Sunil Singh was injured on the most recent edition of 205 Live.
The Bollywood Boy revealed on Instagram that he dislocated his right shoulder during the taping of his match with the debuting Grayson Waller (formerly known as Matty Wahlberg). Despite the injury, he thought of his son and fought through it. He also shared a special thank you to Scotty 2 Hotty for being by his side at the hospital. He wrote the following:
"Unfortunately at tapings this week, I dislocated my right shoulder mid match.
My pride, my heart and passion didn’t let me quit. I immediately thought of my son and continued to gut it out to finish the match.
Down but never out.
“Every set back is a set up for a comeback.”
A very special thank you to @thescotty2hotty for being a great brother and being there by my side at ER."
The full match can be seen in the video above, via WWE.
Fightful wishes Sunil all the best in his recovery.