaos. I’ve learned that style from a bunch of different times and influences throughout my career. Like, I remember at one point in my career I wanted to be a Junior Heavyweight and I wanted to do a bunch of flips. And then, I wanted to be like a big guy and do power moves. Oh, I want to be a hardcore guy and do hardcore stuff. Oh, I want to be a lucha guy and do lucha stuff. Somehow, going through those phases of my career, I somehow found the right recipe of what Sami Callihan is and it just seems to work.
Callihan has made his debuts for two big promotions as of late. On top of appearing for Impact Wrestling, he now also has started to appear for New Japan Pro Wrestling, recently debuting on their World Tag League tournament back on November 18.