Trick Williams: I Asked Booker T If We Could Run It One Time

Trick Williams would welcome a match against Booker T.

Booker T has added to the aura of NXT Champion Trick Williams, performing ad-libs during Trick's entrance. Along with being announcer for NXT, Booker stays active by training at Reality of Wrestling, and hopping in the ring on occasion.

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Appearing on The Masked Man Show, Trick was asked if he's thought of asking Booker for one more match in WWE.

"I already asked Booker, 'Can we run it one time?' He can still go. He's in the gym all the time. He hasn't slowed down one bit. It's up to him. If we can make it happen. I'm game. I'll put the title on the line," said Trick.

Booker did make a surprise appearance in the 2023 Royal Rumble.

Elsewhere during the interview, Trick commented on working with Sexyy Red in NXT. You can find his full comments by clicking here.

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