Sean Waltman was Eric Bischoff's guest on a recent episode of the "Bischoff on Wrestling Podcast" and the two discussed the infamous “DX Invades WCW” moment of the Monday Night War era.
Triple H, X-Pac (Waltman), Chyna, Billy Gunn and Road Dogg showed up outside the arena where WCW Monday Nitro was being taped and tried to invade the arena. You can watch highlights of the segment in the video above.
You can read an excerpt of Waltman and Bischoff's exchange and listen to the podcast in the audio player at the bottom of the page:
Waltman: “We had no plan. In fact when we first got there I was like, “Hey, we need to go down the ramp first or else they’re going to know we are here and they aren’t going to let us in.” We wound up not going down the ramp first so we didn’t get in. What the hell would have happened Eric? Can you imagine? I’m just wondering how you would have handled it if we had gotten in.”
Bischoff: “I didn’t know about the whole “invasion” thing until it was too late. Had I known I would have said, and I know I would have said it this isn’t 20/20 hindsight… I hate that. I call bullshit on 20/20 hindsight. I know myself well enough to know that I would have said, “Bring ’em all in!” That would have been some of the best TV going! That would have been awesome! In terms of what really would have happened you know way better than I do. Ain’t nobody on my side going to fight anybody on your side in real life. No body cared enough.”
Waltman: “Or vice versa. We are the boys. It would have been a really weird, awkward situation if we had actually gotten in the building Eric.”
Bischoff: “They would have all busted out laughing for heck’s sake! There would have been guys sharing beers backstage. Are you kidding me? Come on. Am I lying?”
Waltman: “No. It brings me to thinking about when we doubled down and went to Atlanta and showed up at the offices and CNN Towers. When we showed up at the offices Eric we paid the local police off ahead of time. So when you guys called them they were already there for us. Another couple of cops showed up and there was like an argument between cops from the same police department.”