Triple H says Global Localization will provide more content for the fans of WWE.
At the 2018 WWE Business Partner Summit, Triple H explained the term Global Localization which WWE has began using in regards to their international expansion and regional try-outs. As Chris Harrington pointed out, WWE trademarked the term right before WrestleMania 34.
During the speech, Triple H discussed how NXT became it's own "phenomenon" which prompted WWE to create a way to find more talent for NXT as they move onto the main roster.
"I quickly realized NXT needed a feeder system of it's own. We had to re-imagine again how and where we were recruiting. We had to find the right people not only inside of the United States but outside as well," said Triple H.
The term Global Localization was created by Triple H for what WWE has already started. He spoke about how many live events and tours WWE has been embarking and the WWE fans wanting even more of the product. He said Global Localization is an attempt at "scaled versions" of the template WWE created with the Performance Center and NXT. Triple H said the goal is to hold try-outs, train athletes, and create "on-the-ground NXT style brands" in different regions around the world.
The video of the 2018 Business Partner Summit can be seen on the WWE corporate website.