When Tyrus left Impact Wrestling, it was because of one person -- Jeff Jarrett.
He spoke to HuffPost recently about his departure from Impact. He says that it was a frosty relationship with Jarrett that caused him to leave this past August:
“When Jeff Jarrett came along — because him and I have an uncomfortable history — I just wasn’t comfortable with the management” he said.
The story goes that when Global Force Wrestling was launched in 2015, Jarrett wanted him in for their TV and live events. However, Jarrett's falling out with Impact at the time meant that they didn't want him working with Jarrett. He said that it wasn't fair to him that he ended up in the middle between the two. Jarrett urged him to jump ship, but Tyrus decided to stay.
Two weeks later, Tyrus says, a familiar person showed up that got him a bit upset.
“Two weeks later, at the TV tapings, guess whose ass is there working the shows? Jeff Jarrett,” Tyrus revealed. in a jaw-dropping revelation. “I was like, ‘Bitch, [are] you crazy?!?’ Who does that?”
“Check it: If I would have quit and taken money out of my family’s mouths, went and worked there and then, ‘Oh, we’re going to have to go work Impact…’ How would that have gone?!” he added.
He largely avoided the Impact vs. GFW storyline that lasted a few months. Once he came back from shooting a movie, he found out that Jarrett was coming back on board, which caused him to leave.
“Unless [Jarrett] and I were going to have a sitdown, which just wasn’t going to happen, I knew this was not going to be a spot for me,” he said. “I just wasn’t comfortable with it.”
Since leaving Impact, the former Brodus Clay has worked on various films, including the upcoming Katie Holmes picture The Doorman. He is also a guest on various Fox News shows.