It's no secret that Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty caused their fair share of trouble during their days in WWE.
The duo initially joined the WWE in 1987, but were fired after one day due to a bar incident, which no one could seem to actually recall on Shawn Michaels' A&E Biography.
Michaels and Jannetty would return to the company in 1988.
Speaking on Michael's A&E Biography, The Undertaker recalled his first memories of The Rockers.
"I met Shawn in 1990. [Shawn and Marty] were fun loving guys. They tested me a little bit with their antics. They were both pretty much peckerheads. I gotta call a spade a spade," said Undertaker.
Despite his personal opinion of Shawn and Marty, Undertaker did praise their work as a tag team.
"They were definitely innovators, doing tandem moves together and such a cohesive unit. The fans were nuts for them, especially the women. The long hair and all that," he said.
Undertaker and Michaels would go on to have some of the most famous matches in WWE history during their respective careers. While they weren't always friends behind the scenes, they grew to have mutual respect and are friends today.
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