Daniel Bryan thinks he knows what Carmella sees in James Ellsworth, and it's not his charming personality.
On Talking Smack last night, Renee Young brought up Carmella and James Ellsworth and how crazy it is that they are together. Daniel Bryan has a theory, though.
"You know why I think Carmella is with James Ellsworth? ... Well, you know around the locker room, did you know that sometimes we call him James Hogsworth. James 'Big Hog' Hogsworth."
Renee couldn't handle it. I think the thought of nude James Ellsworth, with a big ol' swingin' eggplant emoji, it just broke her.
But Bryan wasn't done. According to the SmackDown GM, when Ellsworth enters the locker room, everyone stops what they're doing and starts chanting "Big Hog, Big Hog, Big Hog."
There is apparently also an accompanying dance which goes with the "Big Hog" dance, but Bryan appeared unwilling to recreate it on the air..
Boo. I wanted to see one half of "Double Meat" tear up the dance floor.
Oh, didn't I mention it? Daniel Bryan says that he used to team with Rick Viktor of the Ascension, way back in the day, and their tag team name was "Double Meat."
Getting back to the Carmellsworth story, there's a Fallout Video from last night (which you can watch at the top of the page) that shows Carmella telling Ellsworth that she wants to take their relationship slow and keep it professional for now.
Maybe that's just an excuse because she knows she couldn't handle The Hog.
We can't be sure, just yet.
Something else of note: Daniel Bryan has insinuated that James Ellsworth is packing a good-sized trouser python before. Perhaps not coincidentally, he wasn't on the next three weeks of Talking Smack. Shane McMahon co-hosted the show with Renee Young in Bryan's absence and the product greatly suffered.
So if that truly wasn't a coincidence, look for Bryan to miss a couple of episodes of Talking Smack as punishment for being a repeat offender and insisting on bringing up James Ellsworth's ... um ... DOUBLE MEAT.