Moose and The System went to the Hardy Compound and to the surprise of no one, everything, including reality, became broken.
On the June 13 episode of TNA iMPACT! Moose, Alisha Edwards, Eddie Edwards, and Brian Myers accepted Matt Hardy's offer to meet him at the Hardy Compound
Highlights from this latest trek into the haunted house of Hardys include the return of King Maxel to TNA television. Unfortunately for Brian Myers, he had to do one of the scariest things a grown man can do, face the demons of his past.
These particular demons included a skeleton with a blonde wig and a pair of Rated R Superstar tights, symbolizing Myers' time with Edge, memories of Myers' losing streak from his career in WWE, and even memories of Brian Myers brief time as a TNA Tag Team Champion almost a decade ago.
The skeleton, yes, the skeleton, hit a Spear on the former Edgehead, allowing King Maxel to climb a ladder and do his best invitation of his father with a top rope leg drop onto the TNA Tag Team Champion.
WHAT IS HAPPENING!? @Myers_Wrestling just had a run-in with King Maxel and a confrontation with his past!#TNAiMPACT
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) June 14, 2024
Eddie Edwards, the other half of the TNA World Tag Team Champions, ended up facing off with Wolfie Hardy.
Wolves were a theme of the segment as Eddie Edwards tried to deny his past as an American Wolf, but the full moon would not allow for this as Edwards transformed into a wolf and Wolfie Hardy howled alongside him.
Lord Wolfgang just transformed @TheEddieEdwards back into an American Wolf! #TNAiMPACT
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) June 14, 2024
Alisha Edwards had the unfortunate displeasure of running into Queen Rebecca and Gothic Baby (Eevee Hardy).
Edwards made the mistake of getting in the way of Gothic Baby who used her telekinetic powers to explode black confetti into the face of one-half of the TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championships.
Furthermore, Alisha appeared to be decapitated by Queen Rebecca.
.@MrsAIPAlisha made a serious mistake by confronting Queen Rebecca at The Hardy Compound! #TNAiMPACT @RebyHardy
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) June 14, 2024
— ------------ (@WrestlingCovers) June 14, 2024
That left Moose and Matt Hardy. Moose would be thrown into the Lake of Reincarnation and emerge as his former self, an NFL player, before eating a Twist of Fate from Matt Hardy. That's when reality was restored and the members of The System were seen back outside of the compound wondering if anything they had just gone through was real.
.@TheMooseNation just took a dip in the Lake of Reincarnation and emerged as an NFL star one more time! @MATTHARDYBRAND #TNAiMPACT
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) June 14, 2024
Jeff Hardy was also almost referenced as the family was looking at one of his paintings. However, before his name could be said, it was decided that that was not necessary.
Fightful Select has more information on Jeff Hardy's current contract status and plans for his future.
Fans can check out the lineup for TNA Against All Odds by clicking here.
Catch up with our live coverage of TNA iMPACT here. Also, check out our review podcast on YouTube.