Tommaso Ciampa Takes Notes On Randy Orton's Wife Hitting Him With An RKO

Tommaso Ciampa takes notes on RKO form.

Over the course of the past few weeks, Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa have been uploading several videos to social media where Ciampa has attempted to hit Randy Orton with his finisher, the RKO, from out of nowhere. So far, Ciampa has been unsuccessful at attempting the move backstage, in catering and at the swimming pool.

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However, with some new tape, Ciampa may be able to find success as he reacted to a clip of Orton's wife successfully hitting Randy with an RKO.

Both Orton and DIY have been attacked in recent weeks by The New Bloodline, with Ciampa and Gargano being laid out by Jacob Fatu at the culmination of last week's SmackDown.

Fightful recently interviewed Tommaso Ciampa, which you can watch here.

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