Triple H Says WWE Won't Have Censor Issues With Netflix

Triple H comments on WWE Raw moving to Netflix.

WWE Raw will officially move to Netflix in January 2025, marking the first time the program will be off cable television since it premiered in 1993.

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Appearing on the Pat McAfee Show, Triple H was asked if there would be changes to the program once the show moves to Netflix.

"We spend large chunks of our time, every day, when we're not thinking about the business at hand now, we're thinking about those moments. In the fall, as the shows shift around, and then once we get to Netflix. Netflix is a completely different animal. It's a streaming service. How are commercials going to work? How are breaks going to work? What's the length of time? What are the restrictions or not restrictions? Being on Fox, if the crowd chants 'holy shit' or something worse, they take the audio (out). Sometimes, they take the picture and the audio out and it's a black screen. The Rock comes in and you can't tell what The Rock to do. He does what he does. We won't have those issues with Netflix. The ability to be live globally and be seen live everywhere is a game-changing moment. In many ways, that's sort of where the world is heading; streaming services. The NFL is sticking its toe in the water. NBA, every sport. It's why this Netflix deal, for us, is so game-changing and everyone is going to be watching us in January, especially other sports, from the business side, they're going to be watching to see what we do, what we do differently, and how it's received," he said.

WWE Raw will air on USA Network through the end of the year. WWE SmackDown will move from Fox to USA in October.

Elsewhere during the interview, Triple H commented on Jacob Fatu's debut. You can find his full comments by clicking here.

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