Thunder Rosa/Kobra Moon was recently interviewed by IWR of Wrestling Epicenter. You can see the full interview at this link, and highlights below:
Madison Rayne choosing to leave ROH for Impact:
"She's a very outspoken woman. She knows what she wants. She's been in the business since she was 19. I feel like when somebody leaves a company or asks for their release, it is because they feel they can do something more in other places or better opportunities come up. I feel like Madison went wehre she feels she has a better opportunity to do better. The Impact Knockouts division is getting stronger. I think she wants to be a part of that too."
On if she is eyeing that Impact Knockouts Division also:
"Absolutely. That is something my team, my husband, and I have been talking about. (laughs) The possibility of working in other places and asking for opportunities. Right now, our focus is Japan. There are some other things in the works. But, I have to reach out to them and see if that would be a possibility for me to have an opportunity."
On the acting aspect of her persona in Lucha Underground:
"That is interesting. We as wrestlers, we are trained to wrestle and have the best matches possible. But when I started, I started as a manager. So, I always knew that if I got injured, that was a possibility that I could shine on. This character (Kobra Moon) is so different from all the characters that you have seen on TV because of the snake... It is very gimmicky. I was very invested in making sure this character went over, quote unquote, or that the people really were engaged in this character so that when I would wrestle, it would make more of an impact. It was a really good experience for me. English is my second language. Most of my promos were in English. Pronunciation and memorization was a big thing. With TV, you could do a lot of things. But, when it was live, you had to make sure you could convey the story live and through the TV. It was really good. I actually really did enjoy that part of the show. It challenged me in a different way to where I had to be in a certain mindset and perform different emotions instead of "Oh, let me just kick you in the head and sell for me." You had to act!"