Stephanie McMahon says some people used to misunderstand WWE.
At the 2018 WWE Business Partner Summit, Stephanie McMahon gave a presentation in front of a crowd of investors and media. Her presentation was geared towards the impact of WWE on the entire world of entertainment. During her speech she explained why WWE transitioned to the term "sports entertainment" in their early days on television.
"Advertisers either had an adverse reactions to the words 'professional wrestling' or they simply did not understand what it was. So how could we create a term or a label potential partners could understand...that's when we coined the term 'sports entertainment,'" said McMahon.
McMahon said other parts of sports have incorporated entertainment into the presentation. She cited ESPN and musical performances during sporting events as combinations of sports and entertainment. The rest of her presentation centered around the unique entertainment value WWE provides and how that has helped the growth in the company.
The video of the top of this page comes from Pro Wrestling Unlimited where they discuss what McMahon said.