Few realize it, but Sasha Banks has a well established past with the home of this Sunday's WWE TLC event, Minneapolis.
Banks revealed in an interview with City Pages that she grew up in the Richfield area from 2002-2005, where she began realizing that wrestling was what she wanted to do with her life. She contacted Eddie Sharkey about going to his wrestling school to become a wrestler, but Sharkey thought she was too young. Same with other acadamies she tried to get into.
“I had to be 16 or 18, so they all turned me down” Banks said. “So that's when I started doing MMA in Bloomington to try to get me ready for wrestling.”
She also recalls that she won front row tickets to a Raw event at Minneapolis, only to find out that one of her favorite wresters of all time, Eddie Guerrero, had just died the previous night.
“Minneapolis has such a special place in my heart, but it’s also a very sad place because I got to go to the Eddie Guerrero memorial show,” Banks remembers. “Finding out my favorite wrestler had just died there killed me, but looking at it now, to go back [to Minneapolis], it’s just goosebumps knowing that I’ve performed in that arena now.”
WWE TLC will take place this Sunday at the same arena she attended that night, the Target Center, where she will take on Alicia Fox.