Tenille Dashwood Talks In-Depth About Her Skin Condition, Struggles Of Dealing With It, More

Tenille goes in-depth about her condition.

On top of the nagging shoulder injury that Tenille Dashwood was dealing with, for a great portion of her life including her wrestling career, she was battling a skin condition called psoriasis. The condition causes cells to build up rapidly on the surface of the skin and can appear on various parts of the body including the face. Tenille was pulled from Ring Of Honor's tour of the United Kingdom earlier this year because of the skin condition but at that time it was unclear why she pulled out.

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Tenille decided to open up about what she was dealing with and even shared photos of her skin to use herself as an example to show others that they do not have to be ashamed of having psoriasis.


L I F E If only you could hear all the stories my skin would tell... I’ve contemplated whether I should share these picture. Vulnerability is terrifying. Growing up, I never pictured myself suffering from an auto immune disease and being covered from head to toe with a skin condition. I never pictured myself having surgery on my spine because a herniated disc was touching my spinal cord. I also didn’t imagine that I’d be recovering from a second shoulder surgery now, let alone a first! But here I am... realizing this is life. In fact, it’s these things that made me who I am! I’ve had my lows, but with each low I’ve scrambled for answers and solutions, I’ve fought, I’ve researched and I’ve done everything I can to get better. I’ve dreamed big and I’ve learned not to take life for granted. The physical damage is rough yes, but the mental and emotional damage far outweighs that. You just never know what someone is going through. Lately I’ve realized that sometimes we need some help, some encouragement, someone to speak to. We need to hear there is hope, and to know that things can get better. These picture were taken about 6 weeks ago. You can see the scar on my spine, and you can see my body marked from psoriasis. This is by no means the worst of what it’s been, this is on the mend actually. My entire body was covered. In these photo the red spots had started to calm. The white spots were the result of red marks resolving and causing loss of pigmentation. The even more extreme photos I have are reminders of how far I’ve come and that things could be worse. I added an old photo too so you can see me at one of my extreme stages like what it was again this time. Today, thankfully I am almost clear as I wait for the pigmentation to continue healing. Our bodies are amazing... We need to take care of them, and sometimes we need help from others to get there. Hopefully I can help someone now, whatever you are going through. There is hope! I’m thankful for what I’ve learned from @mygoodnessrecipes and @medicalmedium and I’m thankful for my Mum, my family and my friends for being there for me as I heal! #WorldPsoriasisDay #psoriasis -- @lovesquish

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She recently sat down with Alicia Atout of 'A Music Blog, Yea?' and talked about how she struggled with psoriasis and how it began to flare up again while she was doing overseas tours and had travel back to the United States and ended up in hospitals and doctor offices.

“Yeah, it always gets me a bit emotional." Tenille said of talking about her skin condition. "Yeah, but it’s in my family. My dad has it, my brother has it. It’s a skin condition that at one point or a few points in my life - when I was young it broke out of out no where. I didn’t really know what it was and basically then we realized, ‘Okay, it’s psoriasis’ and realized it was hereditary, and I've had a few bad flares throughout my life but otherwise its kind of been controllable, and people didn’t know I had it really, but I’ve had it all throughout my career and I would wear certain things to hide it, or just all kinds of things. I don’t wear my hair down often sometimes if it’s on my neck or you know - people wouldn’t know it though. You can get by and just do what you gotta do. But recently I had a huge flare-up. One of the worst I’ve ever had and that was when I was doing a bunch of overseas tours. I went to New Zealand, Australia and my skin just went crazy." She said. "I got sick and everything. I ended up at the hospital at one point in New Zealand… I’m sorry, the doctors office in New Zealand and then I went to Chicago after that and then went back to Orlando - ended up at the hospital just because I was an absolute mess, but yeah, I just thought all these things happen for a reason - it’s another quote I always put, but I just looked back and thought, ‘Well maybe this happened because, now I’m at a point in my life where I have a platform to reach people and maybe it’s up to me to reach out and say, you know this is life and these things happen and let other people know that it’s okay and they don’t have to be ashamed or embarrassed, or feel like they’re alone especially'. So it can be other things. It’s not just… a physical thing that you can see and, ‘Oh that looks bad’. It’s more like an emotional, physical thing that people are dealing with that no one knows about so that’s why it’s important I think to show understanding, and let other people in on what we go through.”



Tenille underwent shoulder surgery a number of weeks ago and to read about she's doing post-surgery, check out Fightful's published article on the topic.

If the quote in this article is used, please credit AMBY with an H/T to Fightful for the transcription.

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