Rebuild. Reclaim. Redesign.
Seth Rollins won the WWE Universal Title on Sunday from Brock Lesnar and with it came his custom sideplates. And a new strap, as the usual snaps has been replaced with velcro. You can view video of Rollins' sideplates being inserted in the featured player above while also catching a glimpse of how the strap has changed.
A user on Twitter also pointed out the new velcro strap.
Switching the belt fastenings from snaps to velcro is the worst thing WWE did this weekend and nobody's talking about it.
— Velveteen Breen (@wiretap804) April 9, 2019
Another Twitter user pointed out that Randy Savage used velcro during his WWE Title run in the 80s. Belt Fan Dan offered explanations on why they've gone back to the velcro strap.
No official reason. Logic would lead towards the belts being larger and the wrestlers holding them being smaller. The belts should really be scaled properly. We saw the influx of velcro belts start after Elimination Chamber.
— BeltFanDan (@BeltFanDan) April 10, 2019
Small waists and larger belts
— BeltFanDan (@BeltFanDan) April 9, 2019
What are your thoughts on the velcro strap?