"The Bad Guy" could not make it.
WWE Hall Of Famer "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall was scheduled to make an appearance at 'RIVAL PRO Wrestling's' 'Summer Rizing 2' one-year anniversary show on August 25th. Hall had been announced for the show months before its date but one day before the event it was announced on the 'RIVAL PRO Wrestling' Facebook page that Hall was unfortunately not going to be able to make his scheduled appearance due to a medical emergency. The announcement read that the emergency prevented Hall from flying to California where the show was held and the two parties were working on a date to reschedule his appearance.
Rival Pro
August 24 at 1:21 PM ·
"As we all know health is key & comes first.
Earlier this week we were contacted by GeminiSports Cards informing us that Scott Hall has had a Medical emergency but will keep us updated on his Status for the show.
This was released today by GeminiSports cards & Scott Hall
“Dear Wrestling fans, we regret to inform you that Scott Hall will not be able to make his appearance tomorrow for The Rival Pro 1st Anniversary Show: Summer Rizing.
Unfortunately due to a Medical Emergency, Scott will be unable to travel. We are working on a possible date to reschedule. Scott’s health is most important at this time and we wish him the best.
Scott loves his fans and is upset he can’t make the show but as we said his health is most important and we are working on rescheduling with him.
Gemini Sportscards”
*Us here at Rival Pro Wrestling would like send a quick prayer out to Scott Hall and wish him a speedy recovery.
We deeply apologize to all the fans that were coming out to see Scott. To all who have purchased a meet & Greet ticket GeminiSports Cards will be offering a credit to his next scheduled appearance at Rival Pro.
(Any & all questions plz address to [email protected])
•This has been a ruff road to an 1 Year Anniversary celebration. Our original main event for the RivalPro Championship was postponed due to both opponents flight schedules & being out of the country.
Now a Medical Emergency to the Bad Guy himself. This will not stop us from having one hell of a show and we hope to see you all this Saturday at Rival Pro: 1 Year Anniv."
Although the "Bad Guy" was not able to make his scheduled appearance the show still rolled on and to take a look at clips from the 'Summer Rizing 2' show, head over to the 'RIVAL PRO Wrestling' Facebook page.